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Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Division of Intramural Research

Latest DIR Publication

2007 DIR Annual Report Image

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Unit on Neuronal Connectivity

Head: Chi-Hon Lee

Our group is interested in how neurons make precise connections during development and how the resulting neural circuits guide animal behavior. We use the Drosophila visual system as a model system because (1) its circuits are genetically hard wired, (2) its architecture is similar to that of vertebrates, and (3) excellent genetic tools are available for manipulating genes and neuronal activity. In both vertebrates and invertebrates, the neuronal connections are often organized into columns and layers, which facilitate information processing and propagating. Our studies focus on a subtype of photoreceptor neurons, the R7s, that project axons within single retinotopic columns to a specific layer in the brain. We combine forward-genetic, biochemical, and cell-biological approaches to determine the molecular mechanisms that control column- and layer-specific targeting of R7 axons. In recent years, we have extended our research to visual information processing, especially color vision. Our study focuses on the first-order interneurons, which receive direct and indirect inputs from several photoreceptor neuron subtypes and likely serve as color opponent neurons. By correlating connectivity and function in the first-order interneurons, we hope to determine the neuronal mechanism of color vision.
