Walking & Bicycling Related Questions from PA Questionnaires

71. 2002 National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Attitudes and Behaviors (NSPBAB)

http://www.bts.gov/omnibus_surveys/targeted_survey/ 2002_national_survey_of_pedestrian_and_bicyclist_attitudes_and_behaviors/ survey_questionnaire/html/questionnaire.html

The questions in the NSPBAB were not cognitively tested (communication with author: Neil Russell).

Survey Questionnaire



(READ:) First, I will ask you some questions about biking, then about walking.

1. Do you have a bicycle available for your use on a regular basis?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(1301)

2. On average during the summer months, how often do you use a bicycle? (Read 1-4) (If necessary, read:) Summer months are May through September.

  1. At least once a week
  2. At least once a month, but not weekly
  3. Less than once a month, but at least once during the summer
  4. Never
  5. (DK)
  6. (Refused) _____(1302)

(If code 1 in #2, Continue;
If code 2 in #2, Skip to #2b;
If code 3 in #2, Skip to #2c;
If code 4 in #2, Skip to #2e;
Otherwise, Skip to #49)

2a. On average during the summer months, how many days per week do you use a bicycle? (Open ended and code)

  1. 1 day a week
  2. 2 days a week
  3. 3 days a week
  4. 4 days a week
  5. 5 days a week
  6. 6 days a week
  7. 7 days a week/every day
  8. (DK)
  9. (Refused) _____(2160)

(All in #2a, Skip to #2c)

2b. (If code 2 in #2, ask:) On average during the summer months, how many days per month do you use a bicycle? (Open ended and code actual number)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

2c. Thinking about the past 30 days, about how many of those days did you ride a bicycle? (Open ended and code actual number)

00 None
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

(If code 00 in #2c, Continue;
Otherwise, Skip to "Read" before #4)

(There is no #2d)

2e. What is the primary reason you [(If code 4 in #2, read:) never ride a bike in the summer/(If code 00 in #2c, read:) have not ridden a bike more recently]? (Open ended and code) (Probe to make sure response is coded accurately)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Bad weather/wrong season
  7. Too busy/no opportunity
  8. Bike is broken
  9. No safe place to ride
  10. Disability/other health impairment
  11. Don't have access to a bike
  12. Other transportation is faster
  13. Don't know how to ride a bike

(ALL in #2e, Skip to #42, Ask #42, Skip to #44, Ask #44, then Skip to #48a)

(There is no question #3)


(READ:) For this next series of questions, I would like you to think of the LAST day you rode a bike (not a stationary bike), for any reason, in the past 30 days.

4. How many days ago was the last day you rode a bike? (Open ended and code actual number of days)

00 None/Today
31 31 or more days ago - (Skip to #48a)
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)


I would now like to know about EACH of the individual trips that you made on this day. A TRIP is defined as going from a starting point to a destination for a specific purpose without any stops along the way. If you left your house to go on a bike ride with no real destination and returned to your house that would be considered ONE trip. If you rode from your house to a friend's house for a visit, then rode back home, that would be TWO trips. If you rode from your home to a friend's house, then to a store, and then back home again, that would count as THREE trips. I am going to ask about these individual trips one at a time.

5. How many trips did you make on this most recent day you rode your bike? (Open ended and code actual number)

31 31 or more
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)



6. Thinking of this last day that you rode your bike, what was your starting point for [(If code 01 in #5, read:) this trip/(If code 02-33 in #5, read:) your first trip of the day]? (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Home
  7. Friend or relative's home
  8. Work
  9. School/Campus
  10. Park/field
  11. Grocery store/Drug store/Convenience store
  12. Mall/Strip mall/Shopping center
  13. Restaurant
  14. Train/subway/bus station

7. What time did you begin [(If code 01 in #5, read:) this trip/(If code 02-33 in #5, read:) your first trip of the day]? (Open ended and code hour and minutes and a.m./p.m.)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

  1. a.m.
  2. p.m.
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(1324)

(If code 06 in #6, Skip to #9a;
If code 09 in #6, Autocode as 09 in #8
AND Skip to #9;
If code 10 in #6, Autocode as 12 in #8
AND Skip to #9;
Otherwise, Continue)

8. Was the area within 1/4 mile of where you started your trip (read 06-12, as appropriate, then 01)?

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Residential
  7. Commercial (If necessary, read:) such as shopping, retail or service business
  8. HOLD
  9. Public buildings (If necessary, read:) schools, hospital, government
  10. Industrial (If necessary, read:) manufacturing or factory
  11. Agricultural (If necessary, read:) or farm
  12. Recreational (If necessary, read:) Parklands

9. Was the starting point in a (read 06-08)?

  1. Or something else (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Downtown city area (If necessary, read:) like a central business district
  7. Urban or suburban area
  8. Rural town or farm

9a. What was the main purpose of this trip? (Do not read categories) (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Commuting to work or school
  7. Recreation
  8. Exercise/for my health
  9. Personal errands (to the store, post office, and so on)
  10. Required for my job
  11. Drop off/Pick up someone
  12. Visit a friend or relative
  13. HOLD

10. Where did this trip end? (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)/A location you cannot remember
  3. (Refused)/A location you prefer not to share
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Home
  7. Friend or relative's home
  8. Work
  9. School/Campus
  10. Park/field
  11. Grocery store/Drug store/Convenience store
  12. Mall/Strip mall/Shopping center
  13. Restaurant
  14. Train/subway/bus station

11. About what time did you get to your [(If code 02-33 in #5, read:) first] destination? [(If 02-33 in #5, read:) Remember this is your first stop of the day.] (Open ended and code hour and minutes and a.m./p.m.)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

  1. a.m.
  2. p.m.
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(1335)

