Table of Contents - How to Access:
- In vitro anticancer assays
- In vivo screening
- Web-accessible data sets and data mining tools
- Individual research compound samples
- Compound library sets
- Cell lines, tumors, or research animals
- Preclinical Development and Clinical Resources
The drug discovery and development resources of the DTP are widely available to the NIH intramural program. The following paragraphs describe these resources and the means by which NIH intramural investigators access them.
Discovery Resources
In vitro assays. Materials can be evaluated in our primary anticancer NCI60 screen. To submit small molecules to these screens, utilize the DTP on-line submission form.Submit biologics (Antibody, Gene Therapy, Oligo, Peptide, Vaccine, Other) via a brief letter (e-mail or memo) describing the biologic and any special handling/testing requirements to (or for more information on these services):
Drug Synthesis & Chemistry Branch, DTP
6130 Executive Boulevard (EPN), Room 8028
Bethesda, MD 20892-7448Once the small molecule or biologic is accepted for testing, instructions for shipment of the sample to the storage contractor will be supplied to the researcher.
In vivo screening.For no cost in vivo testing (hollow fiber, limited xenografts). Intramural researchers may request such testing by making an application to the Joint Development Committee
Web-accessible data sets and data mining tools from our in-house screening programs and extramural collaborations.
- Bulk data for download including: Bulk data for download including: Human tumor cell line assay, AIDS antiviral assay data, yeast assay data, chemical structures, characterizations of molecular targets in cell lines, data from the Botstein/Brown Stanford U. Microarray Project
- Tools for searching and analyzing data including: Searches by chemical name, NSC number, substructure, COMPARE searches.
Synthetics: Small amounts of synthetic and pure natural product compounds are available to investigators for research purposes. Compounds are requested via the on-line sample request form. Samples are available at no charge but for shipping, which is covered by a FedEx account number. The investigator must execute an on-line Simple Letter Agreement (SLA) in order to receive the sample.
Natural Product Extracts: extracts from the Natural Products Repository are available either in vials or in 96 well plates for distribution to researchers through the Open Repository Program and the Active Repository Program. Access to these programs will be subject to signing a Material Transfer Agreement protecting the rights of all parties. See: for more information.
Biologic agents: The Biological Resources Branch Preclinical Repository is an NCI-sponsored facility which contains bulk cytokines, monoclonal antibodies, and cytokine standards that are maintained under carefully controlled storage conditions. The purpose of this facility is to maintain a constant and uniform supply of high quality reagents for scientists. There is no charge for this service. See: for additional information
Compound Libraries (Compounds supplied on microtiter plates).
- Small "Discovery" Sets. The structural diversity (1990 compounds), mechanistic diversity (879 compounds all active in the 60 cell line assay), and challenge sets (57 compounds active in the 60 cell line assay with undetermined mechanism) are widely available to intramural researchers. An explanation of the background of these sets is available at These sets may be requested using the on-line form.
- The 140,000 Compounds plated set. Plates in 10,000 well increments, up to the entire 140,000 plated set, are available for molecular target-based assays. Requestors must use the on-line request form..
Cell Lines, Tumors, Animals. The Biological Testing Branch of DTP provides cell lines, tumors and animlas free of charge to the NIH intramural program. A complete description of this service is available at:
Preclinical Development and Clinical Resources
To access resources ranging from mechanistic studies, non-GMP resynthesis, early formulation, pharmacology and pre-range-finding toxicology studies to full preclinical development and clinical trials, for either biologic or small molecules, researchers should present data to the Joint Development Committee (JDC) of the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis. For more information about the JDC, please see: