Animal Use Alternatives Thesaurus Terminology - Alphabetical Listing

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This shows an alphabetical listing of all the terms along with its associated wordblock.

(taxonomic nomenclature)   A   B   C   D   E   F   G    H    I    J    K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

(taxonomic nomenclature)
 BT1:  Organisms
 NT1:  Anguilla anguilla
 NT1:  Brachydanio rerio
 NT1:  Daphnia magna
 NT1:  Drosophila melanogaster
 NT1:  Escherichia coli
 NT1:  Hyallela azteca
 NT1:  Limulus polyphemus
 NT1:  Macaca fascicularis
 NT1:  Macaca mulatta
 NT1:  Macaca nemestrina
 NT1:  Neurospora crassa
 NT1:  Oryzias latipes
 NT1:  Pimephales promelas
 NT1:  Pseudomonas fluorescens
 NT1:  Rhizopus nigricans
 NT1:  Vibrio fischeri
 NT1:  Xenopus laevis

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abiotic injuries * USE: abiotic stress abiotic stress UF: abiotic injuries * UF: stress, abiotic * BT1: animal stress BT2: animal welfare BT3: Animal Care and Welfare BT3: bioethics BT4: ethics BT5: philosophy BT6: Human and Social Issues NT1: cold stress NT2: hypothermia NT1: heat stress abnormal behavior BT1: animal behavior BT2: Life Sciences NT1: stereotyped behavior RT: animal welfare acute dermal toxicity BT1: acute toxicity BT2: toxicity BT3: toxicology BT4: Product Testing and Toxicology acute inhalation toxicity BT1: acute toxicity BT2: toxicity BT3: toxicology BT4: Product Testing and Toxicology acute oral toxicity BT1: acute toxicity BT2: toxicity BT3: toxicology BT4: Product Testing and Toxicology RT: fixed dose procedure RT: lethal dose 50 RT: up-and-down method acute toxic class method BT1: animal tests BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods acute toxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: acute dermal toxicity NT1: acute inhalation toxicity NT1: acute oral toxicity NT1: dermal sensitization NT1: eye irritation NT1: skin irritation adapted feeding BT1: animal feeding BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare advisory committees BT1: committees BT2: organizations BT3: Human and Social Issues NT1: Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods air temperature * USE: ambient temperature algae BT1: Organisms alternatives to animal testing * USE: animal use alternatives ambient temperature UF: air temperature * BT1: animal environment BT2: Animal Care and Welfare Ames test BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: mutagenicity amphibians BT1: vertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms NT1: caecilians NT1: frogs NT2: tadpoles NT1: newts amphipods BT1: invertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms RT: Hyallela azteca analgesia UF: analgesiometry * BT1: animal welfare BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT2: bioethics BT3: ethics BT4: philosophy BT5: Human and Social Issues RT: pain analgesic activity * USE: analgesic effect analgesic effect UF: analgesic activity * UF: analgesic properties * UF: antinociceptive effect * BT1: medicinal properties BT2: pharmacology BT3: Life Sciences analgesic properties * USE: analgesic effect analgesics BT1: neurotropic drugs BT2: drugs BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology analgesiometry * USE: analgesia anesthesia BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: anesthesia reversal NT1: depth of anesthesia RT: anesthetics anesthesia reversal BT1: anesthesia BT2: animal handling BT3: animal husbandry BT4: Animal Care and Welfare anesthetics BT1: neurotropic drugs BT2: drugs BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: general anesthetics NT1: local anesthetics RT: anesthesia Anguilla anguilla UF: European eel * BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: fishes animal anatomy BT1: Life Sciences animal behavior UF: animal response (behavior) * BT1: Life Sciences NT1: abnormal behavior NT2: stereotyped behavior NT1: displacement activities NT1: feeding behavior NT1: maternal behavior NT1: social behavior NT2: social dominance NT2: social facilitation Animal Care and Welfare NT1: animal environment NT2: ambient temperature NT2: animal housing NT3: animal rooms NT3: animal space requirements NT3: cage design NT3: cage size NT3: cages NT4: nest boxes NT4: perches NT3: group housing NT3: litter (bedding) NT3: operating rooms NT3: pair housing NT3: pens NT3: stocking rate NT2: environmental enrichment NT3: nestlets NT3: social enrichment NT2: lighting NT2: shade NT2: ventilation and air circulation NT1: animal health NT2: morbidity NT3: ascites NT2: mortality NT1: animal husbandry NT2: animal feeding NT3: adapted feeding NT3: feed withdrawal NT3: water deprivation NT2: animal handling NT3: anesthesia NT4: anesthesia reversal NT4: depth of anesthesia NT3: animal use refinement NT3: blood sampling NT4: saphenous vein puncture NT4: sublinguinal vein puncture NT3: capture of animals NT3: herding NT3: postoperative care NT3: preoperative care NT3: restraint of animals NT3: surgery NT4: laser surgery NT2: animal identification NT3: radio frequency identification NT2: stocking rate NT2: training (animals) NT1: animal use alternatives NT2: animal use reduction NT2: animal use refinement NT2: animal use replacement NT1: animal welfare NT2: analgesia NT2: animal preferences NT2: animal stress NT3: abiotic stress NT4: cold stress NT5: hypothermia NT4: heat stress NT3: distress NT2: animal use refinement NT2: animal well-being NT2: death NT3: euthanasia NT4: asphyxiation NT4: cervical dislocation NT4: decapitation NT2: distress NT2: pain NT1: training of animal technicians animal cell lines BT1: cell lines BT2: in vitro culture BT3: culture techniques BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT4: Non-whole Animal Systems RT: mouse lymphoma assay animal choices * USE: animal preferences animal density * USE: stocking rate animal disease models BT1: animal models BT2: animal experiments BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods animal environment BT1: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: ambient temperature NT1: animal housing NT2: animal rooms NT2: animal space requirements NT2: cage design NT2: cage size NT2: cages NT3: nest boxes NT3: perches NT2: group housing NT2: litter (bedding) NT2: operating rooms NT2: pair housing NT2: pens NT2: stocking rate NT1: environmental enrichment NT2: nestlets NT2: social enrichment NT1: lighting NT1: shade NT1: ventilation and air circulation animal experiments BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: animal models NT2: animal disease models NT1: surgery NT2: laser surgery animal feeding BT1: animal husbandry BT2: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: adapted feeding NT1: feed withdrawal NT1: water deprivation animal handlers * USE: animal technicians animal handling BT1: animal husbandry BT2: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: anesthesia NT2: anesthesia reversal NT2: depth of anesthesia NT1: animal use refinement NT1: blood sampling NT2: saphenous vein puncture NT2: sublinguinal vein puncture NT1: capture of animals NT1: herding NT1: postoperative care NT1: preoperative care NT1: restraint of animals NT1: surgery NT2: laser surgery RT: standard operating procedures animal health BT1: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: morbidity NT2: ascites NT1: mortality animal housing BT1: animal environment