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Initial registion Profile update: e-PIC registrant only Simple search of organizations registered in the e-PIC system Smart search of organizations registered in the e-PIC system
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Simple/Smart search of organizations registered in the e-PIC system
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The Smart Search function enables viewing of a particular registrant in the e-PIC system or a list of sources providing products and/or services. You can always access a registrant's complete profile by clicking the registrant's hyperlink. The profile contains all the information a registrant inputs in the system, excluding sensitive information, i.e., TIN/EIN/SSN, number of employees, average annual sales, assets (for financial and insurance institutes), and total electric output (for utility firms).

The smart search function conducts dynamic searches by selecting one or up to all of the following criteria:

·   Registrant

·   City

·   State

·   Type of Organization

·   Size of Business

·   Type of Ownership

·   Type of Business

·   Keyword or Keyword Phrases

·   Accept Government Purchase Card

·   E-Commerce Capability

·   Electronic Banking Capability

·   Contract Vehicles

·   NAICS Code

Keyword or Keyword phrases selection criteria is separated by "and" or "or" triggering inclusive or optional selections.

Some search fields read "None or Select" enabling the searcher to click the drop-down arrow to make a selection. Some search fields read "None or Select One or Multiple Items" enabling the searcher to click the drop-down arrow to make a single selection or to click multiple selections for access to a new pop-up window. Consecutive selections can be made by depressing and holding down the "Shift" key. Random selections can be made by depressing and holding down the "Ctrl" key. When the searcher completes selection and returns to the search screen, the data field will confirm selections by returning to the default "None or Select One or Multiple Items."

The NAICS Code search function searches the registration database to find the organizations that provide supplies and/or services under particular NAICS codes.

Based on Federal small business size thresholds, as they relate to NAICS codes, the system will screen the size of business by information input by registrants in the "Number of Employees," the "Average Annual Sales," "Assets" (for financial and insurance institutes), or "Total Electric Output" (for utility firms) registration fields. The search report distinguishes if the selected organization is or is not a small business by showing "Small" or "Other" in the "Size Classification" or eliminates an organization if size is a search criterion and the organization is not an eligible match.

After selecting search criteria, simply click the "Search" button to generate a search result report with short profiles of matching organizations. To view complete profiles, simply click the registrant's hyperlink. The report will display a maximum of fourteen (14) records per page. To go to the next set of records, simply click "Next Page" or the Page assignment at the lower left corner of the screen. The report will also display the total number of the matched registrants found in the e-PIC system at the top of the report. The report shows matched registrants in alphabetic order.

If you have not selected all of the search criteria and choose to further enhance your search results, simply click the "Refine Search" hyperlink. "Refine Search" is available in both simple and smart search functions. "Refine Search" can be found at both the top and bottom of the search result report and enables you to go back and select more criteria to the one(s) already selected, to enhance search results. To refine data fields with multiple selections, simply click "None or Select One or Multiple Items" to open the pop-up window to add or delete items.

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