(If code 06 in #10, Skip to #14;
If code 09 in #10, Autocode as 09 in #12
AND Skip to #13;
If code 10 in #10, Autocode as 12 in #12
AND Skip to #13;
Otherwise, Continue)

12. Was the area within 1/4 mile of where you ended this trip (read 06-12, as appropriate, then 01)?

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Residential
  7. Commercial (If necessary, read:) such as shopping, retail or service business
  8. HOLD
  9. Public buildings (If necessary, read:) schools, hospital, government
  10. Industrial (If necessary, read:) manufacturing or factory
  11. Agricultural (If necessary, read:) or farm
  12. Recreational (If necessary, read:) Parklands

13. Was the ending point in a (read 06-08)?

  1. Or something else (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Downtown city area (If necessary, read:) like a central business district
  7. Urban or suburban area
  8. Rural town or farm

14. How far did you bike on this trip? (If necessary, read:) What was the distance from where you started to your first destination? (Open ended and code actual number of blocks, miles, kilometers, etc.) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: Probe to get an actual number, not a range)

  1. UNITS
    1. Other (list)
    2. (DK) (Skip to #16)
    3. (Refused) (Skip to #16)
    4. HOLD
    5. HOLD
    6. Blocks
    7. Miles
    8. Kilometers
  2. RECORD WHOLE NUMBER HERE: (NOTE: Record fraction of a number on next screen)

    00 Less than 1
    97 97+
    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)


  1. 1/8 (response in #14)
  2. 1/4 (response in #14)
  3. 1/3 (response in #14)
  4. 1/2 (response in #14)
  5. 2/3 (response in #14)
  6. 3/4 (response in #14)
  7. (DK)
  8. (Refused)

0 (No fraction or portion of block/mile/kilometer/etc.) _____(2301)

(Question #15 moved to #9a)

16. Did you ride mostly on (read 06-11, then 01)?

  1. Or some other surface (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Paved roads, not on shoulder
  7. Shoulders of paved roads
  8. Bike lanes on roads
  9. Sidewalks
  10. Bike paths, walking paths or trails
  11. Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)
  12. HOLD
  13. (Grass or fields)
  14. (Running/Walking track)

17. On this trip, did you ride on a surface that was mainly (read 06-08, then 01)?

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Flat
  7. Flat with a hill or two
  8. Mostly hills

18. How many other people were with you on this trip? (Open ended and code actual number of people)

00 Traveled alone
31 31+
32 (DK) 33 (Refused)

(If code 01 in #5, Continue;
Otherwise, Skip to #21)

19. Did you take any more bike trips on this day?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to Clock before #35)
  3. (DK) (Skip to Clock before #35)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to Clock before #35) _____(1357)

20. How many more bike trips did you take on this day? (Open ended and code actual number)

31 31 or more
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)

(SURVENT NOTE: Ask #21-#34 for each trip before going to the next trip, if applicable)

21. Now, I'll ask you about your (read A-E, as appropriate) trip. You just mentioned you ended your last trip at (a) (response in #10 or #26 A-D, as appropriate). Is this where you started your (read A-E) trip of the day?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (No more trips) - (Skip to Clock before #35)
  4. (DK)
  5. (Refused)

(For each code 1 in #21 A-E,
Autocode response from #10 or #26 A-D, as appropriate
into #22 A-E, as appropriate AND Skip to #23;
Otherwise, Continue)

22. What was your starting point for this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Home
  7. Friend or relative's home
  8. Work
  9. School/Campus
  10. Park/field
  11. Grocery store/Drug store/Convenience store
  12. Mall/Strip mall/Shopping center
  13. Restaurant

23. (If code 02-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) About what time did you begin this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code hour and minutes and a.m./p.m.)

  1. (If code 02-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Second

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1405)
  2. (If code 03-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Third

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1410)
  3. (If code 04-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Fourth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1415)
  4. (If code 05-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Fifth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1420)
  5. (If code 06-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Sixth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1425)

24. Was the area within 1/4 mile of where you started this trip (read 06-12, as appropriate, then 01)?

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Residential
  7. Commercial (If necessary, read:) such as shopping, retail or service business
  8. HOLD
  9. Public buildings (If necessary, read:) schools, hospital, government
  10. Industrial (If necessary, read:) manufacturing or factory
  11. Agricultural (If necessary, read:) or farm
  12. Recreational (If necessary, read:) Parklands

25. Did this trip begin in an area that was in a (read 06-08)?

  1. Or something else (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Downtown city area (If necessary, read:) like a central business district
  7. Urban or suburban area
  8. Rural town or farm

25a. What was the main purpose of this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code) (Do not read categories)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Commuting to work or school
  7. Recreation
  8. Exercise/for my health
  9. Personal errands (to the store, post office, and so on)
  10. Required for my job
  11. Drop off/Pick up someone
  12. Visit a friend or relative
  13. HOLD

26. Where did this trip end? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)/A location you cannot remember
  3. (Refused)/A location you prefer not to share
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Home
  7. Friend or relative's home
  8. Work
  9. School/Campus
  10. Park/field
  11. Grocery store/Drug store/Convenience store
  12. Mall/Strip mall/Shopping center
  13. Restaurant
  14. Train/subway/bus station

27. About what time did you get to your destination for this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code hour and minutes and a.m./p.m.)

