/********************** COMMENTS ***********************************/ /* IF YOU RECEIVED NCH FILES BEFORE JANUARY 2006 THEN YOU WILL */ /* NEED A DIFFERENT INPUT STATEMENT. PLEASE CONTACT ANGELA MEEKINS VIA */ /* E-MAIL MEEKINSA@IMSWEB.COM AND AN INPUT STATEMENT WILL BE SENT TO */ /* YOU. */ /* For cancer files, Patient Identifier is @03 REGCASE $char10. */ /* For non-cancer files, Patient Identifier is @03 HICBIC $char11. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /*************** IMPORTANT PROGRAMING NOTES ************************/ /* TO IDENTIFY CLAIMS PER PATIENT */ /* */ /* Unlike HHA, Hospice and Outpatient, DME and NCH use only the link */ /* number (column 232) and REGCASE/HICBIC to identify a claim for each */ /* patient. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ *filename nchin '/directory/nch98.txt'; /*reading in an un-zipped file*/ filename nchin pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/nch98.txt.gz'; /*reading in a zipped file*/ options nocenter validvarname=upcase; data nch; infile nchin lrecl=543 recfm=f missover pad; input @001 ric_cd $char1. @002 rec_lvl $char1. @003 regcase $char10. /*@003 HICBIC $char11.*/ /*Non Cancer ID*/ @014 bic $char2. @016 state_cd $char2. @018 cnty_cd $char3. @021 bene_zip $char9. /************************Special Permission Required********************/ @030 sex $char1. @031 race $char1. @040 ms_cd $char2. @050 from_dtm $char2. @052 from_dtd $char2. @054 from_dty $char4. @058 thru_dtm $char2. @060 thru_dtd $char2. @062 thru_dty $char4. @066 disp_cd $char2. @068 fi_num $char5. @073 pmtdnlcd $CHAR1. @088 asgmntcd $CHAR1. @089 rfr_upin $CHAR6. @095 cdgncnt $CHAR1. @096 benepaid 15.2 @111 dedapply 15.2 @126 hcpcs_yr $CHAR1. @127 clinecnt $CHAR2. @129 prpayamt 15.2 @144 bld_ded 4. @148 bldfrnsh 4. @152 pmt_amt 15.2 @167 pdgns_cd $CHAR5. @172 alowchrg 15.2 @187 sbmtchrg 15.2 @202 bene_pmt 15.2 @217 prov_pmt 15.2 @232 link_num $char10. /*use link number to identify a claim*/ @261 perupin $CHAR6. @267 prv_type $CHAR1. @268 prvstate $CHAR2. @270 prozip $CHAR9. /************************Special Permission Required********************/ @279 hcfaspec $CHAR2. @281 carrspec $CHAR2. @283 prtcptg $CHAR1. @284 astnt_cd $CHAR1. @285 srvc_cnt 4. @289 hcfatype $CHAR1. @290 carrtype $CHAR2. @292 plcsrvc $CHAR2. @294 frexpenm $CHAR2. @296 frexpend $CHAR2. @298 frexpeny $CHAR4. @302 lsexpenm $CHAR2. @304 lsexpend $CHAR2. @306 lsexpeny $CHAR4. @310 hcpcs $CHAR5. @315 mfrcd1 $CHAR2. @317 mfrcd2 $CHAR2. @319 betos $CHAR3. @322 linepmt 15.2 @337 lbenpmt 15.2 @352 lprvpmt 15.2 @367 ldedamt 15.2 @382 lprpaycd $CHAR1. @383 lprpayat 15.2 @398 coinamt 15.2 @413 llmtamt 15.2 @428 prpyalow 15.2 @443 blood 4. @447 submamt 15.2 @462 alowamt 15.2 @477 lab_num $CHAR10. @487 lab_amt 15.2 @502 proindcd $CHAR1. @503 pay80cd $CHAR1. @504 dedind $CHAR1. @505 payindcd $CHAR1. @506 mtuscnt 4. @510 mtusind $CHAR1. @511 linediag $CHAR5. @516 dgn_cd1 $char5. @521 dgn_cd2 $char5. @526 dgn_cd3 $char5. @531 dgn_cd4 $char5. @536 year $char4. @540 rec_count $char3. @543 filler $char1. ; label rec_lvl = '2 - Near-line rec. version' ric_cd = '3 - NCH Near-line RIC' bic = '8 - BIC' state_cd = '10 - State code' cnty_cd = '30 - County code' bene_zip = '37 - Zip code (Special Permission Required)' sex = '38 - Sex code' race = '39 - Race code' ms_cd = '41 - Medicare Status