BT2: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: animal rooms NT1: animal space requirements NT1: cage design NT1: cage size NT1: cages NT2: nest boxes NT2: perches NT1: group housing NT1: litter (bedding) NT1: operating rooms NT1: pair housing NT1: pens NT1: stocking rate animal husbandry BT1: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: animal feeding NT2: adapted feeding NT2: feed withdrawal NT2: water deprivation NT1: animal handling NT2: anesthesia NT3: anesthesia reversal NT3: depth of anesthesia NT2: animal use refinement NT2: blood sampling NT3: saphenous vein puncture NT3: sublinguinal vein puncture NT2: capture of animals NT2: herding NT2: postoperative care NT2: preoperative care NT2: restraint of animals NT2: surgery NT3: laser surgery NT1: animal identification NT2: radio frequency identification NT1: stocking rate NT1: training (animals) RT: euthanasia animal identification UF: marking of animals * BT1: animal husbandry BT2: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: radio frequency identification animal law UF: animal legislation * UF: animal regulations * BT1: legislation BT2: Government, Law, and Regulations animal legislation * USE: animal law animal models UF: models, animal * BT1: animal experiments BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: animal disease models SN: Animals with conditions similar to human diseases. animal numbers BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: animal use reduction RT: experimental design animal preferences UF: animal choices * UF: choices, animal * UF: preferences, animal * BT1: animal welfare BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT2: bioethics BT3: ethics BT4: philosophy BT5: Human and Social Issues animal regulations * USE: animal law animal response (behavior) * USE: animal behavior animal rooms BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare animal space requirements UF: space requirements * BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RT: cage size RT: stocking rate animal stress BT1: animal welfare BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT2: bioethics BT3: ethics BT4: philosophy BT5: Human and Social Issues NT1: abiotic stress NT2: cold stress NT3: hypothermia NT2: heat stress NT1: distress animal technicians UF: animal handlers * BT1: people BT2: Human and Social Issues RT: training of animal technicians animal testing alternatives * USE: animal use alternatives animal testing reduction * USE: animal use reduction animal testing refinement * USE: animal use refinement animal testing replacement * USE: animal use replacement animal tests BT1: laboratory tests BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: acute toxic class method NT1: eye irritation tests NT1: fixed dose procedure NT1: local lymph node assay NT1: up-and-down method animal training * USE: training (animals) animal use alternatives UF: alternatives to animal testing * UF: animal testing alternatives * BT1: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: animal use reduction NT1: animal use refinement NT1: animal use replacement animal use reduction UF: animal testing reduction * UF: reduction, animal testing * BT1: animal use alternatives BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT1: experimental design BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: animal numbers animal use refinement UF: animal testing refinement * UF: refinement, animal testing * BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare BT1: animal use alternatives BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT1: animal welfare BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT2: bioethics BT3: ethics BT4: philosophy BT5: Human and Social Issues animal use replacement UF: animal testing replacement * UF: replacement, animal testing * BT1: animal use alternatives BT2: Animal Care and Welfare RT: computer software RT: simulation animal welfare BT1: Animal Care and Welfare BT1: bioethics BT2: ethics BT3: philosophy BT4: Human and Social Issues NT1: analgesia NT1: animal preferences NT1: animal stress NT2: abiotic stress NT3: cold stress NT4: hypothermia NT3: heat stress NT2: distress NT1: animal use refinement NT1: animal well-being NT1: death NT2: euthanasia NT3: asphyxiation NT3: cervical dislocation NT3: decapitation NT1: distress NT1: pain RT: abnormal behavior RT: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees animal well-being UF: animal wellbeing * UF: well-being, animal BT1: animal welfare BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT2: bioethics BT3: ethics BT4: philosophy BT5: Human and Social Issues animal wellbeing * USE: animal well-being animals UF: nonhuman animals * BT1: Organisms NT1: animals in education NT1: invertebrates NT2: amphipods NT2: cephalopods NT2: earthworms NT2: insects NT2: macroinvertebrates NT2: sea urchins NT1: laboratory animals NT2: germ-free animals NT3: specific pathogen-free animals NT2: laboratory mammals NT3: laboratory primates NT1: transgenic animals NT1: vertebrates NT2: amphibians NT3: caecilians NT3: frogs NT4: tadpoles NT3: newts NT2: birds NT3: chickens NT3: pigeons NT2: fishes NT2: mammals NT3: cats NT3: dogs NT3: gerbils NT3: guinea pigs NT3: hamsters NT3: mice NT3: nonhuman primates NT4: chimpanzees NT4: monkeys NT3: rabbits NT3: rats NT2: reptiles animals in education BT1: animals BT2: Organisms BT1: Science Education anti-anxiety agents * USE: tranquilizers anti-inflammatory activity UF: anti-inflammatory effect * UF: anti-inflammatory properties * UF: antiinflammatory activity * UF: antiinflammatory effect * UF: antiinflammatory properties * BT1: medicinal properties BT2: pharmacology BT3: Life Sciences anti-inflammatory drugs BT1: drugs BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology anti-inflammatory effect * USE: anti-inflammatory activity anti-inflammatory properties * USE: anti-inflammatory activity antibody production BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: ascites antiinflammatory activity * USE: anti-inflammatory activity antiinflammatory effect * USE: anti-inflammatory activity antiinflammatory properties * USE: anti-inflammatory activity antinociceptive effect * USE: analgesic effect anxiolytics * USE: tranquilizers artificial neural networks * USE: neural networks artificial skin BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems ascites BT1: morbidity BT2: animal health BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RT: antibody production asphyxiation BT1: euthanasia BT2: death BT3: animal welfare BT4: Animal Care and Welfare BT4: bioethics BT5: ethics BT6: philosophy BT7: Human and Social Issues assays BT1: laboratory tests BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: bioassays NT2: Ames test NT2: bioluminescence assays NT3: bioluminescent bacterial genotoxicity test NT2: bone marrow micronucleus assay NT2: cell transformation assay NT2: cytotoxicity assays NT2: eye irritation tests NT2: frog embryo teratogenesis assay--Xenopus NT2: fungal viability assay NT2: Limulus amebocyte lysate assay NT2: local lymph node assay NT2: mouse lymphoma assay NT2: somatic mutation and recombination assay NT2: yeast mutagenicity assay NT1: immunoassay NT2: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay audiovisual aids BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: video technology axenic animals * USE: germ-free animals (return to top)


