International Opportunities Expo

International Opportunities Expo: May 15th, 2008


Expo 2008

The 5th International Opportunities Expo, which was recently held on Thursday, May 15th, 2008 at the Natcher Conference Center, was a rousing success. The Expo provided a great opportunity for fellows to obtain information on research, grants and job opportunities available overseas and in their respective home countries. Our Featured Plenary Speaker was Dr. Steven Buchsbaum, Senior Technology Strategy Officer for Global Health Discoveries at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Dr. Buchsbaum introduced fellows to the Gates Foundation and the Global Health mission, and also showcased the new $100M funding opportunity for innovative ideas in his seminar. His seminar was well received by the audience, who later stayed back to ask Dr. Buchsbaum more questions regarding the foundation and new funding opportunity. Later on the day, we had several exhibitors showcasing the recent developments in their respective countries. The presentation of several exhibitors can be viewed by clicking on the links listed below:

This year’s exhibitors is listed (in alphabetical order) and contains links to the embassy and/or the country’s scientific organizations:


            -  Austrian Scientists and Scholars in North America

Belgium (Wallonoa and Brussels Regions)
            -  Embassy of Belgium

            -  The State of Sao Paoblo Research Foundation
            -  NIHAABR

            -  Canadian Institutes of Health Research
            -  National Sciences and Engineering Canada
            -  CNRS
            -  INSERM

            -  The Helmholtz Association of German National Research Center

            -  Department of Biotechnology  (job vacancies with the government)
            -  Department of Science and Technology (links to other gov't-funded programs and research institutes)

            -  Human Frontier Science Program
            -  ERA-Link USA
            -  Science Foundation Ireland

            -  Japan Science and Technology Agency
            -  Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
            -  Korea-US Science Cooperation Center  

            -  Embassy of the Netherlands

            -  Foundation for Polish Science                       

            -  Education and Science Office at the Embassy of Spain          

            -  Office of Science, Technology & Higher Education at the Embassy of Switzerland
            -  The Swiss Portal for Research and

            -  Department of Life Sciences, National Science Council
            -  Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica
            -  National Health Research Institutes


For those who would like to learn more about the career fair, please read the following articles regarding previous years' career fairs:

Last updated on: 07/14/2008