NIH - Environmental Management System NIH - Environmental Management System
NIH - Environmental Management System

Natural Resources

Forest Conservation

Forest Conservation NEMS Program In December 1999, the EPA promulgated NPDES Phase II stormwater requirements, and as of April 2003, these requirements have been implemented in Maryland through the Maryland Department of the Environment, Water Management Administration (MDE/WMA) by adoption of General Discharge Permit (#03-IM-5500)/General NPDES Permit (#MDR055500).

In Maryland, the Phase II requirements affect approximately 60 State and Federal facilities including the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These affected facilities are now required to obtain NPDES permit coverage under the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) by January 2005. Coverage under the NPDES permit includes the requirement to implement the following six Best Management Practices (BMPs):

  1. Public education and outreach
  2. Public participation and involvement
  3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination
  4. Construction site runoff control
  5. Post-construction runoff control
  6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping.

As an integrated part of the NIH Environmental Management System (NEMS), this Stormwater and Forest Conservation EMP addresses the aspect of "liquid discharges to ground and/or stormwater and soil erosion" and sets forth goals, performance indicators, objectives, and action plans consistent with addressing the comprehensive compliance requirements of the State NPDES Phase II program.

If you would like more information about this program, please contact Lynn Mueller or Ed Pfister.

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