NIH Fellows Handbook

Educational Loan Deferments

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Postdoctoral fellows who desire to have their educational loans deferred while in training at the NIH should submit the following documents to the Deputy Director, NIH Office of Education, Building 2, Room 2E06:

1)  The deferment form from the lending institution.

2)  A short memo from your supervisor (on NIH letterhead), verifying the beginning and ending dates of your fellowship and a brief description of the research in which you are involved.

The Office of Education will certify that the individual is a current participant in postdoctoral or clinical training program; however, loan deferment approval ultimately rests with the lending institution.

Fellows who need to have their Educational Loan Deferments Certified should contact the Deputy Director, NIH Office of Education at (301) 402-1915.

National Institutes of Health
Office of Education
Bldg. 2/Room 2E06
Bethesda, MD  20892-0240

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