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PubMed Document Delivery

PubMed has a feature for ordering articles while searching called Loansome Doc. After you order articles, we will receive your requests and then email the documents to you. The service is only available for the clients of ACF, IHS, OS, PSC or SAMHSA.

  • Register for the service by contacting the Document Delivery staff at nihlibill-r@mail.nih.gov or by phone at 301.496.4651.

Additional information for Loansome Doc

  • There is a link to PubMed on every page of the HSRL website under Quick Links.
  • To start ordering documents using PubMed, perform a search. Then, select the desired citations by clicking the check box next to each citation. After marking your selections, look for the Send to menu and choose Order.
  • General information about the Loansome Doc Ordering System.
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