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Writing & Publishing a Scientific Paper

Event: Writing & Publishing a Scientific Paper
Location: Bethesda Campus (TBA)
Start Date: 10/24/2008 1:00 PM
End Date: 10/24/2008 4:30 PM
Event Details:

Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper <>

Speaker: Marguerite Meitzler
Dates/Times:  October 24 and 31, November 7, 17, and 21.
Section A: 1:00 - 4:30 p.m., Section B: 5:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Location:  Bethesda Campus (room location to be determined)

This 5-week course is for postdocs and graduate students who, by the start of the class, will have sufficient data to publish a scientific paper. It will be presented by Maggie Meitzler, a professional writer and teacher who also has extensive experience as a scientific editor. It offers students the opportunity to:

  • Write a rough draft of a scientific paper, focusing on the two hardest sections to write — the introduction and the discussion.
  • Learn how to construct figures and tables.
  • Discuss the all-important abstract and the submission cover letter.
  • Understand the publishing process.
  • Learn why manuscripts get accepted/rejected.
  • Decide how to choose a journal.
  • Discuss the future of printed journals in a paperless age.

Each session of the class is limited to 25 participants. Students will be members of in-class review groups giving feedback to their colleagues. The instructor will provide individual in-class writing guidance. She will also review weekly writing assignments and provide written feedback. Students interested in taking this class must commit to 8-10 hours per week to writing/editing outside of the classroom. Attendance and active participation at all 5 course sessions is required in order to receive the certificate of completion at the end of the workshop.

Please register in advance <> .