  1. (If code 02-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Second

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1460)
  2. (If code 03-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Third

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1465)
  3. (If code 04-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Fourth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1470)
  4. (If code 05-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Fifth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1475)
  5. (If code 06-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Sixth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1480)

(If code 06 in #26, Skip to #30;
If code 09 in #26, Autocode as 09 in #28
AND Skip to #29;
If code 10 in #26, Autocode as 12 in #28
AND Skip to #29;
Otherwise, Continue)

28. Was the area within 1/4 mile of where you ended this trip (read 06-12, as appropriate, then 01)? (Display A-E, as appropriate)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Residential
  7. Commercial (If necessary, read:) such as shopping, retail or service business
  8. HOLD
  9. Public buildings (If necessary, read:) schools, hospital, government
  10. Industrial (If necessary, read:) manufacturing or factory
  11. Agricultural (If necessary, read:) or farm
  12. Recreational (If necessary, read:) Parklands

29. Was the ending point in a (read 06-08)? (Display A-E, as appropriate)

  1. Or something else (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Downtown city area (If necessary, read:) like a central business district
  7. Urban or suburban area
  8. Rural town or farm
  1. (If code 02-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Second
  2. (If code 03-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Third
  3. (If code 04-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Fourth
  4. (If code 05-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Fifth
  5. (If code 06-33 in #5 OR code 1 in #19, ask:) Sixth

30. How far did you bike on this trip? (Open ended and code actual number of blocks, miles, kilometers, etc.) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: Probe to get an actual number, not a range)

  1. UNITS
    1. Other (list)
    2. (DK) (Skip to #32)
    3. (Refused) (Skip to #32)
    4. HOLD
    5. HOLD
    6. Blocks
    7. Miles
    8. Kilometers
  2. RECORD WHOLE NUMBER HERE: (NOTE: Record fraction of a number on next screen)

    00 Less than 1
    97 97+
    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)


  1. 1/8 (response in #30 A-E, as appropriate)
  2. 1/4 (response in #30-A-E, as appropriate)
  3. 1/3 (response in #30-A-E, as appropriate)
  4. 1/2 (response in #30-A-E, as appropriate)
  5. 2/3 (response in #30-A-E, as appropriate)
  6. 3/4 (response in #30-A-E, as appropriate)
  7. (DK)
  8. (Refused)

0 (No fraction or portion of block/mile/kilometer, etc.)

(Question #31 moved to #25a)

32. On this trip, did you ride mostly on (read 06-11, then 01)? (Display A-E, as appropriate)

  1. Or some other surface (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Paved roads, not on shoulder
  7. Shoulders of paved roads
  8. Bike lanes on roads
  9. Sidewalks
  10. Bike paths, walking paths or trails
  11. Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)
  12. HOLD
  13. (Grass or field)
  14. (Running/walking track)

33. On this trip, did you ride on a surface that was mainly (read 06-08, then 01)? (Display A-E, as appropriate)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Flat
  7. Flat with a hill or two

34. How many other people were with you on this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code actual number of people)

00 Traveled alone
31 31+
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)

35. [Is the bike trip/Are the bike trips] you just reported typical of the kind(s) of trips you usually take?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(1631)

(If ONLY code 07, 08 or BLANK in #9a and #25a A-E,
Skip to #38;
Otherwise, Continue)

36. On that day, were other types of transportation available to you that you could have used instead of your bike?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #38)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #38)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #38) _____(1632)

37. (If code 1 in #36, ask:) What is the main reason that you chose to ride a bike instead of some other form of transportation that day? (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Bike is cheaper
  7. Bike is faster
  8. For the exercise
  9. For recreation
  10. No parking
  11. Enjoy biking/Good weather

38. Did you feel threatened for your personal safety at any time when you rode your bike that day?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #39)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #39)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #39) _____(1635)

38a. (If code 1 in #38, ask:) Did you feel threatened for your personal safety because of any of the following? How about (read and rotate A-E, then F)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused)
  1. Motorists _____(2211)
  2. The potential for crime _____(2212)
  3. Uneven walkways or roadway surfaces _____(2213)
  4. Dogs or other animals _____(2214)
  5. Too much bicycle or pedestrian traffic _____(2215)
  6. Something else? (If "Yes", ask:) What else? (Open ended)
    1. Other (list)
    2. (DK)
    3. (Refused)
    4. No/Nothing else
    5. HOLD

(If code 1 in #38a-A, Continue;
Otherwise, Skip to #39)

HOLD 0 (1636-1642)

38b. What did motorists do to make you feel threatened? (Open ended and code) (Allow three responses)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Cut me off
  7. Entered intersection without looking
  8. Drove very close to me
  9. Honked at me
  10. Almost hit me/near miss
  11. Just the presence of the motorist was threatening
  12. Too fast

39. You may have already mentioned this but, the last time you rode your bike, was it dark or near-dark outside for any part of your ride?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK/Not sure)
  4. (Refused) _____(1649)

39a. During the past year, how much of your biking was done when it was dark or nearly dark outside? (Read 5-0)

5 Nearly all
4 More than half
3 About half
2 Some
1 Almost none
0 None
6 (DK)
7 (Refused) _____(1650)

(If code 2-5 in #39a, Continue;
Otherwise, Skip to "Read" before #41)

39b. When you ride your bike after dark, do you do anything to make yourself more visible to motorists?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to "Read" before #41)
  3. (DK) (Skip to "Read" before #41)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to "Read" before #41) _____(1651)

40. (If code 1 in #39b, ask:) What do you do to make yourself or your bike more visible after dark? (Open ended and code) (Allow three responses)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Use bike headlight
  7. Use bike taillight
  8. Wear fluorescent or reflective clothing/shoes
  9. Wear other lights on self or belongings
  10. Ensure bicycle has reflectors
  11. Ride only in well-lit areas


(READ:) Now I would like to know about your biking habits.

41. Compared to about a year ago, would you say you are now riding a bike more often, less often or about the same amount?

3 More often
2 Same amount
1 Less often
4 (DK)
5 (Refused) _____(1658)

42. Are bike PATHS, that is, paths away from the road on which bikes can travel, available [(If code 2-4 in #1, read:) in the area where you live/(If code 1 in #1 AND code 4 in #2, read:) in the areas where you would ride/(If code 1-3 in #2, read:) in the areas where you ride]?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #44)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #44)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #44) _____(1659)

42a. (If code 1 in #42, ask:) Do you ride on bike paths (read 5-1)?

5 Every time you ride a bike (Skip to #44)
4 Most of the time (Skip to #44)
3 Some of the time (Skip to #44)
2 Hardly ever, OR (Continue)
1 Never (Continue)
6 (DK) (Skip to #44)
7 (Refused) (Skip to #44) _____(1660)

43. (If code 1 or 2 in #42a, ask:) What is the main reason that you choose not to use the bike paths? (Open ended and code) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: If respondent says, Don't like them; Probe for why)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Not in good repair
  7. Don't go where I need to go
  8. Too crowded with bicycles or pedestrians
  9. HOLD
  10. Don't feel safe

44. Are bike LANES, that is, marked lanes on a public road reserved for bikes to travel, available [(If code 2-4 in #1, read:) in the area where you live/(If code 1 in #1 AND code 4 in #2, read:) in the areas where you would ride/(If code 1-3 in #2, read:) in the areas where you ride]?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #46a)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #46a)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #46a) _____(1663)

44a. (If code 1 in #44, ask:) Do you ride in bike LANES (read 5-1)?

5 Every time you ride a bike (Skip to #46a)
4 Most of the time (Skip to #46a)
3 Some of the time (Skip to #46a)
2 Hardly ever, OR (Continue)
1 Never (Continue)
6 (DK) (Skip to #46a)
7 (Refused) (Skip to #46a) _____(1664)

45. (If code 1 or 2 in #44a, ask:) What is the main reason that you choose not to use the bike lanes? (Open ended and code) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: If respondent says, Don't like them; Probe for why)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Not in good repair
  7. Don't go where I need to go
  8. Too crowded with bicycles or pedestrians
  9. HOLD
  10. Don't feel safe

46a. When riding your bike in the street, do you typically ride (read 1-2)?

  1. Facing traffic, that is, riding against the direction of the cars
  2. With traffic, that is riding in the same direction as the cars
  3. (Varies/Depends)
  4. (Not applicable/Never ride in the street)
  5. (DK)
  6. (Refused) _____(1667)

46b. When riding your bike on sidewalks, do you typically ride (read 1-2)?

  1. Facing traffic (If necessary, read:) that is, riding against the direction of the cars
  2. With traffic (If necessary, read:) that is riding in the same direction as the cars
  3. (Varies/Depends)
  4. (Not applicable/Never ride on sidewalks)
  5. (DK)
  6. (Refused) _____(1668)

46c. In the past two years, were you ever injured while you were riding a bike? Only count injuries that required attention by a medical professional.

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #47)
  3. (DK/Not sure) (Skip to #47)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #47) _____(1669)

46d. (If code 1 in #46c, ask:) Was this injury a result of being hit by a motor vehicle?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(1670)

47. When riding a bike, do you wear a helmet for (read 6-1)?

6 All of your rides
5 Nearly all of your rides
4 Most of your rides
3 Some of your rides
2 Not very many of your rides
1 Never or you don't have access to a helmet
7 (DK)
8 (Refused) _____(1671)

(If code 6 in #47, Skip to #48a;
Otherwise, Continue)

48. What are the reasons you don't always wear a bike helmet? Is it because (read and rotate A-I, then read J)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused)
  1. You forget to wear it _____(2218)
  2. You don't think helmets provide much protection in case of accident _____(2219)
  3. You don't like the way you look when you wear a helmet _____(2220)
  4. Helmets obstruct your vision _____(2221)
  5. Helmets are uncomfortable _____(2222)
  6. You don't wear a helmet for short trips _____(2223)
  7. It's too hot wearing a helmet _____(2224)
  8. Helmets cost too much _____(2225)
  9. You don't have a helmet _____(2226)
  10. Some other reasons? (If "Yes", ask:) What other reason? (Open ended and code)
    1. Other (list)
    2. (DK)
    3. (Refused)
    4. No/No other reason
    5. HOLD
    6. Don't need to wear one

HOLD 0 (1672-1682)


48a. How satisfied are you with how your local community is designed for making bike riding safe? Are you (read 5-1)?

5 Very satisfied 4 Somewhat satisfied
3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
2 Somewhat dissatisfied
1 Very dissatisfied
6 (DK)
7 (Refused) _____(1701)

48b. Are there any changes you would like made in your community for bicyclists?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #49)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #49)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #49) _____(1702)

48c. (If code 1 in #48b, ask:) What changes would you like to see made in your community? (Open ended and code) (Allow three responses)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. More bike trails
  7. More bike paths
  8. More bike lanes
  9. Allow bikes on sidewalks
  10. Don't allow bikes on sidewalks

49. Does your state have a law that requires adults and/or children to wear a helmet when riding a bike? (Open ended and code) (PROBE TO FIT RESPONSE INTO APPROPRIATE CATEGORY)

  1. Yes, adults only
  2. Yes, children only
  3. Yes, both adults and children
  4. No
  5. (DK)
  6. (Refused) _____(1709)

50. Do you favor or oppose laws that require (read and rotate A-B)?

  1. Favor
  2. Oppose
  3. (DK/no opinion)
  4. (Refused)
  1. Children to wear helmets whenever they are riding a bike _____(1710)
  2. Adults to wear helmets whenever they are riding a bike _____(1711)

51. Now I would like to know your personal opinions about biking. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about biking. For each, please tell me if you (read 5-1). How about (read and rotate A-E)?

