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Application Help for Current Ph.D. Graduate Students

The on-line application stores submitted information in a database that uses a text editor.  Unlike word processing programs, text editors have several limitations on formatting options.  Please follow these guidelines as you complete the on-line application:

  • DO NOT place a ‘hard-return’ at the end of each line in a paragraph.  The text editor is capable of word wrapping.
  • To designate paragraphs left justify the paragraph and use a space (hard return) between paragraphs. 
  • The text editor does not readily accept characters used in bullet lists.  Use numbers or upper-case characters of the number keys to highlight lists: ~, -, *, etc… 
  • You will need to write out symbol names such as: alpha, beta, etc…because the text editor does not accept symbols.
  • Text beyond the word limits may not be viewed on-line or printed in the hardcopy. 
  • Some fields may have both a pull-down menu and a text box appearing to the right of, or directly below. Use the pull-down menu if you can. If your information isn't on the list, you may simply type it in the text box. The text box should be used instead of, not in addition to, the pull-down menu.
  • Some fields will scroll to accommodate more text. Use the arrow keys to scroll right and left.
  • Do not type in all capital letters.