bacteria BT1: Organisms RT: Pseudomonas fluorescens RT: Vibrio fischeri baseline values * USE: normal values bioassays BT1: assays BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: Ames test NT1: bioluminescence assays NT2: bioluminescent bacterial genotoxicity test NT1: bone marrow micronucleus assay NT1: cell transformation assay NT1: cytotoxicity assays NT1: eye irritation tests NT1: frog embryo teratogenesis assay--Xenopus NT1: fungal viability assay NT1: Limulus amebocyte lysate assay NT1: local lymph node assay NT1: mouse lymphoma assay NT1: somatic mutation and recombination assay NT1: yeast mutagenicity assay biochemistry BT1: Life Sciences NT1: biodegradation NT1: enzymes NT2: enzyme activity NT1: pharmacokinetics NT1: structure activity relationships NT2: quantitative structure activity relationships biocompatibility BT1: product properties BT2: products BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology biodegradation BT1: biochemistry BT2: Life Sciences bioethics BT1: ethics BT2: philosophy BT3: Human and Social Issues NT1: animal welfare NT2: analgesia NT2: animal preferences NT2: animal stress NT3: abiotic stress NT4: cold stress NT5: hypothermia NT4: heat stress NT3: distress NT2: animal use refinement NT2: animal well-being NT2: death NT3: euthanasia NT4: asphyxiation NT4: cervical dislocation NT4: decapitation NT2: distress NT2: pain bioluminescence assays UF: Microtox (R) * BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: bioluminescent bacterial genotoxicity test bioluminescent bacterial genotoxicity test UF: Mutatox (R) assay * BT1: bioluminescence assays BT2: bioassays BT3: assays BT4: laboratory tests BT5: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods biomarkers BT1: indicators BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: enzyme activity RT: metabolites Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: animal experiments NT2: animal models NT3: animal disease models NT2: surgery NT3: laser surgery NT1: animal numbers NT1: antibody production NT1: culture techniques NT2: in vitro culture NT3: cell culture NT4: cloning (cells) NT3: cell lines NT4: animal cell lines NT4: human cell lines NT3: coculture NT3: enrichment culture NT3: explants NT3: organ culture NT3: ovule culture NT3: tissue culture NT4: embryo culture NT4: human tissue cultures NT1: dosage NT2: inhibitory concentration 50 NT2: lethal concentration 50 NT2: lethal dose 50 NT2: no observed adverse effect level NT1: equipment NT2: bioreactors NT2: laboratory equipment NT3: hollow fiber reactors NT2: medical devices NT1: experimental design NT2: animal use reduction NT2: endpoints NT3: humane endpoints NT1: indicators NT2: biomarkers NT2: indicator species NT1: laboratory methods NT2: cryopreservation NT2: polymerase chain reaction NT1: laboratory tests NT2: animal tests NT3: acute toxic class method NT3: eye irritation tests NT3: fixed dose procedure NT3: local lymph node assay NT3: up-and-down method NT2: assays NT3: bioassays NT4: Ames test NT4: bioluminescence assays NT5: bioluminescent bacterial genotoxicity test NT4: bone marrow micronucleus assay NT4: cell transformation assay NT4: cytotoxicity assays NT4: eye irritation tests NT4: frog embryo teratogenesis assay--Xenopus NT4: fungal viability assay NT4: Limulus amebocyte lysate assay NT4: local lymph node assay NT4: mouse lymphoma assay NT4: somatic mutation and recombination assay NT4: yeast mutagenicity assay NT3: immunoassay NT4: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay NT2: nonanimal tests NT2: skin tests NT3: skin irritancy tests NT4: patch test NT3: skin prick test NT1: statistics NT2: estimation NT3: risk assessment NT2: normal values NT2: prediction bioreactors BT1: equipment BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems birds BT1: vertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms NT1: chickens NT1: pigeons blood collection * USE: blood sampling blood drawing * USE: blood sampling blood sampling UF: blood collection * UF: blood drawing * BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: saphenous vein puncture NT1: sublinguinal vein puncture bone marrow cells BT1: cells BT2: Life Sciences bone marrow micronucleus assay UF: micronucleus test * BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods Brachydanio rerio UF: Danio rerio * UF: zebrafish * BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: fishes breeding BT1: Life Sciences NT1: lines NT2: inbred lines NT1: strains (return to top)


