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Key Points

  • Bronchoscopy is a procedure used to look inside the lungs' airways.
  • During this procedure, your doctor inserts a bronchoscope (a thin, flexible tube) through your nose or mouth, down your throat, and into your airways. At the tube's tip are a light and a mini-camera, so the doctor can see your windpipe and airways.
  • This procedure is usually done to find out the cause of a lung condition, such as a tumor. Sometimes it's done to treat a lung problem.
  • Your doctor may decide to do a bronchoscopy if you have an abnormal chest x ray or computed tomography (CT) scan. This is the most common reason for bronchoscopy. Chest x rays and CT scans can show tumors, pneumothorax (collapsed lung), or signs of infection.
  • Bronchoscopy also can be done to remove something stuck in the airway or to place medicine in the lung to treat a lung problem. It can be used to check for swelling in the upper airways and vocal cords of people who were burned around the throat area or inhaled smoke from a fire.
  • In children, bronchoscopy is used to remove something blocking the airway. In some cases, it's used to find out what's causing a cough that has lasted for at least a few weeks.
  • Bronchoscopy is done in a special clinic or hospital. Your doctor will give you medicine to numb your nose and throat and make you sleepy and relaxed. Then, your doctor will insert the bronchoscope and look at your lungs. He or she may take a sample of lung fluid or tissue for further testing, or he or she may insert a stent (small tube) to hold the airway open as part of the procedure.
  • If there's a lot of bleeding in your lungs or a large object stuck in your throat, your doctor may use a bronchoscope with a rigid tube. A rigid bronchoscopy is usually done in a hospital operating room while you're under general anesthesia. Anesthesia is used so you will sleep through the procedure and not feel any pain.
  • The bronchoscopy itself usually takes about 30 minutes. But the entire procedure, including preparation and recovery time, takes about 4 hours.
  • Bronchoscopy can show a tumor, signs of an infection, excess mucus in the airways, the site of bleeding, or something blocking the airway, like a piece of food.
  • Bronchoscopy is usually a safe procedure. However, there's a small risk for problems. These problems may include a drop in your oxygen level during the procedure, minor bleeding, or developing a fever or pneumonia.
  • A more serious risk is a pneumothorax, or collapsed lung. In this condition, air collects in the space around the lungs, which causes them to collapse. The condition is easily treated.
  • For a few days after the procedure, you may be hoarse and have a sore throat. Call your doctor right away if you have chest pain, trouble breathing, or cough up more than a few tablespoons of blood.

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