/** * fw_menu 24OCT2000 Version 4.0 * John Ahlquist, October 2000 * Copyright (c) 2000 Macromedia, Inc. * * based on menu.js * by gary smith, July 1997 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Netscape Communications Corp. * * Netscape grants you a royalty free license to use or modify this * software provided that this copyright notice appears on all copies. * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. */ function Menu(label, mw, mh, fnt, fs, fclr, fhclr, bg, bgh) { this.version = "990702 [Menu; menu.js]"; this.type = "Menu"; this.menuWidth = mw; this.menuItemHeight = mh; this.fontSize = fs||12; this.fontWeight = "plain"; this.fontFamily = fnt||"arial,helvetica,verdana,sans-serif"; this.fontColor = fclr||"#000000"; this.fontColorHilite = fhclr||"#ffffff"; this.bgColor = "#555555"; this.menuBorder = 1; this.menuItemBorder = 1; this.menuItemBgColor = bg||"#cccccc"; this.menuLiteBgColor = "#ffffff"; this.menuBorderBgColor = "#777777"; this.menuHiliteBgColor = bgh||"#000084"; this.menuContainerBgColor = "#cccccc"; this.childMenuIcon = "arrows.gif"; this.items = new Array(); this.actions = new Array(); this.childMenus = new Array(); this.hideOnMouseOut = true; this.addMenuItem = addMenuItem; this.addMenuSeparator = addMenuSeparator; this.writeMenus = writeMenus; this.FW_showMenu = FW_showMenu; this.onMenuItemOver = onMenuItemOver; this.onMenuItemAction = onMenuItemAction; this.hideMenu = hideMenu; this.hideChildMenu = hideChildMenu; if (!window.menus) window.menus = new Array(); this.label = label || "menuLabel" + window.menus.length; window.menus[this.label] = this; window.menus[window.menus.length] = this; if (!window.activeMenus) window.activeMenus = new Array(); } function addMenuItem(label, action) { this.items[this.items.length] = label; this.actions[this.actions.length] = action; } function addMenuSeparator() { this.items[this.items.length] = "separator"; this.actions[this.actions.length] = ""; this.menuItemBorder = 0; } // For NS6. function FIND(item) { if (document.all) return(document.all[item]); if (document.getElementById) return(document.getElementById(item)); return(false); } function writeMenus(container) { if (window.triedToWriteMenus) return; if (!container && document.layers) { window.delayWriteMenus = this.writeMenus; var timer = setTimeout('delayWriteMenus()', 250); container = new Layer(100); clearTimeout(timer); } else if (document.all || document.hasChildNodes) { document.writeln(' '); container = FIND("menuContainer"); } window.fwHideMenuTimer = null; if (!container) return; window.triedToWriteMenus = true; container.isContainer = true; container.menus = new Array(); for (var i=0; i\n'; } i=x; } if (document.layers) { container.clip.width = window.innerWidth; container.clip.height = window.innerHeight; container.onmouseout = mouseoutMenu; container.menuContainerBgColor = this.menuContainerBgColor; for (var i=0; i0) l.top = body.document.layers[n-1].top + body.document.layers[n-1].clip.height + proto.menuItemBorder; l.hilite = l.document.layers[1]; if (proto.bgImageUp) l.background.src = proto.bgImageUp; l.document.layers[1].isHilite = true; if (l.document.layers[0].id.indexOf("menuSeparator") != -1) { l.hilite = null; l.clip.height -= l.clip.height / 2; l.document.layers[0].document.bgColor = proto.bgColor; l.document.layers[0].clip.width = l.clip.width -2; l.document.layers[0].clip.height = 1; l.document.layers[1].document.bgColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor; l.document.layers[1].clip.width = l.clip.width -2; l.document.layers[1].clip.height = 1; l.document.layers[1].top = l.document.layers[0].top + 1; } else if (l.document.layers.length > 2) { l.childMenu = container.menus[i].items[n].menuLayer; l.document.layers[2].left = l.clip.width -13; l.document.layers[2].top = (l.clip.height / 2) -4; l.document.layers[2].clip.left += 3; l.Menu.childMenus[l.Menu.childMenus.length] = l.childMenu; } } body.document.bgColor = proto.bgColor; body.clip.width = l.clip.width +proto.menuBorder; body.clip.height = l.top + l.clip.height +proto.menuBorder; var focusItem = body.document.layers[n]; focusItem.clip.width = body.clip.width; focusItem.Menu = l.Menu; focusItem.top = -30; focusItem.