5 Strongly agree
4 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
1 Strongly disagree
6 (DK)
7 (Refused)

  1. I would like to bike more than I am now _____(1712)
  2. Biking is a great form of transportation in the area where I live _____(1713)
  3. Biking is a great form of exercise for me _____(1714)
  4. Biking is an enjoyable activity to do alone _____(1715)
  5. Biking is an enjoyable activity to do in a group _____(1716)




(READ:) This next section is about walking rather than biking. By walking we mean any outdoor walking, jogging, or running that lasts at least 5 minutes or more. (INTERVIEWER NOTE: If respondent asks, they should NOT include roller-blading, roller-skating, skateboarding and scooter use)

52. On average during the summer months, how often do you walk? (Read 1-4) (If necessary, read:) Summer months are May through September.

  1. At least once a week
  2. At least once a month, but not weekly
  3. Less than once a month, but at least once during the summer
  4. Never
  5. (DK)
  6. (Refused) _____(1717)

(If code 1 in #52, Continue;
If code 2 in #52, Skip to #52b;
If code 3 in #52, Skip to #52c;
If code 4 in #52, Skip to #52e;
Otherwise, Skip to #101)

52a. On average during the summer months, how many days per week do you walk? (Open ended and code)

  1. 1 day a week
  2. 2 days a week
  3. 3 days a week
  4. 4 days a week
  5. 5 days a week
  6. 6 days a week
  7. 7 days a week/every day
  8. (DK)
  9. (Refused) _____(2229)

(All in #52a, Skip to #52c)

52b. (If code 2 in #52, ask:) On average during the summer months, how many days per month do you walk? (Open ended and code actual number)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

52c. Thinking about the past 30 days, about how many of those days did you walk? (Open ended and code actual number)

00 None
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

(If code 00 in #52c, Continue;
Otherwise, Skip to "Read" before #54)

(There is no #52d)

52e. What is the primary reason you [(If code 4 in #52, read:) never walk in the summer/(If code 00 in #52c, read:) have not walked more recently]? (Open ended and code) (Probe to make sure response is coded accurately)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Bad weather/wrong season
  7. Too busy/no opportunity
  8. HOLD
  9. No safe place to walk
  10. Disability/other health impairment
  11. HOLD
  12. Other transportation is faster
  13. HOLD

(ALL in #52e, Skip to #92, Ask #92, Then Skip to #98)

(There is no question #53)

(READ:) For this next series of questions I would like you to think of the last day you walked OUTDOORS for 5 minutes or more for any reason in the past 30 days.


54. How many days ago was the last day you walked? (Open ended and code actual number of days)

00 None/Today
31 31 or more days ago - (Skip to #98)
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)


I would now like to know about EACH of the individual trips that you made on this day. A TRIP is defined as going from a starting point to a destination for a specific purpose without any stops along the way. If you left your house on a walk with no real destination and returned to your house that would be considered ONE trip. If you walked from your house to a friend's house for a visit, then walked back home, that would be TWO trips. If you walked from your home to a friend's house, then to a store, and then back home again, that would count as THREE trips. I am going to ask about these individual trips one at a time.

55. How many trips did you make on this most recent day you walked? (Open ended and code actual number)

31 31 or more
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)



56. What was your starting point for [(If code 01 in #55, read:) this trip/(If code 02-33 in #55, read:) your first trip of the day]? (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Home
  7. Friend or relative's home
  8. Work
  9. School/Campus
  10. Park/field
  11. Grocery store/Drug store/Convenience store
  12. Mall/Strip mall/Shopping center
  13. Restaurant
  14. Train/subway/bus station

57. What time did you begin [(If code 01 in #55, read:) this trip/(If code 02-33 in #55, read:) your first trip of the day]? (Open ended and code hour and minutes and a.m./p.m.)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

  1. a.m.
  2. p.m.
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(1739)

(If code 06 in #56, Skip to #59a;
If code 09 in #56, Autocode as 09 in #58
AND Skip to #59;
If code 10 in #56, Autocode as 12 in #58
AND Skip to #59;
Otherwise, Continue)

58. Was the area within 1/4 mile of where you started your trip (read 06-12, as appropriate, then 01)?

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Residential
  7. Commercial (If necessary, read:) such as shopping, retail or service business
  8. HOLD
  9. Public buildings (If necessary, read:) schools, hospital, government
  10. Industrial (If necessary, read:) manufacturing or factory
  11. Agricultural (If necessary, read:) or farm
  12. Recreational (If necessary, read:) Parklands

59. Was the starting point in a (read 06-08)?

  1. Or something else (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Downtown city area (If necessary, read:) like a central business district
  7. Urban or suburban area
  8. Rural town or farm

59a. What was the main purpose of this trip? (Do not read categories) (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Commuting to work or school
  7. Recreation
  8. Exercise/for my health
  9. Personal errands (to the store, post office, and so on)
  10. Required for my job
  11. Drop off/Pick up someone
  12. Visit a friend or relative
  13. Walk the dog

60. Where did this trip end? (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)/A location you cannot remember
  3. (Refused)/A location you prefer not to share
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Home
  7. Friend or relative's home
  8. Work
  9. School/Campus
  10. Park/field
  11. Grocery store/Drug store/Convenience store
  12. Mall/Strip mall/Shopping center
  13. Restaurant
  14. Train/subway/bus station

61. About what time did you get to your [(If code 02-33 in #55, read:) first] destination? [(If 02-33 in #55, read:) Remember this is your first stop of the day.] (Open ended and code hour and minutes and a.m./p.m.)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

98 (DK)
99 (Refused)

  1. a.m.
  2. p.m.
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(1750)

