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GSC: GS3 - Tony Barnitz

Event: GSC: GS3 - Tony Barntiz
Location: Building 10 / Graduate Student Lounge (6S235A)
Start Date: 4/17/2008 12:00 PM
End Date: 4/17/2008 1:00 PM
Event Details:

Hi everyone,
We will be having another exciting installment of GS3 this Thursday at noon in the Grad Student Lounge. Our speaker this month is

Tony Barnitz
“Examining HIV-1 Vpr-induced Cell Cycle Arrest and Cytopathicity”

Thursday April 17th, 2008
Graduate Student Lounge,
Bldg 10, Rm 6S235A

Refreshments will be served. I hope to see you there!
