Topic: endocrine & metabolic diseases (en)
Title: Humoral Manifestations of Malignancy.
Author: Shoback, D.; Funk, J.L.
Source: IN: Gardner, D.; Shoback, D., eds. Greenspan’s Basic and Clinical Endocrinology. 8th ed. Columbus, OH: McGraw Hill. 2007. pp 817-830.
Availability: Available from McGraw Hill. PO Box 182604, Columbus, OH 43272. Phone: 1-877-833-5524. Email: customer Website: Price: $59.95.
Abstract: This chapter about the humoral manifestations of malignancy is from a textbook about endocrinology that describes the scientific principles and clinical management of patients with endocrine-related diseases and disorders. The authors note that both endocrine and nonendocrine tumors secrete polypeptide hormones. Topics discussed include ectopic hormone and receptor syndromes, hypercalcemia of malignancy, ectopic Cushing’s syndrome, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, non-islet cell tumors and hypoglycemia, other hormones secreted by tumors, oncogenic osteomalacia, and gut hormones. A list of abbreviations is provided. 4 tables. 38 references.

Format: Book Chapter
Language: English.
Major Keywords: Endocrine Diseases and Disorders. Physiology. Pathology. Endocrine System. Hormones. Patient Care Management. Diagnosis. Therapy. Cancer. Tumor. Complications.
Minor Keywords: Etiology. Hypercalcemia. Hypoglycemia. Gastrointestinal Tract. Cushing’s Syndrome.
Publication Number: ENBK10061
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