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::. Hazardous Materials Incidents and
Accidental Spills

Hazardous Chemical Spill Procedure

  1. Close the windows and doors and have everyone leave the room.

  2. Call the Fire Department: 911 on-campus; 9-911 off-campus.
  3. The Fire Department provides medical attention/transportation to any exposed/injured employees and assists with the spill clean-up.

  4. Wash all parts of the body that may have come in contact with the material with copious amounts of water and wait for the Fire Department to respond. Eyes should be flushed for 15 minutes. For minor exposures, rinse the area thoroughly and report to the Occupational Medical Service, Bldg. 10, Room 6C306 (301) 496-4411.

  5. Do not reenter the room until the Fire Department or appropriate authorities determine that the area is safe.

Researchers should be familiar with the contents of the NIH Chemical Hygiene Plan.

Some spills involving small quantities of hazardous material (<100ml) may be remediated by the laboratory staff. However, if there is any question they should consult with the Safety and Health Specialist at (301) 496-2346 or NIH Fire Department before initiating any action. The NIH Fire Department non- emergency number is (301) 496-2372.

Spills with Biological Materials

Pathogenic agents Immediately evacuate the contaminated area and contact both the Fire Department (911 or 9-911) and NIH Division of Occupational Health and Safety [(301) 496-2346]. Do not enter or reenter an unsafe area. Contaminated clothing should be removed and decontaminated in an appropriate method. Skin contamination will require the use of an approved antibacterial soap and vigorous rubbing for 10-15 minutes to decontaminate properly. Personnel in adjacent areas should be notified to prevent them from entering the area. Care should be taken to prevent spreading the agent to other areas. After proper decontamination, exposed personnel should report directly to NIH Occupational Medical Service in Bldg. 10, Room 6C306 (301) 496-4411.

Non pathogenic agents or agents that have low virulence should be covered with paper towels to help contain the material. Pour a 10% bleach solution on the cover. Allow the material to sit for the appropriate contact time (30 minutes minimum).

At the end of the contact time, the material can be picked up and disposed of in an MPW box. When cleaning, start at the outside and wipe in concentric rings toward the center.

Proper PPE must be worn when cleaning (i.e., gloves, labcoat, eye protection with respiratory protection as needed).

Notify your Safety and Health Specialist.

Centrifuges: Do not open lid if you suspect that a tube has broken. If you open the lid and identify that a tube has broken immediately close the lid. Leave the area. Inform co-workers of the situation so they do not go into the area. Post the room if necessary. Keep the lid closed for at least one hour to allow the aerosols time to settle. Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to clean the spill. Proper PPE includes gloves, labcoat, eye protection with respiratory protection as needed. Surfaces should be thoroughly wiped down with a fresh 10% bleach solution and paper towels. Paper towels should be disposed of as medical pathological waste (MPW).

All injuries and exposures are required to be reported to the NIH Occupational Medical Service in Bldg. 10, Room 6C306 (301) 496-4411.

Spills or Incidents with Radioactive Materials

Consult with your Area Health Physicist at Radiation Safety at (301) 496-5774. Get the details about radiation spills and clean up procedures.

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