Issuing Office: OFM 301-496-4379 or 301-402-8831
Release Date: 1/23/06


The following requirements/procedures will apply when generating an HHS-348 action:

Special Requirements for OD Executive Level Sponsored Travel

• Specifically, for sponsored travel by the OD Executive Officer, the HHS-348 and the NIH Certification Checklist should be completed as follows: 

1) The Deputy Director, NIH signature as the Recommending Official via off-line mechanism (i.e. NBS Travel Request Form) prior to approval of the travel authorization.
2) Approved Official Duty Activity Form from Ethics.
3) The OD Executive Officer electronic certification as the traveler.
4) The Deputy Director for Management, NIH signature/certification as the Authorizing Official. (An Administrative Officer from the Immediate Office of the Executive Officer may approve on-line to enter the document into the financial system).

• Specifically, for sponsored travel by the Deputy Directors/Associate Directors/Office Directors, OD, the HHS-348 and the NIH Certification Checklist should be completed as follows: 

1) The Deputy Director, NIH signature as the Recommending Official via off-line mechanism (i.e. NBS Travel Request Form) prior to approval of the travel authorization.
NOTE: In a scenario where the above official does not report directly to the Deputy Director, NIH, the official’s supervisor will effect this action.
2) Approved Official Duty Activity Form from Ethics
3) Complete travel package inclusive of the traveler's electronic certification. 
4) The OD Executive Officer approval as the Authorizing Official.

Special Requirements for IC Director Sponsored Travel

Specifically, for sponsored travel by the IC Director, the automated version of the HHS-348 form and NIH Certification Checklist should be completed as follows: 

1) The IC Executive Officer signature as the Recommending Official via off-line mechanism (i.e. NBS Travel Request Form). 
2) Approved Official Duty Activity Form from Ethics
3) Complete travel package inclusive of the IC Director electronic certification as the traveler.
4) The Deputy Director for Management, NIH signature/certification as Authorizing Official. (An IC Executive Officer or Administrative Officer may approve on-line to enter the document into the financial system.

Pre-Trip Guidelines

• In accordance with DHHS Travel Manual Chapter 1-70 and the Office of Government Ethics, all required reviews and approvals should be conducted and obtained before NIH employees conduct travel with expenses paid by a nonfederal source. 

• Once the employee receives a Letter of Invitation, email, or telephone call (documentation required) from a sponsor, he or she is to notify their supervisor immediately and send a copy of the Letter of Invitation and the Official Activity Duty Form to the appropriate IC Ethics Official for proper clearance, prior to processing a travel request. 

• The employee should also notify the appropriate IC program support/administrative staff person in order to begin the automated travel system HHS-348 process. 

• A complete travel package inclusive of the Certification Checklist must be completed and certified by the employee and then forwarded to the appropriate Authorizing Official for approval. 

• All HHS-348 actions are to be processed through the NIH automated travel system. 
(NOTE: Approvals through the automated travel system generate the data into the NIH Accounting System). 

• The HHS-348 Request Package is comprised of the signed Travel Request Form, Travel Authorization, Omega Itinerary, HHS-348, Certification Checklist (completed and certified/signed), Original Inviting Document, and approved Official Duty Activity Form from Ethics. 

• The original HHS-348 Request Package is to be maintained in a designated location determined by the respective IC. 

Post-Trip Guidelines

Upon completion of the trip, a Voucher Package comprised of a completed and signed/certified voucher with all necessary receipts, HHS-348 with traveler's certification/signature (may be done via eVoucher or manually), Certification Checklist, check from sponsor made payable to the DHHS/NIH (if applicable), Letter of Invitation, Official Duty Activity Form, and copy of Notification for Foreign Travel (NFT) (if applicable), must be submitted to and maintained in a designated location determined by the respective IC.

The sponsor's original reimbursement check, a copy of the HHS-348 and a copy of the Travel Voucher must be transmitted directly to the OFM Travel, Fellowships, and Cashier's Section, Building 31, Room B1B23. The check should be annotated with "Sponsored Travel" and the Travel Authorization Number.

Be sure that sponsor's original reimbursement check is clearly recognizable by attaching it to the front of the Travel Voucher.

• If total payment is In-Kind, a copy of the voucher package does not need to be submitted to OFM. However, the traveler is required to submit a voucher package to the IC Administrative Office to ensure that the data is processed in the automated travel system accordingly, and for auditing purposes.

• The Center for Information Technology will continue to generate the Semi-Annual Sponsored Travel Report which is required by the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management/OS and the Office of Government-wide Ethics.

• Sponsored Travel records in the IC should be maintained in accordance with NIH Manual Chapter 1743, Section 1500 "Travel and Transportation".




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