code' from_dty = '11 - Year of From date' from_dtm = '11 - Month of From date' from_dtd = '11 - Day of From date' thru_dty = '12 - Year of Thru date' thru_dtm = '12 - Month of Thru date' thru_dtd = '12 - Day of Thru date' disp_cd = '27 - Claim disposition code' fi_num = '34 - Ficarr id number' pmtdnlcd = '48 - Carrier payment denial code' asgmntcd = '55 - Carrier provider assignment' rfr_upin = '53 - Carrier referring physician (upin)' hcfaspec = '108 - HCFA provider spec code' prv_type = '104 - Provider type' hcfatype = '113 - HCFA type service code' prtcptg = '110 - Provider participating ind.' proindcd = '141 - Line processing indicator' pay80cd = '142 - Line payment 80/100% code' dedind = '143 - Line servicd deductible ind' payindcd = '144 - Line payment indicator' mtuscnt = '145 - Carrier miles/time/units/serv count' mtusind = '146 - Carrier miles/time/units/serv indicator' mfrcd1 = '120 - Initial modifier code' mfrcd2 = '121 - Second modifier code' hcpcs = '119 - Hcpcs code' submamt = '137 - Submitted charge amount' alowamt = '138 - Allowed charge amount' carrspec = '109 - Carrier provider spec code' carrtype = '114 - Carrier type of service' plcsrvc = '115 - Line place of service' frexpeny = '117 - Year of Line first expense' frexpenm = '117 - Month of Line first expense' frexpend = '117 - Day of Line first expense' lsexpeny = '118 - Year of Line last expense' lsexpenm = '118 - Month of Line last expense' lsexpend = '118 - Day of Line last expense' srvc_cnt = '112 - Line service count' linediag = '147 - Line diagnosis code' lab_num = '139 - Line clinical lab num' lab_amt = '140 - Line clinical lab charge amt.' linepmt = '125 - Claim payment amount' ldedamt = '128 - Deductible amount' llmtamt = '132 - Limit amount' blood = '136 - Line blood deductible pints quant.' lprpayat = '130 - Primary payer claim payment amount' lprpaycd = '129 - Primary payer code' perupin = '101 - Line performing provider' prozip = '107 - Line performing provider zip (Special Permission Required)' astnt_cd = '111 - Line reduced payment physician asst. code' dgn_cd1 = '97 - ICD-9-CM code #1' betos = '122 - Betos Code' year = 'Claim Year' link_num = 'Link Number' prpayamt = '51 - Carrier Claim Primary Payer Paid Amount' cdgncnt = '76 - Carrier Claim Diagnosis Code Count' benepaid = '58 - Carrier Claim Beneficiary Paid Amount' dedapply = '61 - Carrier Claim Cash Deductible Applied Amount' hcpcs_yr = '62 - Carrier Claim HCPCS Year Code' clinecnt = '77 - Carrier Claim Line Count' bld_ded = '70 - Claim Blood Deductible Pints Quantity' bldfrnsh = '69 - Claim Blood Pints Furnished Quantity' pmt_amt = '50 - Claim Payment Amount' pdgns_cd = 'Principle Diagnosis Code' alowchrg = '59 - NCH Carrier Claim Submitted Charge Amount' sbmtchrg = '60 - NCH Carrier Claim Allowed Charge Amount' bene_pmt = '57 - NCH Claim Beneficiary Payment Amount' prov_pmt = '56 - NCH Claim Provider Payment Amount' prvstate = '106 - Line NCH Provider State Code' lbenpmt = '126 - Line Beneficiary Payment Amount' lprvpmt = '127 - Line Provider Payment Amount' coinamt = '131 - Line Coinsurance Amount' prpyalow = '134 - Line Primary Payer Allowed Charge Amount' dedind = '143 - Line Service Deductible Indicator Switch' payindcd = '144 - Line Payment Indicator Code' rec_count = 'Counter Variable for Each Claim' ; run; proc contents data=nch position; run;