NKDEP offers a variety of educational materials for patients, families, health professionals, and laboratory professionals. All of the materials are downloadable for free as PDF documents. PDF files require Adobe Acrobat.
Order materials through the Place Order links next to each material or through the NIDDK Clearinghouses Publications Catalog. You can also order materials by calling 1-866-4 KIDNEY (1-866-454-3639). Small quantities of the materials are free. For larger quantities, there is a small charge.
For Patients and Public

Kidney Disease Flyer
HTML | Adobe PDF (236K)| Place Order
Explains the risk factors for kidney disease and the importance of getting tested. Informs about the Family Reunion Health Guide. For African American audiences.
First 100 copies free. Additional copies of 100, $5.00. |

"Diabetes & High Blood Pressure: Make the Kidney Connection" Brochure
HTML | Adobe PDF (411K)| Place Order
For people with diabetes or high blood pressure. Explains the key risk factors for kidney disease and the importance of getting tested.
First 50 copies free. Additional copies of 50, $5.00. |

"Kidney Disease: What African Americans Need to Know" Brochure (New)
HTML | Adobe
PDF (1.75M)| Place Order
For people with diabetes or high blood pressure. Explains the key risk factors for kidney disease and the importance of getting tested.
First 50 copies free. Additional copies of 50, $5.00. |

"Family Reunion Health Guide" Booklet Adobe
PDF (1.24MB)| Place Order
Encourages families to discuss kidney disease at family reunions and other gatherings. Provides three sample approaches and fact sheets on diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney disease. Designed for family reunion planners or family health champions. Only one copy needed per family. Organizations may want to order larger quantities to distribute to members. For more on the Family Reunion Initiative, click here.
Single copy free. Additional packages of 25, $10.00. |

"You Have The Power To Prevent Kidney Disease" Video
RealPlayer with captioning (56k | Broadband) Download RealPlayer
Quicktime Player without captioning (56k | Broadband) Download Quicktime
Read transcript (Text Format) | Place Order
Features an African-American woman living with kidney failure and details her
son's decision to get tested for kidney disease.
Emphasizes the risk factors for kidney disease
and the steps that can be taken to prevent or
delay kidney failure. Encourages people at risk
for kidney disease to get tested. (4 minutes).
Single copy free. Each additional copy, $5.00. |
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For Spanish Speakers

"Aprenda a proteger sus riñones" Brochure
(Learn how to protect your kidneys)
Adobe PDF (Color version for viewing, 2.6M)
Adobe PDF (Black and white version for easy printing, 658K)
Adobe PDF (English adaptation, text only. Please note this is not a word-for-word translation, 34K)
Place Order
Explains the key risk factors for kidney disease and the importance of getting tested. Brochure in Spanish.
First 50 copies free.
Additional copies of 50, $5.00.
![[Thumbnail]: Graphic of GRF Sheet](https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090130184812im_/http://www.nkdep.nih.gov/images/Thumb_palmcard_span.gif)
Índice de filtración glomerular: una guía para pacientes
(Understanding GFR: A guide for patients)
HTML | Adobe PDF (53K)
Describes what Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) measures and what an estimated GFR means. Briefly explains how the kidneys function. For use with patients.
Only available online.
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For Health and Laboratory Professionals
NKDEP provides free educational resources for physicians, laboratory directors, and dialysis clinics. Some of the educational materials can be shared with your patients and their families.

Explaining GFR (New)
A Tear-off Pad for Clinical Use
HTML | Adobe
PDF (919K) | Place Order
Tear-off pad with 50 easy-to-read patient education sheets for use when explaining GFR results. Back of pad includes key concepts and talking points for providers on educating patients about chronic kidney disease.
Spanish-Language Version (New)
HTML | Adobe
PDF (174K) | Place Order
First five pads free. Each additional pad, $1.00.
Vietnamese-Language Version (New)
Please contact us for more information.
Chinese-Language Version (New)
Please contact us for more information.

CKD Quick Reference Card
HTML | Adobe
PDF (127K)
Provides clinical targets for testing and treating patients at risk for kidney disease. Laminated card.
Only available online.

Quick Reference on UACR and GFR (New)
In Evaluating Patients with Diabetes for Kidney Disease
HTML | Adobe PDF (173K) | Place Order
Presents key information about assessing kidney function, particularly estimated GFR and the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio. For diabetes educators and other health care professionals.
First 50 copies free.
Additional copies of 25, $2.50.
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For Partners

"African Americans and Kidney Disease" Fact Sheet
HTML | Adobe PDF (161K)
Highlights key facts about the impact of kidney disease on African Americans and statistics related to kidney disease in the United States.
Only available online. |

Kidney Disease Backgrounder
HTML | Adobe PDF (55K)
Provides basic facts about kidney disease in the United States.
Only available online.
Print PSAs
There are print PSAs and campaign banners and buttons for partners to promote
and support NKDEP's campaign to raise awareness about kidney disease.
Audience: African Americans