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Career Decisions 101

Event: Career Decisions 101
Start Date: 10/6/2008 2:00 PM
End Date: 10/6/2008 4:00 PM
Event Details: Finding a satisfying career requires a combination of knowledge, both of yourself and of your goals, and a commitment to the career planning process. To that end, the OITE has designed, “Career Decisions 101,” a workshop series for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. 
The goals of the series include understanding how your personal interests, skills and values contribute to career satisfaction and professional success; learning the skills that will allow you to gather information on different careers; learning how to establish personal, professional and career goals with consideration for your current career status, previous experiences and future aspirations; and, learning how to make the most of networking opportunities.
The first workshop, “Planning for Career Satisfaction and Success,” will take place in Wilson Hall (Building 1, 3rd floor) on Oct. 6 from 2-4pm.  Visit the OITE Toolkit <>  for more detail about the series and to register.