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Exposure: Diagnose/Manage Acute Radiation Syndrome
(Text Version)

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Algorithm guideline modifications will be required in
mass casualty events.

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I. Estimate Dose Initially, If Possible
  1. Estimate Exposure Dose
  2. Dose > 2 Gy:
  3. Dose ≤ 2 Gy, with significant injury/burn:
    • Hold patient in health care facility for injury/burn treatment and further hematologic evaluation
    • Register patient in long-term follow-up database
    • Proceed to Clinical Management
  4. Dose ≤ 2 Gy, no significant injury/burn:
    • Send home with follow-up instructions
    • Register patient in long-term follow-up database
    • Personal physician should check sequential CBCs with differential if whole-body dose between 0.25 - 2 Gy
II. Clinical Management of Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) (What Is ARS?)
  1. Draw Blood to Estimate Dose
  2. Targeted Physical Examination
    • Look for signs of Acute Radiation Syndrome
  3. 4 Subsyndromes of ARS: Dx/Rx
    • Repeat subsyndrome evaluation frequently
    • Match treatment to signs and symptoms
    • Consider hematopoietic stem cell transplant referral if:
      • Labs and clinical signs warrant
      • Resources available
    • Plan for evolution of ARS over time
  4. If No Recovery: Deceased
  5. Otherwise: Survival
    • Register patient in long-term follow-up database
    • Plan long-term follow-up considering
      • Whole body dose received
      • Immune status
      • Risk/surveillance for subsequent malignancy
      • Risk/mitigation of specific organ dysfunction

US Department of Health & Human Services     
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response National Library of Medicine