(If code 06 in #60, Skip to #64;
If code 09 in #60, Autocode as 09 in #62
AND Skip to #63;
If code 10 in #60, Autocode as 12 in #62
AND Skip to #63;
Otherwise, Continue)

62. Was the area within 1/4 mile of where you ended this trip (read 06-12, as appropriate, then 01)?

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Residential
  7. Commercial (If necessary, read:) such as shopping, retail or service business
  8. HOLD
  9. Public buildings (If necessary, read:) schools, hospital, government
  10. Industrial (If necessary, read:) manufacturing or factory
  11. Agricultural (If necessary, read:) or farm
  12. Recreational (If necessary, read:) Parklands

63. Was the ending point in a (read 06-08)?

  1. Or something else (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Downtown city area (If necessary, read:) like a central business district
  7. Urban or suburban area
  8. Rural town or farm

64. How far did you walk on this trip? (If necessary, read:) What was the distance from where you started to your first destination? (Open ended and code actual number of blocks, miles, kilometers, etc.) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: Probe to get an actual number, not a range)

  1. UNITS
    1. Other (list)
    2. (DK) (Skip to #66)
    3. (Refused) (Skip to #66)
    4. HOLD
    5. HOLD
    6. Blocks
    7. Miles
    8. Kilometers
  2. RECORD WHOLE NUMBER HERE: (NOTE: Record fraction of a number on next screen)

    00 Less than 1

    97 97+
    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)


  1. 1/8 (response in #64)
  2. 1/4 (response in #64)
  3. 1/3 (response in #64)
  4. 1/2 (response in #64)
  5. 2/3 (response in #64)
  6. 3/4 (response in #64)
  7. (DK)
  8. (Refused)

0 (No fraction or portion of block/mile/kilometer/etc.) _____(2254)

(Question #65 moved to #59a)

66. Did you walk mostly on (read 06-11, then 01)?

  1. Or some other surface (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Paved roads, not on shoulder
  7. Shoulders of paved roads
  8. Bike lanes on roads
  9. Sidewalks
  10. Bike paths, walking paths or trails
  11. Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)
  12. (Mall or other indoor surface)
  13. (Grass or fields)
  14. (Running/Walking track)

67. On this trip, did you walk on a surface that was mainly (read 06-08, then 01)?

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Flat
  7. Flat with a hill or two
  8. Mostly hills

68. How many other people were with you on this trip? (Open ended and code actual number of people)

00 Traveled alone
31 31+
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)

(If code 01 in #55,
Continue; Otherwise, Skip to #71)

69. Did you take any more walking trips on this day?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to Clock before #85)
  3. (DK) (Skip to Clock before #85)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to Clock before #85) _____(1772)

70. How many more walking trips did you take on this day? (Open ended and code actual number)

31 31 or more
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)

(SURVENT NOTE: Ask #71-#84 for each trip before going to the next trip, if applicable)

71. Now, I'll ask you about your (read A-E, as appropriate) trip. You just mentioned you ended your last trip at (a) (response in #60 or #76 A-D, as appropriate). Is this where you started your (read A-E) trip of the day?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (No more trips) - (Skip to Clock before #85)
  4. (DK)
  5. (Refused)

(#60) A. (If code 02-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Second _____(1775)
(#76-A) B. (If code 03-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Third _____(1776)
(#76-B) C. (If code 04-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Fourth _____(1777)
(#76-C) D. (If code 05-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Fifth _____(1778)
(#76-D) E. (If code 06-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Sixth _____(1779)

(For each code 1 in #71 A-E,
Autocode response from #60 or #76 A-D, as appropriate
into #72 A-E, as appropriate AND Skip to #73;
Otherwise, Continue)

72. What was your starting point for this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Home
  7. Friend or relative's home
  8. Work
  9. School/Campus
  10. Park/field
  11. Grocery store/Drug store/Convenience store
  12. Mall/Strip mall/Shopping center
  13. Restaurant
  14. Train/subway/bus station

73. (If code 02-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) About what time did you begin this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code hour and minutes and a.m./p.m.)

  1. (If code 02-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Second

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1815)
  2. (If code 03-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Third

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1820)
  3. (If code 04-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Fourth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1825)
  4. (If code 05-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Fifth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1830)
  5. (If code 06-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Sixth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1835)

(For each code 1 in #71 A-E,
Autocode response from #62 or #78 A-D, as appropriate
into #74 A-E, as appropriate AND
Autocode response from #63 or #79 A-E, as appropriate
into #75 A-E, as appropriate AND Skip to #75a;
Otherwise, Continue)

(If code 06 in #72 A-E, as appropriate, Skip to #75a;
If code 09 in #72, Autocode as 09 in #74
AND Skip to #75;
If code 10 in #72, Autocode as 12 in #74
AND Skip to #75;
Otherwise, Continue)

74. Was the area within 1/4 mile of where you started this trip (read 06-12, as appropriate, then 01)?

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Residential
  7. Commercial (If necessary, read:) such as shopping, retail or service business
  8. HOLD
  9. Public buildings (If necessary, read:) schools, hospital, government
  10. Industrial (If necessary, read:) manufacturing or factory
  11. Agricultural (If necessary, read:) or farm
  12. Recreational (If necessary, read:) Parklands

75. Did this trip begin in an area that was in a (read 06-08)?

  1. Or something else (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Downtown city area (If necessary, read:) like a central business district
  7. Urban or suburban area

75a. What was the main purpose of this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code) (Do not read categories)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Commuting to work or school
  7. Recreation
  8. Exercise/for my health
  9. Personal errands (to the store, post office, and so on)
  10. Required for my job
  11. Drop off/Pick up someone
  12. Visit a friend or relative
  13. Walk the dog

76. Where did this trip end? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)/A location you cannot remember
  3. (Refused)/A location you prefer not to share
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Home
  7. Friend or relative's home
  8. Work
  9. School/Campus
  10. Park/field
  11. Grocery store/Drug store/Convenience store
  12. Mall/Strip mall/Shopping center
  13. Restaurant
  14. Train/subway/bus station

77. About what time did you get to your destination for this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code hour and minutes and a.m./p.m.)