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); focusItem.onmousedown = onMenuItemDown; menu.document.bgColor = proto.menuBorderBgColor; var lite = menu.document.layers[0]; lite.document.bgColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor; lite.clip.width = body.clip.width +1; lite.clip.height = body.clip.height +1; menu.clip.width = body.clip.width + (proto.menuBorder * 3) ; menu.clip.height = body.clip.height + (proto.menuBorder * 3); } } else { if ((!document.all) && (container.hasChildNodes)) { container.innerHTML=content; } else { container.document.open("text/html"); container.document.writeln(content); container.document.close(); } if (!FIND("menuLayer0")) return; var menuCount = 0; for (var x=0; x< window.innerWidth || NS4sIW > window.innerWidth || NS4sIH > window.innerHeight || NS4sIH < window.innerHeight ) { window.location.reload(); } } function onMenuItemOver(e, l) { FW_clearTimeout(); l = l || this; a = window.ActiveMenuItem; if (document.layers) { if (a) { a.document.bgColor = a.saveColor; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.visibility = "hidden"; if (a.Menu.bgImageOver) { a.background.src = a.Menu.bgImageUp; } a.focusItem.top = -100; a.clicked = false; } if (l.hilite) { l.document.bgColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor; l.zIndex = 1; l.hilite.visibility = "inherit"; l.hilite.zIndex = 2; l.document.layers[1].zIndex = 1; l.focusItem.zIndex = this.zIndex +2; } if (l.Menu.bgImageOver) { l.background.src = l.Menu.bgImageOver; } l.focusItem.top = this.top; l.Menu.hideChildMenu(l); } else if (l.style && l.Menu) { if (a) { a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden"; if (a.Menu.bgImageUp) { a.style.background = "url(" + a.Menu.bgImageUp +")";; } } if (l.isSeparator) return; l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor; l.zIndex = 1; // magic IE 4.5 mac happy doohicky. jba if (l.Menu.bgImageOver) { l.style.background = "url(" + l.Menu.bgImageOver +")"; } if (l.hilite) { l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor; l.hilite.style.visibility = "inherit"; } l.focusItem.style.top = l.focusItem.style.pixelTop = l.style.pixelTop; l.focusItem.style.zIndex = l.zIndex +1; l.Menu.hideChildMenu(l); } else { return; // not a menu - magic IE 4.5 mac happy doohicky. jba } window.ActiveMenuItem = l; } function onMenuItemAction(e, l) { l = window.ActiveMenuItem; if (!l) return; hideActiveMenus(); if (l.action) { eval("" + l.action); } window.ActiveMenuItem = 0; } function FW_clearTimeout() { if (fwHideMenuTimer) clearTimeout(fwHideMenuTimer); fwHideMenuTimer = null; fwDHFlag = false; } function FW_startTimeout() { fwStart = new Date(); fwDHFlag = true; fwHideMenuTimer = setTimeout("fwDoHide()", 1000); } function fwDoHide() { if (!fwDHFlag) return; var elapsed = new Date() - fwStart; if (elapsed < 1000) { fwHideMenuTimer = setTimeout("fwDoHide()", 1100-elapsed); return; } fwDHFlag = false; hideActiveMenus(); window.ActiveMenuItem = 0; } function FW_showMenu(menu, x, y, child) { if (!window.fwWroteMenu) return; FW_clearTimeout(); if (document.layers) { if (menu) { var l = menu.menuLayer || menu; l.left = 1; l.top = 1; hideActiveMenus(); if (this.visibility) l = this; window.ActiveMenu = l; } else { var l = child; } if (!l) return; for (var i=0; i 0) FW_showMenu(null, "relative", "relative", l.layers[i]); } if (l.parentLayer) { if (x != "relative") l.parentLayer.left = x || window.pageX || 0; if (l.parentLayer.left + l.clip.width > window.innerWidth) l.parentLayer.left -= (l.parentLayer.left + l.clip.width - window.innerWidth); if (y != "relative") l.parentLayer.top = y || window.pageY || 0; if (l.parentLayer.isContainer) { l.Menu.xOffset = window.pageXOffset; l.Menu.yOffset = window.pageYOffset; l.parentLayer.clip.width = window.ActiveMenu.clip.width +2; l.parentLayer.clip.height = window.ActiveMenu.clip.height +2; if (l.parentLayer.menuContainerBgColor) l.parentLayer.document.bgColor = l.parentLayer.menuContainerBgColor; } } l.visibility = "inherit"; if (l.Menu) l.Menu.container.visibility = "inherit"; } else if (FIND("menuItem0")) { var l = menu.menuLayer || menu; hideActiveMenus(); if (typeof(l) == "string") { l = FIND(l); } window.ActiveMenu = l; var s = l.style; s.visibility = "inherit"; if (x != "relative") s.left = s.pixelLeft = x || (window.pageX + document.body.scrollLeft) || 0; if (y != "relative") s.top = s.pixelTop = y || (window.pageY + document.body.scrollTop) || 0; l.Menu.xOffset = document.body.scrollLeft; l.Menu.yOffset = document.body.scrollTop; } if (menu) { window.activeMenus[window.activeMenus.length] = l; } } function onMenuItemDown(e, l) { var a = window.ActiveMenuItem; if (document.layers) { if (a) { a.eX = e.pageX; a.eY = e.pageY; a.clicked = true; } } } function mouseupMenu(e) { hideMenu(true, e); hideActiveMenus(); return true; } function mouseoutMenu() { hideMenu(false, false); return true; } function hideMenu(mouseup, e) { var a = window.ActiveMenuItem; if (a && document.layers) { a.document.bgColor = a.saveColor; a.focusItem.top = -30; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.visibility = "hidden"; if (mouseup && a.action && a.clicked && window.ActiveMenu) { if (a.eX <= e.pageX+15 && a.eX >= e.pageX-15 && a.eY <= e.pageY+10 && a.eY >= e.pageY-10) { setTimeout('window.ActiveMenu.Menu.onMenuItemAction();', 2); } } a.clicked = false; if (a.Menu.bgImageOver) { a.background.src = a.Menu.bgImageUp; } } else if (window.ActiveMenu && FIND("menuItem0")) { if (a) { a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden"; if (a.Menu.bgImageUp) { a.style.background = "url(" + a.Menu.bgImageUp +")";; } } } if (!mouseup && window.ActiveMenu) { if (window.ActiveMenu.Menu) { if (window.ActiveMenu.Menu.hideOnMouseOut) { FW_startTimeout(); } return(true); } } return(true); } function PxToNum(pxStr) { // pxStr == 27px, we want 27. if (pxStr.length > 2) { n = Number(pxStr.substr(0, pxStr.length-2)); return(n); } return(0); } function hideChildMenu(hcmLayer) { FW_clearTimeout(); var l = hcmLayer; for (var i=0; i < l.Menu.childMenus.length; i++) { var theLayer = l.Menu.childMenus[i]; if (document.layers) { theLayer.visibility = "hidden"; } else { theLayer = FIND(theLayer); theLayer.style.visibility = "hidden"; } theLayer.Menu.hideChildMenu(theLayer); } if (l.childMenu) { var childMenu = l.childMenu; if (document.layers) { l.Menu.FW_showMenu(null,null,null,childMenu.layers[0]); childMenu.zIndex = l.parentLayer.zIndex +1; childMenu.top = l.top + l.parentLayer.top + l.Menu.menuLayer.top + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3; if (childMenu.left + childMenu.clip.width > window.innerWidth) { childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left - childMenu.clip.width + l.Menu.menuLayer.left + 15; l.Menu.container.clip.left -= childMenu.clip.width; } else { childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left + l.parentLayer.clip.width + l.Menu.menuLayer.left -5; } var w = childMenu.clip.width+childMenu.left-l.Menu.container.clip.left; if (w > l.Menu.container.clip.width) l.Menu.container.clip.width = w; var h = childMenu.clip.height+childMenu.top-l.Menu.container.clip.top; if (h > l.Menu.container.clip.height) l.Menu.container.clip.height = h; l.document.layers[1].zIndex = 0; childMenu.visibility = "inherit"; } else if (FIND("menuItem0")) { childMenu = FIND(l.childMenu); var menuLayer = FIND(l.Menu.menuLayer); var s = childMenu.style; s.zIndex = menuLayer.style.zIndex+1; if (document.all) { // ie case. s.pixelTop = l.style.pixelTop + menuLayer.style.pixelTop + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3; s.left = s.pixelLeft = (menuLayer.style.pixelWidth) + menuLayer.style.pixelLeft -5; } else { // zilla case var top = PxToNum(l.style.top) + PxToNum(menuLayer.style.top) + l.Menu.menuItemHeight/3; var left = (PxToNum(menuLayer.style.width)) + PxToNum(menuLayer.style.left) -5; s.top = top; s.left = left; } childMenu.style.visibility = "inherit"; } else { return; } window.activeMenus[window.activeMenus.length] = childMenu; } } function hideActiveMenus() { if (!window.activeMenus) return; for (var i=0; i < window.activeMenus.length; i++) { if (!activeMenus[i]) continue; if (activeMenus[i].visibility && activeMenus[i].Menu) { activeMenus[i].visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.clip.left = 0; } else if (activeMenus[i].style) { var s = activeMenus[i].style; s.visibility = "hidden"; s.left = -200; s.top = -200; } } if (window.ActiveMenuItem) { hideMenu(false, false); } window.activeMenus.length = 0; }