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Career Development Seminar: Science Policy

Event: Career Development Seminar: Science Policy
Location: Lipsett Amphitheater
Start Date: 11/13/2008 1:00 PM
End Date: 11/13/2008 3:00 PM
Event Details:

Career Development Seminar:  Science Policy

Date: Thursday, November 13th
Time:   1 PM to 3 PM
Place: Lipsett Amphitheater in Building 10

Details:  The global impact of science and technology has never been greater or more controversial. Science policy is the diverse field where research, government, law, ethics and society intersect.  Join us to discuss careers that require a scientific expertise and can give you the opportunity to inform the public, advise lawmakers, influence the direction of scientific research and education, and advocate for those at the bench or bedside.
Our speakers include Dr. Nathaniel Hafer (AAAS Science Policy Fellow, NIH), Dr.
Mike Stebbins (Director of Biology Policy, Federation of American Scientists and author of “Sex, Drugs and DNA”), Dr. Anne-Marie Mazza (Director, Committee Science, Technology and Law, Policy and Global Affairs division, National Academies) and Dr. Natalia Comella (Office of the US Global AIDS coordinator, US department of State) .
AAAS S&T Policy Fellowship representatives as well as representatives from the National Academies will be available for questions before and after the seminar.
All interested graduate students are invited to have lunch with the speakers in the graduate student lounge (Bldg 10 Room 6S235A) at 12 noon.  Refreshments will be served.