  1. (If code 02-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Second

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1871)
  2. (If code 03-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Third

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1876)
  3. (If code 04-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Fourth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1881)
  4. (If code 05-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Fifth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1886)
  5. (If code 06-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Sixth

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)

    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)
    1. a.m.
    2. p.m.
    3. (DK)
    4. (Refused) _____(1891)

(If code 06 in #76, Skip to #80;
If code 09 in #76, Autocode as 09 in #78
AND Skip to #79;
If code 10 in #76, Autocode as 12 in #78
AND Skip to #79;
Otherwise, Continue)

78. Was the area within 1/4 mile of where you ended this trip (read 06-12, as appropriate, then 01)? (Display A-E, as appropriate)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Residential
  7. Commercial (If necessary, read:) such as shopping, retail or service business
  8. HOLD
  9. Public buildings (If necessary, read:) schools, hospital, government
  10. Industrial (If necessary, read:) manufacturing or factory
  11. Agricultural (If necessary, read:) or farm
  12. Recreational (If necessary, read:) Parklands

79. Was the ending point in a (read 06-08)? (Display A-E, as appropriate)

  1. Or something else (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Downtown city area (If necessary, read:) like a central business district
  7. Urban or suburban area
  8. Rural town or farm

80. How far did you walk on this trip? (Open ended and code actual number of blocks, miles, kilometers, etc.) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: Probe to get an actual number, not a range)

  1. UNITS
    1. Other (list)
    2. (DK) (Skip to #82)
    3. (Refused) (Skip to #82)
    4. HOLD
    5. HOLD
    6. Blocks
    7. Miles
    8. Kilometers
  2. RECORD WHOLE NUMBER HERE: (NOTE: Record fraction of a number on next screen)

    00 Less than 1

    97 97+
    98 (DK)
    99 (Refused)


  1. 1/8 (response in #80 A-E, as appropriate)
  2. 1/4 (response in #80-A-E, as appropriate)
  3. 1/3 (response in #80-A-E, as appropriate)
  4. 1/2 (response in #80-A-E, as appropriate)
  5. 2/3 (response in #80-A-E, as appropriate)
  6. 3/4 (response in #80-A-E, as appropriate)
  7. (DK)
  8. (Refused)

0 (No fraction or portion of block/mile/kilometer, etc.)

  1. (If code 02-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Second _____(1936)
  2. (If code 03-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Third _____(1937)
  3. (If code 04-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Fourth _____(1938)
  4. (If code 05-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Fifth _____(1939)
  5. (If code 06-33 in #55 OR code 1 in #69, ask:) Sixth _____(1940)

(Question #81 moved to #75a)

82. On this trip, did you walk mostly on (read 06-11, then 01)? (Display A-E, as appropriate)

  1. Or some other surface (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Paved roads, not on shoulder
  7. Shoulders of paved roads
  8. Bike lanes on roads
  9. Sidewalks
  10. Bike paths, walking paths or trails
  11. Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)
  12. (Mall or other indoor surface)
  13. (Grass or field)
  14. (Running/walking track)

83. On this trip, did you walk on a surface that was mainly (read 06-08, then 01)? (Display A-E, as appropriate)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Flat
  7. Flat with a hill or two
  8. Mostly hills

84. How many other people were with you on this trip? (Display A-E, as appropriate) (Open ended and code actual number of people)

00 Traveled alone
31 31+
32 (DK)
33 (Refused)


85. [Is the walking trip/Are the walking trips] you just reported typical of the kind(s) of trips you usually take?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(2021)

(If ONLY code 07, 08 or BLANK in #59a and #75a A-E,
Skip to #88;
Otherwise, Continue)

86. On that day, were other types of transportation available to you that you could have used instead of walking?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #88)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #88)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #88) _____(2022)

87. (If code 1 in #86, ask:) What is the main reason that you chose to walk instead of some other form of transportation that day? (Open ended and code)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Walking is cheaper
  7. Walking is faster
  8. For the exercise
  9. For recreation
  10. No parking
  11. Enjoy walking/Good weather

88. Did you feel threatened for your personal safety at any time while walking that day?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #89)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #89)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #89) _____(2025)

88a. (If code 1 in #88, ask:) Did you feel threatened for your personal safety because of any of the following? How about (read and rotate A-E, then F)?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused)
  1. Motorists _____(2269)
  2. The potential for crime _____(2270)
  3. Uneven walkways or roadway surfaces _____(2271)
  4. Dogs or other animals _____(2272)
  5. Too much bicycle or pedestrian traffic _____(2273)
  6. Something else? (If "Yes", ask:) What else? (Open ended)
    1. Other (list)
    2. (DK)
    3. (Refused)
    4. No/Nothing else
    5. HOLD

(If code 1 in #88a-A, Continue;
Otherwise, Skip to #89)

HOLD 0 (1636-1642)

88b. What did motorists do to make you feel threatened? (Open ended and code) (Allow three responses)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Cut me off
  7. Entered intersection without looking
  8. Drove very close to me
  9. Honked at me
  10. Almost hit me/near miss
  11. Just the presence of the motorist was threatening
  12. Too fast

89. You may have already mentioned this but, the last time you walked, was it dark or near-dark outside for any part of your walk?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK/Not sure)
  4. (Refused) _____(2039)

89a. During the past year, how much of your walking was done when it was dark or nearly dark outside? (Read 5-0)

5 Nearly all
4 More than half
3 About half
2 Some
1 Almost none
0 None
6 (DK)
7 (Refused) _____(2040)

(If code 2-5 in #89a, Continue;
Otherwise, Skip to "Read" before #91)

89b. When you walk after dark, do you do anything to make yourself more visible to motorists?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to "Read" before #91)
  3. (DK) (Skip to "Read" before #91)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to "Read" before #91) _____(2041)

90. (If code 1 in #89b, ask:) What do you do to make yourself more visible when walking after dark? (Open ended and code) (Allow three responses)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Wear light colored clothing
  7. Wear fluorescent or reflective clothing/Shoes
  8. Wear or carry a flashlight
  9. Walk only in well-lit areas


(READ:) Now I would like to know about your walking habits.

