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last updated 07.26.06

Photo of Dr. Terry Maresca
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Photo of Kibbe Conti
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Photo of Dr. Patricia StandTal Clarke
Women in Medicine

Cervical Cancer: American Indian and Alaskan Native Women

Stages of Cervical CancerCancer: a serious problem amongst any population, causing pain, turmoil, heartache, and sometimes death. Although the cervix is not the leading cancer site for cancer death among American Indians and Alaska Natives, cervical cancer still affects the populations adversely, with rates recently increasing. In fact, cervical cancer poses such a threat to women that Indian Health Services aimed to reduce cervical cancer mortality rates 76% from 1972/74 - 2000/02. Increased screening through pap smears, increased collaborations between clinics and Native communities, and increased accuracy in reporting are all contributing factors to this goal.

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Medicine Wheel

Medicine Wheel National Historic Landmark
Bighorn County, Wyoming

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