Laboratory of Cell Biology
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
National Cancer Institute
Lab staff  

Chief: Michael M. Gottesman, M.D.

Deputy Chief: Vincent Hearing, Ph.D.

Principal Investigators: Ettore Appella, M.D., Suresh Ambudkar, Ph.D., Michael Gottesman, M.D., H. Robert Guy, Ph.D., Vincent Hearing, Ph.D., Michael Maurizi, Ph.D., Sriram Subramaniam, Ph.D., Di Xia, Ph.D., Victor Zhurkin, Ph.D.

Visit the Center for Cancer Research LCB Web Site for information on LCB Scientific Research Programs and current staff members for each section or unit.

Office of the Chief (Personnel & Duties)

Consuelo Holguin - Administrative Lab Manager (Rm 2108, 301-496-1530) - responsible for providing administrative support and assistance in such core areas as budget, human resources, travel, site visits, technical information and clerical assistance

Laura Banes - Secretary (Rm 2108, 301-594-3429) - provides a full range of clerical and administrative support

George Leiman (Rm 2144B, 301-451-5162) - Editorial Assistant/Technical Writer - handles MTA records, certain manuscripts, manuscript approval for MDR, some graphics, seminar scheduling, ITAS, LCB monthly manuscript list, LCB library, LCB and CCR website administration

Barbara Murphy (Rm 2106, 301-402-0687) -Technical Lab Manager - handles LCB supply inventory, maintenance agreements, space and budget management, property custodian, surplus property, MTAs/Letters of Understanding (shipping), key and training requests

Joyce Sharrar - Program Assistant (Rm 2113, 301-402-1646) - handles special projects for Michael Gottesman, some assistance with personnel for Dr. Gottesman's research group

Seminar Schedule
All seminars are at 2:15 in Room 2041, unless otherwise indicated


3 Ding-Wu Shen, MDR section

Cisplatin Resistance: A Consequence of Multiple Epigenetic Changes?



24 Wonseon Choi, Pigment Cell Biology Section

26 Special Seminar, 9:30-10:30, Péter Tompa, Institute of Enzymology, Biological Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (guest of Ettore Appella)

See complete seminar schedule