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Volume 4(4);  December 1995
Prevalence of cigarette smoking in developing countries
N. E. Collishaw and A. D. Lopez
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 327.
PMCID: PMC1759472
Nicotine monkey on the back
R. Room
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 333–334.
PMCID: PMC1759463
News Analysis
News analysis
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 328–332.
PMCID: PMC1759476
Prevalence of cigarette smoking in a rural area of West Java, Indonesia
T. Ganiwijaya, E. Sjukrudin, G. De Backer, D. Suhana, S. Brotoprawiro, and H. Sukandar
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 335–337.
PMCID: PMC1759469
Nicotine replacement therapies: smoking cessation outcomes in a pharmacy setting in Scotland
H. K. Sinclair, C. M. Bond, A. S. Lennox, R. J. Taylor, and A. J. Winfield
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 338–343.
PMCID: PMC1759460
Effects of different intervention strategies in the implementation of a nationwide tobacco Quit and Win contest in Sweden
P. Tillgren, B Haglund, T. Ainetdin, E. Thornqvist, E. Uhrbom, and L. E. Holm
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 344–350.
PMCID: PMC1759470
Evaluation of a smoking cessation intervention for Dutch employees consisting of self help methods and a group programme
M. C. Willemsen and H. de Vries
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 351–354.
PMCID: PMC1759465
Self-service sale of tobacco: how it contributes to youth access
M. B. Wildey, S. I. Woodruff, S. Z. Pampalone, and T. L. Conway
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 355–361.
PMCID: PMC1759458
Retailer attitudes on tobacco sales to minors in New South Wales, Australia
M. J. Schofield, S. Gulliver, and R. W. Sanson-Fisher
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 362–366.
PMCID: PMC1759471
Does the Joe Camel campaign preferentially reach 18 to 24 year old adults?
J. R. DiFranza and B. F. Aisquith
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 367–371.
PMCID: PMC1759467
Effects of a smoke-free policy on an inpatient psychiatric unit
C. A. Patten, B. K. Bruce, R. D. Hurt, K. P. Offord, J. W. Richardson, L. R. Clemensen, and S. M. Persons
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 372–379.
PMCID: PMC1759477
Criteria for determining an optimal cigarette tax: the economist's perspective
K. E. Warner, F. J. Chaloupka, P. J. Cook, W. G. Manning, J. P. Newhouse, T. E. Novotny, T. C. Schelling, and J. Townsend
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 380–386.
PMCID: PMC1759474
Tobacco related resources on the Internet
M. Hayman
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 387–390.
PMCID: PMC1759475
The lighter side
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 391–392.
PMCID: PMC1759461
The lighter side
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 393–396.
PMCID: PMC1759466
Ad watch
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 397–398.
PMCID: PMC1759459
Letters to the Editor
Differences in self reported health status between ever-smokers and never-smokers
M. Wakefield, A. Taylor, D. Wilson, and L. Roberts
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 399.
PMCID: PMC1759468
Recurrent aphthous ulcers
G. Aderaye
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 399–400.
PMCID: PMC1759473
Acute cosinophile pneumonia: a new smoking related illness?
H. Kawane and T. Sasaki
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 400.
PMCID: PMC1759462
What should we call ex-smokers?
T. A. Rustin and T. McIndoo
Tob Control. 1995 December; 4(4): 400.
PMCID: PMC1759464
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