cadavers BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems caecilians BT1: amphibians BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms cage density * USE: stocking rate cage design BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare BT1: design BT2: Human and Social Issues RT: environmental enrichment cage size BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RT: animal space requirements RT: cages cages BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: nest boxes NT1: perches RT: cage size capture of animals BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare carcinogenicity UF: oncogenicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology CASE * USE: computer automated structure evaluation cats BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms cell culture BT1: in vitro culture BT2: culture techniques BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: cloning (cells) cell lines BT1: in vitro culture BT2: culture techniques BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: animal cell lines NT1: human cell lines cell transformation assay BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods cells BT1: Life Sciences NT1: bone marrow cells NT1: hybridomas NT1: keratinocytes NT1: kidney cells NT1: liver cells NT1: stem cells NT2: embryonic stem cells cephalopods BT1: invertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms cervical dislocation BT1: euthanasia BT2: death BT3: animal welfare BT4: Animal Care and Welfare BT4: bioethics BT5: ethics BT6: philosophy BT7: Human and Social Issues chickens BT1: birds BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms chimpanzees UF: Pan troglodytes * BT1: nonhuman primates BT2: mammals BT3: vertebrates BT4: animals BT5: Organisms choices, animal * USE: animal preferences chronic toxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology cloning (cells) BT1: cell culture BT2: in vitro culture BT3: culture techniques BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT4: Non-whole Animal Systems RT: genetics coculture BT1: in vitro culture BT2: culture techniques BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems codes of practice BT1: standards BT2: Government, Law, and Regulations cold stress BT1: abiotic stress BT2: animal stress BT3: animal welfare BT4: Animal Care and Welfare BT4: bioethics BT5: ethics BT6: philosophy BT7: Human and Social Issues NT1: hypothermia committees BT1: organizations BT2: Human and Social Issues NT1: advisory committees NT2: Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods RT: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees computer automated structure evaluation UF: CASE * BT1: computer software BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems RT: structure activity relationships computer models BT1: computer software BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems computer programmes * USE: computer software computer programs * USE: computer software computer software UF: computer programmes * UF: computer programs * BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: computer automated structure evaluation NT1: computer models NT1: expert systems NT1: interactive programs NT1: neural networks NT1: virtual reality RT: animal use replacement Corrositex (R) * USE: skin irritancy tests cosmetics BT1: products BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology cosmetics testing BT1: product testing BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology cryopreservation BT1: laboratory methods BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods culture techniques BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: in vitro culture NT2: cell culture NT3: cloning (cells) NT2: cell lines NT3: animal cell lines NT3: human cell lines NT2: coculture NT2: enrichment culture NT2: explants NT2: organ culture NT2: ovule culture NT2: tissue culture NT3: embryo culture NT3: human tissue cultures cynomolgus monkeys * USE: Macaca fascicularis cytotoxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology cytotoxicity assays BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods (return to top)


Danio rerio * USE: Brachydanio rerio Daphnia magna BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms death BT1: animal welfare BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT2: bioethics BT3: ethics BT4: philosophy BT5: Human and Social Issues NT1: euthanasia NT2: asphyxiation NT2: cervical dislocation NT2: decapitation decapitation BT1: euthanasia BT2: death BT3: animal welfare BT4: Animal Care and Welfare BT4: bioethics BT5: ethics BT6: philosophy BT7: Human and Social Issues depth of anesthesia UF: plane of anesthesia * BT1: anesthesia BT2: animal handling BT3: animal husbandry BT4: Animal Care and Welfare dermal irritancy tests * USE: skin irritancy tests dermal irritation * USE: skin irritation dermal sensitization UF: skin sensitization * BT1: acute toxicity BT2: toxicity BT3: toxicology BT4: Product Testing and Toxicology design BT1: Human and Social Issues NT1: cage design discomfort * USE: pain displacement activities BT1: animal behavior BT2: Life Sciences distress UF: mental stress * UF: psychological stress * UF: stress, psychological * BT1: animal stress BT2: animal welfare BT3: Animal Care and Welfare BT3: bioethics BT4: ethics BT5: philosophy BT6: Human and Social Issues BT1: animal welfare BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT2: bioethics BT3: ethics BT4: philosophy BT5: Human and Social Issues DNA BT1: genetics BT2: Life Sciences dogs BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms dosage BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: inhibitory concentration 50 NT1: lethal concentration 50 NT1: lethal dose 50 NT1: no observed adverse effect level RT: drugs RT: experimental design Draize eye test * USE: eye irritation tests Draize rabbit eye test * USE: eye irritation tests Drosophila melanogaster BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: insects drug testing BT1: product testing BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology drug toxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology drugs BT1: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: anti-inflammatory drugs NT1: neurotropic drugs NT2: analgesics NT2: anesthetics NT3: general anesthetics NT3: local anesthetics NT2: opioids NT2: sedatives NT2: tranquilizers RT: dosage dummies * USE: mannequins (return to top)


earthworms BT1: invertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms ecological toxicity * USE: ecotoxicity ecotoxicity UF: ecological toxicity * UF: ecotoxicology * BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology ecotoxicology * USE: ecotoxicity efficacy testing BT1: Product Testing and Toxicology ELISA * USE: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay embryo culture BT1: tissue culture BT2: in vitro culture BT3: culture techniques BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT4: Non-whole Animal Systems embryonic stem cells BT1: stem cells BT2: cells BT3: Life Sciences embryotoxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology endotoxins BT1: toxic substances BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology RT: Limulus amebocyte lysate assay endpoints BT1: experimental design BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: humane endpoints enrichment culture BT1: in vitro culture BT2: culture techniques BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems environmental enhancement * USE: environmental enrichment environmental enrichment UF: environmental enhancement * BT1: animal environment BT2: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: nestlets NT1: social enrichment RT: cage design SN: Enhancing the environment of confined animals in order to encourage natural behaviors and improve their quality of life. [ Jensen & Kreger, 1997.] enzyme activity BT1: enzymes BT2: biochemistry BT3: Life Sciences RT: biomarkers enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay UF: ELISA * BT1: immunoassay BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods enzymes BT1: biochemistry BT2: Life Sciences NT1: enzyme activity equipment BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: bioreactors NT1: laboratory equipment NT2: hollow fiber reactors NT1: medical devices Escherichia coli BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms estimation BT1: mathematical models BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems BT1: statistics BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: risk assessment ethics BT1: philosophy BT2: Human and Social Issues NT1: bioethics NT2: animal welfare NT3: analgesia NT3: animal preferences NT3: animal stress NT4: abiotic stress NT5: cold stress NT6: hypothermia NT5: heat stress NT4: distress NT3: animal use refinement NT3: animal well-being NT3: death NT4: euthanasia NT5: asphyxiation NT5: cervical dislocation NT5: decapitation NT3: distress NT3: pain European eel * USE: Anguilla anguilla euthanasia UF: humane killing * UF: mercy killing * BT1: death BT2: animal welfare BT3: Animal Care and Welfare BT3: bioethics BT4: ethics BT5: philosophy BT6: Human and Social Issues NT1: asphyxiation NT1: cervical dislocation NT1: decapitation RT: animal husbandry experimental design BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: animal use reduction NT1: endpoints NT2: humane endpoints RT: animal numbers RT: dosage RT: indicators RT: statistics RT: validation expert systems BT1: computer software BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems explants BT1: in vitro culture BT2: culture techniques BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems eye irritation BT1: acute toxicity BT2: toxicity BT3: toxicology BT4: Product Testing and Toxicology eye irritation tests UF: Draize eye test * UF: Draize rabbit eye test * UF: ocular irritation test * BT1: animal tests BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: skin irritancy tests (return to top)


facility management BT1: Human and Social Issues fathead minnow * USE: Pimephales promelas feed deprivation * USE: feed withdrawal feed withdrawal UF: feed deprivation * BT1: animal feeding BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare feeding behavior BT1: animal behavior BT2: Life Sciences FETAX * USE: frog embryo teratogenesis assay--Xenopus fishes BT1: vertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms RT: Anguilla anguilla RT: Brachydanio rerio RT: Oryzias latipes fixed dose procedure BT1: animal tests BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: acute oral toxicity frog embryo teratogenesis assay--Xenopus UF: FETAX * BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: Xenopus laevis frogs BT1: amphibians BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms NT1: tadpoles RT: Xenopus laevis fungal viability assay BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods fungi BT1: Organisms RT: Neurospora crassa (return to top)


general anesthetics BT1: anesthetics BT2: neurotropic drugs BT3: drugs BT4: Product Testing and Toxicology genetics BT1: Life Sciences NT1: DNA NT1: line differences NT1: mutants NT2: knockout mutants NT1: polymerase chain reaction NT1: RNA NT1: strain differences RT: cloning (cells) genotoxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology gerbils BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms germ free animals * USE: germ-free animals germ-free animals UF: axenic animals * UF: germ free animals * UF: germfree animals * UF: gnotobiotic animals * UF: pathogen free animals (complete) * UF: pathogen-free animals (complete) * BT1: laboratory animals BT2: animals BT3: Organisms NT1: specific pathogen-free animals germfree animals * USE: germ-free animals gnotobiotic animals * USE: germ-free animals Government, Law, and Regulations NT1: guidelines NT1: legislation NT2: animal law NT1: policy NT1: regulations NT1: standards NT2: codes of practice NT2: standard operating procedures group housing BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare guidelines BT1: Government, Law, and Regulations RT: regulations guinea pigs BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms (return to top)


hamsters BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms heat shock proteins BT1: physiology BT2: Life Sciences heat stress BT1: abiotic stress BT2: animal stress BT3: animal welfare BT4: Animal Care and Welfare BT4: bioethics BT5: ethics BT6: philosophy BT7: Human and Social Issues hepatocytes USE: liver cells hepatotoxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology herding BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare history BT1: Human and Social Issues hollow fiber reactors BT1: laboratory equipment BT2: equipment BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems household products BT1: products BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology Human and Social Issues NT1: design NT2: cage design NT1: facility management NT1: history NT1: human-animal relations NT1: organizations NT2: committees NT3: advisory committees NT4: Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods NT1: people NT2: animal technicians NT2: researchers NT3: principal investigators NT2: veterinarians NT1: philosophy NT2: ethics NT3: bioethics NT4: animal welfare NT5: analgesia NT5: animal preferences NT5: animal stress NT6: abiotic stress NT7: cold stress NT8: hypothermia NT7: heat stress NT6: distress NT5: animal use refinement NT5: animal well-being NT5: death NT6: euthanasia NT7: asphyxiation NT7: cervical dislocation NT7: decapitation NT5: distress NT5: pain NT1: zoonoses human cell lines BT1: cell lines BT2: in vitro culture BT3: culture techniques BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT4: Non-whole Animal Systems human tissue cultures BT1: tissue culture BT2: in vitro culture BT3: culture techniques BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT4: Non-whole Animal Systems human-animal interactions * USE: human-animal relations human-animal relations UF: human-animal interactions * BT1: Human and Social Issues humane endpoints BT1: endpoints BT2: experimental design BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods humane killing * USE: euthanasia Hyallela azteca BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: amphipods hybridomas BT1: cells BT2: Life Sciences hypothermia BT1: cold stress BT2: abiotic stress BT3: animal stress BT4: animal welfare BT5: Animal Care and Welfare BT5: bioethics BT6: ethics BT7: philosophy BT8: Human and Social Issues (return to top)


IACUC * USE: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees IC50 USE: inhibitory concentration 50 ICCVAM * USE: Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods immunoassay BT1: assays BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in vitro culture BT1: culture techniques BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: cell culture NT2: cloning (cells) NT1: cell lines NT2: animal cell lines NT2: human cell lines NT1: coculture NT1: enrichment culture NT1: explants NT1: organ culture NT1: ovule culture NT1: tissue culture NT2: embryo culture NT2: human tissue cultures inbred lines BT1: lines BT2: breeding BT3: Life Sciences indicator species BT1: indicators BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT1: Organisms indicators BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: biomarkers NT1: indicator species RT: experimental design inhibitory concentration 50 UF: IC50 BT1: dosage BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods insects BT1: invertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms RT: Drosophila melanogaster Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees UF: IACUC * NT1: membership NT1: protocol review NT1: whistleblowing RT: animal welfare RT: committees RT: laboratory animals interactive programs BT1: computer software BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods UF: ICCVAM * BT1: advisory committees BT2: committees BT3: organizations BT4: Human and Social Issues RT: validation invertebrates BT1: animals BT2: Organisms NT1: amphipods NT1: cephalopods NT1: earthworms NT1: insects NT1: macroinvertebrates NT1: sea urchins RT: Limulus polyphemus irritant properties BT1: product properties BT2: products BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology (return to top)


keratinocytes BT1: cells BT2: Life Sciences kidney cells BT1: cells BT2: Life Sciences knockout mutants BT1: mutants BT2: genetics BT3: Life Sciences (return to top)


