Monitoring Cancer Screening
Several efforts designed to monitor levels of cancer screening usage, trends in cancer screening and determinants of cancer screening usage are supported by
the Applied Research Program. The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Cancer Control Supplement provides periodic national estimates of cancer screening
and factors that influence cancer screening, for breast, prostate, colorectal, and cervical cancer. Similar information for 2000, with more detail for specific
racial-ethnic subpopulations, is available from the California Health Interview Survey. The
characteristics and performance of screening mammography programs in the United States and other nations are evaluated through
the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium,
the HMO Cancer Research Network,
and International Cancer Screening Network. Information on the policies and practices of healthcare
professionals and health plans in regard to colorectal cancer screening is reported by the 2000
National Survey of Colorectal Cancer Screening Practices.
To learn more about what the program is supporting in these areas of research, visit these Web sites: