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Virol J. 2008; 5: 107.
Published online 2008 September 26. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-5-107.
PMCID: PMC2562995
Iota-Carrageenan is a potent inhibitor of rhinovirus infection
Andreas Grassauer,corresponding author1,2 Regina Weinmuellner,1 Christiane Meier,1,2 Alexander Pretsch,1,2 Eva Prieschl-Grassauer,1,2 and Hermann Unger2
1Marinomed Biotechnologie GmbH, Veterinaerplatz 1/HA, A-1210 Vienna, Austria
2Laboratory of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary University Vienna, Veterinaerplatz 1, A-1210 Vienna, Austria
corresponding authorCorresponding author.
Andreas Grassauer: andreas.grassauer/at/; Regina Weinmuellner: regina.weinmuellner/at/; Christiane Meier: christiane.meier/at/; Alexander Pretsch: alexander.pretsch/at/; Eva Prieschl-Grassauer: eva.prieschl/at/; Hermann Unger: hermann.unger/at/
Received July 23, 2008; Accepted September 26, 2008.

Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are the predominant cause of common cold. In addition, HRVs are implicated in the worsening of COPD and asthma, as well as the loss of lung transplants. Despite significant efforts, no anti-viral agent is approved for the prevention or treatment of HRV-infection.

In this study we demonstrate that Iota-Carrageenan, a sulphated polysaccharide derived from red seaweed, is a potent anti-rhinoviral substance in-vitro. Iota-Carrageenan reduces HRV growth and inhibits the virus induced cythopathic effect of infected HeLa cells. In addition, Iota-Carrageenan effectively prevents the replication of HRV1A, HRV2, HRV8, HRV14, HRV16, HRV83 and HRV84 in primary human nasal epithelial cells in culture. The data suggest that Iota-Carrageenan acts primarily by preventing the binding or the entry of virions into the cells.

Since HRV infections predominately occur in the nasal cavity and the upper respiratory tract, a targeted treatment with a product containing Iota-Carrageenan is conceivable. Clinical trials are needed to determine whether Iota-Carrageenan-based products are effective in the treatment or prophylaxis of HRV infections.