laboratory animals BT1: animals BT2: Organisms NT1: germ-free animals NT2: specific pathogen-free animals NT1: laboratory mammals NT2: laboratory primates RT: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees laboratory equipment BT1: equipment BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: hollow fiber reactors laboratory mammals BT1: laboratory animals BT2: animals BT3: Organisms NT1: laboratory primates laboratory methods UF: methods, laboratory UF: techniques, laboratory BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: cryopreservation NT1: polymerase chain reaction laboratory primates BT1: laboratory mammals BT2: laboratory animals BT3: animals BT4: Organisms RT: monkeys RT: nonhuman primates laboratory tests UF: testing, laboratory * BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: animal tests NT2: acute toxic class method NT2: eye irritation tests NT2: fixed dose procedure NT2: local lymph node assay NT2: up-and-down method NT1: assays NT2: bioassays NT3: Ames test NT3: bioluminescence assays NT4: bioluminescent bacterial genotoxicity test NT3: bone marrow micronucleus assay NT3: cell transformation assay NT3: cytotoxicity assays NT3: eye irritation tests NT3: frog embryo teratogenesis assay--Xenopus NT3: fungal viability assay NT3: Limulus amebocyte lysate assay NT3: local lymph node assay NT3: mouse lymphoma assay NT3: somatic mutation and recombination assay NT3: yeast mutagenicity assay NT2: immunoassay NT3: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay NT1: nonanimal tests NT1: skin tests NT2: skin irritancy tests NT3: patch test NT2: skin prick test LAL * USE: Limulus amebocyte lysate assay laser surgery BT1: surgery BT2: animal experiments BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT2: animal handling BT3: animal husbandry BT4: Animal Care and Welfare LC 50 * USE: lethal concentration 50 LC50 * USE: lethal concentration 50 LD(50) * USE: lethal dose 50 LD50 * USE: lethal dose 50 legislation BT1: Government, Law, and Regulations NT1: animal law RT: regulations lethal concentration 50 UF: LC 50 * UF: LC50 * BT1: dosage BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods lethal dose 50 UF: LD(50) * UF: LD50 * BT1: dosage BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: acute oral toxicity Life Sciences NT1: animal anatomy NT1: animal behavior NT2: abnormal behavior NT3: stereotyped behavior NT2: displacement activities NT2: feeding behavior NT2: maternal behavior NT2: social behavior NT3: social dominance NT3: social facilitation NT1: biochemistry NT2: biodegradation NT2: enzymes NT3: enzyme activity NT2: pharmacokinetics NT2: structure activity relationships NT3: quantitative structure activity relationships NT1: breeding NT2: lines NT3: inbred lines NT2: strains NT1: cells NT2: bone marrow cells NT2: hybridomas NT2: keratinocytes NT2: kidney cells NT2: liver cells NT2: stem cells NT3: embryonic stem cells NT1: genetics NT2: DNA NT2: line differences NT2: mutants NT3: knockout mutants NT2: polymerase chain reaction NT2: RNA NT2: strain differences NT1: pharmacology NT2: medicinal properties NT3: analgesic effect NT3: anti-inflammatory activity NT1: physiology NT2: heat shock proteins NT2: metabolites NT2: susceptibility lighting BT1: animal environment BT2: Animal Care and Welfare Limulus amebocyte lysate assay UF: LAL * BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: endotoxins Limulus polyphemus BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: invertebrates line differences BT1: genetics BT2: Life Sciences RT: lines lines BT1: breeding BT2: Life Sciences NT1: inbred lines RT: line differences RT: strains litter (bedding) BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare liver cells UF: hepatocytes BT1: cells BT2: Life Sciences LLNA * USE: local lymph node assay local anesthetics BT1: anesthetics BT2: neurotropic drugs BT3: drugs BT4: Product Testing and Toxicology local lymph node assay UF: LLNA * UF: murine local lymph node assay * BT1: animal tests BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods (return to top)


Macaca fascicularis UF: cynomolgus monkeys * BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: monkeys Macaca mulatta UF: rhesus monkeys * BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: monkeys Macaca nemestrina UF: pigtailed macaques * BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: monkeys macroinvertebrates BT1: invertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms mammals BT1: vertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms NT1: cats NT1: dogs NT1: gerbils NT1: guinea pigs NT1: hamsters NT1: mice NT1: nonhuman primates NT2: chimpanzees NT2: monkeys NT1: rabbits NT1: rats mannequins UF: dummies * UF: mannikins * BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems mannikins * USE: mannequins marking of animals * USE: animal identification maternal behavior BT1: animal behavior BT2: Life Sciences mathematical models BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: estimation NT2: risk assessment RT: simulation medaka * USE: Oryzias latipes medical devices BT1: equipment BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems BT1: products BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology medical materials BT1: products BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology medicinal properties BT1: pharmacology BT2: Life Sciences NT1: analgesic effect NT1: anti-inflammatory activity membership BT1: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees mental stress * USE: distress mercy killing * USE: euthanasia metabolites BT1: physiology BT2: Life Sciences RT: biomarkers methods, laboratory USE: laboratory methods mice BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms micronucleus test * USE: bone marrow micronucleus assay Microtox (R) * USE: bioluminescence assays models, animal * USE: animal models monkeys BT1: nonhuman primates BT2: mammals BT3: vertebrates BT4: animals BT5: Organisms RT: laboratory primates RT: Macaca fascicularis RT: Macaca mulatta RT: Macaca nemestrina morbidity BT1: animal health BT2: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: ascites mortality BT1: animal health BT2: Animal Care and Welfare mouse lymphoma assay BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: animal cell lines murine local lymph node assay * USE: local lymph node assay mutagenicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology RT: Ames test mutants BT1: genetics BT2: Life Sciences NT1: knockout mutants Mutatox (R) assay * USE: bioluminescent bacterial genotoxicity test (return to top)


nephrotoxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology nest boxes BT1: cages BT2: animal housing BT3: animal environment BT4: Animal Care and Welfare nestlets BT1: environmental enrichment BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare neural networks UF: artificial neural networks * BT1: computer software BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems neuroleptics * USE: tranquilizers Neurospora crassa BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: fungi neurotoxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology neurotropic drugs BT1: drugs BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: analgesics NT1: anesthetics NT2: general anesthetics NT2: local anesthetics NT1: opioids NT1: sedatives NT1: tranquilizers newts BT1: amphibians BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms no observed adverse effect level UF: no observed effect level * UF: NOAEL * UF: NOEL * BT1: dosage BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods no observed effect level * USE: no observed adverse effect level NOAEL * USE: no observed adverse effect level NOEL * USE: no observed adverse effect level Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: artificial skin NT1: audiovisual aids NT2: video technology NT1: cadavers NT1: computer software NT2: computer automated structure evaluation NT2: computer models NT2: expert systems NT2: interactive programs NT2: neural networks NT2: virtual reality NT1: culture techniques NT2: in vitro culture NT3: cell culture NT4: cloning (cells) NT3: cell lines NT4: animal cell lines NT4: human cell lines NT3: coculture NT3: enrichment culture NT3: explants NT3: organ culture NT3: ovule culture NT3: tissue culture NT4: embryo culture NT4: human tissue cultures NT1: equipment NT2: bioreactors NT2: laboratory equipment NT3: hollow fiber reactors NT2: medical devices NT1: mannequins NT1: mathematical models NT2: estimation NT3: risk assessment NT1: nonanimal tests NT1: physical models NT2: plastinated models NT1: simulation NT1: validation nonanimal tests BT1: laboratory tests BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems nonhuman animals * USE: animals nonhuman primates BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms NT1: chimpanzees NT1: monkeys RT: laboratory primates normal values UF: baseline values * BT1: statistics BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods (return to top)


