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NHANES Analysis Web Tutorial

Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) surveys have provided unique opportunities to study major nutrition, infection, environmental, and chronic health conditions in the U.S. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) makes NHANES datasets publicly available on its website. However, all NHANES users face similar challenges because of the complexity of NHANES' survey design and vast amount of information available in NHANES data.

NCI with NCHS to develop Web-based tutorials to promote broader and more proficient use of NHANES data. The tutorials are composed of numerous modules that provide background information to help users understand key concepts and that take users step-by-step through typical analytic procedures. Relevant NHANES data information, explanations for SAS or SUDAAN programs, and downloadable sample program code are provided to facilitate the learning process.

The tutorial is designed for a wide range of NHANES users, including public health and other government staff, research and education community analysts, public health and medical professionals, and other groups interested in NHANES.

There are currently five tutorials:

Future plans include the development of an additional tutorial to help users analyze NHANES physical activity data. NCI led the development of the dietary tutorial and will lead development of the physical activity tutorial.

Last modified:
20 Oct 2008
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