National Cancer Institute Logo minibanner U.S. National Institutes of Health,


Annual Plan and Budget Proposal

Planning for Cancer Research: Annual Plans and Budgets

The U.S. government fiscal year runs from October 1st through September 30th

Cover of the Annual Plan and Budget Proposal for FY2008

The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research

The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research: A Plan and Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2008 reports on both strategic priorities and implementation progress in work by the National Cancer Institute to reduce the burden of cancer on the lives of all Americans.

Cancer deaths in the United States have declined — for the first time since 1930, the year our country began compiling statistics on its toll. This comes despite a rapidly aging population. The FY 2008 Plan and Budget Proposal illustrates how NCI is working on many fronts to provide a scientific basis for more successful outcomes. Although a document this size can convey only a cross-section of the National Cancer Program, it covers broad trends, concrete strategies, and examples of specific projects to provide vital support for the most promising research and its translation to people's health.

Through one's own personal experience or relationships with family, friends, and others in our communities, most of us have been touched by cancer. Because those journeys through illness and health are continually impacted by biomedical discoveries and groundbreaking tools, this document can be valuable to many audiences.

The NCI is mandated by The National Cancer Act of 1971 (Public Law 92-218) to prepare and submit its annual budget and plan directly to the President of the United States for review and transmittal to Congress. The information in this document is also important and useful to:

To learn more about long-term strategic planning for NCI's research investment, please refer to The NCI Strategic Plan. For regular updates on cancer research and other activities of NCI, sign up for the NCI Bulletin and check

NCI Annual Plans & Budget Proposals for previous years.

Last Reviewed:  January 10, 2008