ocular irritation test * USE: eye irritation tests oncogenicity USE: carcinogenicity operating rooms UF: surgical suites * BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RT: surgery opioids BT1: neurotropic drugs BT2: drugs BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology organ culture BT1: in vitro culture BT2: culture techniques BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems Organisms NT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) NT2: Anguilla anguilla NT2: Brachydanio rerio NT2: Daphnia magna NT2: Drosophila melanogaster NT2: Escherichia coli NT2: Hyallela azteca NT2: Limulus polyphemus NT2: Macaca fascicularis NT2: Macaca mulatta NT2: Macaca nemestrina NT2: Neurospora crassa NT2: Oryzias latipes NT2: Pimephales promelas NT2: Pseudomonas fluorescens NT2: Rhizopus nigricans NT2: Vibrio fischeri NT2: Xenopus laevis NT1: algae NT1: animals NT2: animals in education NT2: invertebrates NT3: amphipods NT3: cephalopods NT3: earthworms NT3: insects NT3: macroinvertebrates NT3: sea urchins NT2: laboratory animals NT3: germ-free animals NT4: specific pathogen-free animals NT3: laboratory mammals NT4: laboratory primates NT2: transgenic animals NT2: vertebrates NT3: amphibians NT4: caecilians NT4: frogs NT5: tadpoles NT4: newts NT3: birds NT4: chickens NT4: pigeons NT3: fishes NT3: mammals NT4: cats NT4: dogs NT4: gerbils NT4: guinea pigs NT4: hamsters NT4: mice NT4: nonhuman primates NT5: chimpanzees NT5: monkeys NT4: rabbits NT4: rats NT3: reptiles NT1: bacteria NT1: fungi NT1: indicator species NT1: plants NT2: transgenic plants NT1: yeasts organizations BT1: Human and Social Issues NT1: committees NT2: advisory committees NT3: Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods Oryzias latipes UF: medaka * BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: fishes ovule culture BT1: in vitro culture BT2: culture techniques BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems (return to top)


pain UF: discomfort * BT1: animal welfare BT2: Animal Care and Welfare BT2: bioethics BT3: ethics BT4: philosophy BT5: Human and Social Issues RT: analgesia pair housing BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RT: social enrichment Pan troglodytes * USE: chimpanzees patch test BT1: skin irritancy tests BT2: skin tests BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods pathogen free animals (complete) * USE: germ-free animals pathogen-free animals (complete) * USE: germ-free animals PCR * USE: polymerase chain reaction pens BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare people BT1: Human and Social Issues NT1: animal technicians NT1: researchers NT2: principal investigators NT1: veterinarians perches BT1: cages BT2: animal housing BT3: animal environment BT4: Animal Care and Welfare personal care products BT1: products BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology pesticides BT1: products BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology pharmacokinetics BT1: biochemistry BT2: Life Sciences RT: pharmacology pharmacology BT1: Life Sciences NT1: medicinal properties NT2: analgesic effect NT2: anti-inflammatory activity RT: pharmacokinetics pharmacotoxicity * USE: toxicity philosophy BT1: Human and Social Issues NT1: ethics NT2: bioethics NT3: animal welfare NT4: analgesia NT4: animal preferences NT4: animal stress NT5: abiotic stress NT6: cold stress NT7: hypothermia NT6: heat stress NT5: distress NT4: animal use refinement NT4: animal well-being NT4: death NT5: euthanasia NT6: asphyxiation NT6: cervical dislocation NT6: decapitation NT4: distress NT4: pain photoirritation * USE: phototoxicity phototoxicity UF: photoirritation * BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology physical models BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: plastinated models physiology BT1: Life Sciences NT1: heat shock proteins NT1: metabolites NT1: susceptibility pigeons BT1: birds BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms pigtailed macaques * USE: Macaca nemestrina Pimephales promelas UF: fathead minnow * BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms plane of anesthesia * USE: depth of anesthesia plants BT1: Organisms NT1: transgenic plants plastinated models BT1: physical models BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems policy BT1: Government, Law, and Regulations RT: regulations polymerase chain reaction UF: PCR * BT1: genetics BT2: Life Sciences BT1: laboratory methods BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods postoperative care UF: postsurgical care * BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RT: surgery postsurgical care * USE: postoperative care preanesthesia * USE: preoperative care prediction BT1: statistics BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods preferences, animal * USE: animal preferences preoperative care UF: preanesthesia * BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RT: surgery principal investigators BT1: researchers BT2: people BT3: Human and Social Issues product properties BT1: products BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: biocompatibility NT1: irritant properties product testing BT1: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: cosmetics testing NT1: drug testing Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: drugs NT2: anti-inflammatory drugs NT2: neurotropic drugs NT3: analgesics NT3: anesthetics NT4: general anesthetics NT4: local anesthetics NT3: opioids NT3: sedatives NT3: tranquilizers NT1: efficacy testing NT1: product testing NT2: cosmetics testing NT2: drug testing NT1: products NT2: cosmetics NT2: household products NT2: medical devices NT2: medical materials NT2: personal care products NT2: pesticides NT2: product properties NT3: biocompatibility NT3: irritant properties NT1: safety testing NT1: screening NT1: toxicology NT2: toxic substances NT3: endotoxins NT2: toxicity NT3: acute toxicity NT4: acute dermal toxicity NT4: acute inhalation toxicity NT4: acute oral toxicity NT4: dermal sensitization NT4: eye irritation NT4: skin irritation NT3: carcinogenicity NT3: chronic toxicity NT3: cytotoxicity NT3: drug toxicity NT3: ecotoxicity NT3: embryotoxicity NT3: genotoxicity NT3: hepatotoxicity NT3: mutagenicity NT3: nephrotoxicity NT3: neurotoxicity NT3: phototoxicity NT3: subacute toxicity NT3: subchronic toxicity NT3: sublethal effects NT3: teratogenicity NT2: toxigenesis products BT1: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: cosmetics NT1: household products NT1: medical devices NT1: medical materials NT1: personal care products NT1: pesticides NT1: product properties NT2: biocompatibility NT2: irritant properties protocol review BT1: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees Pseudomonas fluorescens BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: bacteria psychological stress * USE: distress (return to top)


