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Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Special Statutory Funding Program

Research Consortia and Clinical Trials Networks

Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet

TrialNet is an international network of investigators, clinical centers, and core support facilities whose aim is to recruit patients and support studies that will result in an improved understanding of type 1 diabetes disease development and will test strategies for its prevention.


Detailed Description: TrialNet.pdf

Research Resources Available to the Scientific Community:


Data from genetic and laboratory analysis of stored DNA, plasma, and serum samples from the patients, as well as clinical information, will be collected and made available to the scientific community in the future.

Study Samples

DNA, serum, plasma, RNA, and peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocytes will be collected from the following groups and be available to the broader scientific community in the future:
  • People at varying categories of diabetes risk, including those with an affected relative, with autoantibodies, and with impaired glucose tolerance. Samples will be periodically collected until the patient is diagnosed with diabetes or the end of the study period. (Natural History Study, ongoing).
  • Patients with diabetes will be enrolled in randomized clinical trials. Samples will be collected at randomization, during the intervention, and during follow-up. (MMF-DZB, ongoing; Anti-CD20, planned).
  • Patients in various categories of risk involved in randomized, placebo-controlled interventional clinical trials. Samples will be collected at randomization, during the intervention, and during follow-up. (Oral insulin study, planned).

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Last Updated: February 24, 2006

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