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Julio C. Valencia, M.D.

Laboratory of Cell Biology
Pigment Cell Biology Section
Staff Scientist
National Cancer Institute
Building 37, Room 2132
37 Convent Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892


Julio C. Valencia, M.D. is a Staff Scientist for the Pigment Cell Biology Section, Laboratory of Cell Biology, National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland, USA. In 1997, he received both his Bachelor in Medicine Degree and Medical Doctor Degree from San Marcos University School of Medicine in Lima, Peru. Following an internship and Internal Medicine training at Edgardo Rebagliatti Martins Hospital, Lima, Peru; He completed a 3 years post-doctoral fellowship in the Pathology Section and Pulmonary critical Care Medicine Branch at the National, Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), NIH. My primary expertise is the analysis and applications of confocal microscopy with emphasis in the subcellular localization for organelle proteins. Dr. Valencia is author and co-author of several scientific papers on basic research published in highly respected journals as Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, J. Cell Science; FASEB J., Biochem. J. and other highly respected scientific journals. Dr Valencia's main interest is the analysis of trafficking and sorting mechanisms of melanocyte-specific proteins both in melanocytes and in melanoma cells.

This page was last updated on 7/15/2008.