91. Compared to about a year ago, would you say you are now walking more often, less often or about the same amount?

3 More often
2 Same number of times
1 Less often
4 (DK)
5 (Refused) _____(2048)

92. Are sidewalks or paths available in the areas that you walk?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #94)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #94)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #94) _____(2049)

92a. (If code 1 in #92, ask:) Do you use sidewalks or paths (read 5-1)?

5 Every time you walk (Skip to #94)
4 Most of the time (Skip to #94)
3 Some of the time (Skip to #94)
2 Hardly ever, OR (Continue)
1 Never (Continue)
6 (DK) (Skip to #94)
7 (Refused) (Skip to #94) _____(2050)

93. (If code 1 or 2 in #92a, ask:) What is the main reason that you choose not to use these sidewalks or paths? (Open ended and code) (INTERVIEWER NOTE: If respondent says, Don't like them; Probe for why)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. Not in good repair
  7. Don't go where I need to go
  8. Too crowded
  9. Prefer softer surface
  10. Don't feel safe

94. When walking in the street, do you typically walk (read 1-2)?

  1. Facing traffic, that is, walking against traffic
  2. With traffic, that is walking in the same direction as the cars
  3. (Varies/Depends)
  4. (Not applicable/Never walk in the street)
  5. (DK)
  6. (Refused) _____(2053)

95. When walking on the sidewalk, do you typically walk (read 1-2)?

  1. Facing traffic (If necessary, read:) that is, walking against traffic
  2. With traffic (If necessary, read:) that is walking in the same direction as the cars
  3. (Varies/Depends)
  4. (Not applicable/Never walk in the street)
  5. (DK)
  6. (Refused) _____(2054)

96. In the past two years, were you ever injured while you were walking? Only count injuries that required attention by a medical professional.

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #98)
  3. (DK/Not sure) (Skip to #98)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #98) _____(2055)

97. (If code 1 in #96, ask:) Was this injury a result of being hit by a motor vehicle?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. (DK)
  4. (Refused) _____(2056)

98. How satisfied are you with how your local community is designed for making walking safe? Are you (read 5-1)?

5 Very satisfied
4 Somewhat satisfied
3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
2 Somewhat dissatisfied
1 Very dissatisfied
6 (DK)
7 (Refused) _____(2057)

99. Are there any changes you would like made in your community for pedestrians?

  1. Yes - (Continue)
  2. No (Skip to #101)
  3. (DK) (Skip to #101)
  4. (Refused) (Skip to #101) _____(2058)

100. (If code 1 in #99, ask:) What changes would you like to see made in your community? (Open ended and code) (Allow three responses)

  1. Other (list)
  2. (DK)
  3. (Refused)
  4. HOLD
  5. HOLD
  6. More crosswalks
  7. More sidewalks
  8. More lights on streets
  9. More lights on paths/trails

101. Now I would like to know your personal opinions about walking. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about walking. For each, please tell me if you (read 5-1). How about (read and rotate A-E)?

5 Strongly agree
4 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
1 Strongly disagree
6 (DK)
7 (Refused)

  1. I would like to walk more than I am now _____(2065)
  2. Walking is a great form of transportation in the area where I live _____(2066)
  3. Walking is a great form of exercise for me _____(2067)
  4. Walking is an enjoyable activity to do alone _____(2068)
  5. Walking is an enjoyable activity to do in a group _____(2069)


102. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about pedestrian and bicycle safety and law enforcement. [(If necessary, read:) For each, please tell me if you (read 5-1).] How about (read and rotate A-L, as appropriate)?

5 Strongly agree
4 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
2 Somewhat disagree
1 Strongly disagree
6 (DK)
7 (Refused)
8 (Never drive)

  1. Driver manuals that are used to study for a driver's license should include more information about how to avoid accidents with PEDESTRIANS _____(2070)
  2. Driver manuals that are used to study for a driver's license should include more information about how to avoid accidents with those who BIKE _____(2071)
  3. BICYCLISTS should ONLY ride in bike lanes or on bike paths, not on the roads _____(2072)
  4. PEDESTRIANS should ONLY walk on sidewalks or grass, not on the roads _____(2073)
  5. I would be willing to increase my taxes to pay for infrastructure improvements such as bike paths, sidewalks and traffic lights to make biking and walking safer _____(2074)
  6. I would be willing to increase my taxes to pay for educational programs for children to make their biking and walking safer _____(2075)
  7. Police need to enforce bike helmet laws for adults _____(2076)
  8. Police need to enforce bike helmet laws for children _____(2276)
  9. I support the use of traffic circles and speed bumps to reduce speeding in neighborhoods _____(2077)
  10. A driver who doesn't yield to pedestrians walking legally at a crosswalk should be ticketed _____(2078)
  11. (If code 1-4 in #52, ask:) As a pedestrian, most motorists yield to me when I walk legally in crosswalks _____(2079)
  12. As a motorist, I yield to pedestrians walking legally in crosswalks _____(2080)

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