QSAR * USE: quantitative structure activity relationships quantitative structure activity relationships UF: QSAR * BT1: structure activity relationships BT2: biochemistry BT3: Life Sciences (return to top)


rabbits BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms radio frequency identification UF: RFID (radio frequency identification) * BT1: animal identification BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare rats BT1: mammals BT2: vertebrates BT3: animals BT4: Organisms reduction, animal testing * USE: animal use reduction refinement, animal testing * USE: animal use refinement regulations BT1: Government, Law, and Regulations RT: guidelines RT: legislation RT: policy RT: standards replacement, animal testing * USE: animal use replacement reptiles BT1: vertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms researchers BT1: people BT2: Human and Social Issues NT1: principal investigators restraint of animals BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RFID (radio frequency identification) * USE: radio frequency identification rhesus monkeys * USE: Macaca mulatta Rhizopus nigricans BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: yeasts risk assessment BT1: estimation BT2: mathematical models BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems BT2: statistics BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: screening RNA BT1: genetics BT2: Life Sciences (return to top)


safety testing BT1: Product Testing and Toxicology saphenous vein puncture BT1: blood sampling BT2: animal handling BT3: animal husbandry BT4: Animal Care and Welfare Science Education NT1: animals in education NT1: veterinary education screening BT1: Product Testing and Toxicology RT: risk assessment sea urchins BT1: invertebrates BT2: animals BT3: Organisms sedatives BT1: neurotropic drugs BT2: drugs BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology shade BT1: animal environment BT2: Animal Care and Welfare simulation BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems RT: animal use replacement RT: mathematical models skin corrosivity tests * USE: skin irritancy tests skin irritancy tests UF: Corrositex (R) * UF: dermal irritancy tests * UF: skin corrosivity tests * BT1: skin tests BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: patch test RT: eye irritation tests skin irritation UF: dermal irritation * BT1: acute toxicity BT2: toxicity BT3: toxicology BT4: Product Testing and Toxicology skin prick test BT1: skin tests BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods skin sensitization * USE: dermal sensitization skin tests BT1: laboratory tests BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: skin irritancy tests NT2: patch test NT1: skin prick test SMART assay * USE: somatic mutation and recombination assay social behavior BT1: animal behavior BT2: Life Sciences NT1: social dominance NT1: social facilitation social dominance BT1: social behavior BT2: animal behavior BT3: Life Sciences social enrichment BT1: environmental enrichment BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare RT: pair housing social facilitation BT1: social behavior BT2: animal behavior BT3: Life Sciences somatic mutation and recombination assay UF: SMART assay * BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods SOP * USE: standard operating procedures space requirements * USE: animal space requirements specific pathogen-free animals BT1: germ-free animals BT2: laboratory animals BT3: animals BT4: Organisms standard operating procedures UF: SOP * BT1: standards BT2: Government, Law, and Regulations RT: animal handling standards BT1: Government, Law, and Regulations NT1: codes of practice NT1: standard operating procedures RT: regulations statistics BT1: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods NT1: estimation NT2: risk assessment NT1: normal values NT1: prediction RT: experimental design stem cells BT1: cells BT2: Life Sciences NT1: embryonic stem cells stereotyped behavior UF: stereotypic behavior * UF: stereotypies * BT1: abnormal behavior BT2: animal behavior BT3: Life Sciences stereotypic behavior * USE: stereotyped behavior stereotypies * USE: stereotyped behavior stocking density * USE: stocking rate stocking rate UF: animal density * UF: cage density * UF: stocking density * BT1: animal housing BT2: animal environment BT3: Animal Care and Welfare BT1: animal husbandry BT2: Animal Care and Welfare RT: animal space requirements strain differences BT1: genetics BT2: Life Sciences RT: strains strains BT1: breeding BT2: Life Sciences RT: lines RT: strain differences stress, abiotic * USE: abiotic stress stress, psychological * USE: distress structure activity relationships BT1: biochemistry BT2: Life Sciences NT1: quantitative structure activity relationships RT: computer automated structure evaluation subacute toxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology subchronic toxicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology SN: The adverse effects occurring as a result of the repeated daily dosing of a chemical to experimental animals for part (not exceeding 10 per cent) of the life span. sublethal effects BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology sublinguinal vein puncture BT1: blood sampling BT2: animal handling BT3: animal husbandry BT4: Animal Care and Welfare surgery BT1: animal experiments BT2: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT1: animal handling BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare NT1: laser surgery RT: operating rooms RT: postoperative care RT: preoperative care surgical suites * USE: operating rooms susceptibility BT1: physiology BT2: Life Sciences (return to top)


tadpoles BT1: frogs BT2: amphibians BT3: vertebrates BT4: animals BT5: Organisms techniques, laboratory USE: laboratory methods teratogenicity BT1: toxicity BT2: toxicology BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology testing, laboratory * USE: laboratory tests tissue culture BT1: in vitro culture BT2: culture techniques BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods BT3: Non-whole Animal Systems NT1: embryo culture NT1: human tissue cultures toxic substances BT1: toxicology BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: endotoxins toxicity UF: pharmacotoxicity * BT1: toxicology BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: acute toxicity NT2: acute dermal toxicity NT2: acute inhalation toxicity NT2: acute oral toxicity NT2: dermal sensitization NT2: eye irritation NT2: skin irritation NT1: carcinogenicity NT1: chronic toxicity NT1: cytotoxicity NT1: drug toxicity NT1: ecotoxicity NT1: embryotoxicity NT1: genotoxicity NT1: hepatotoxicity NT1: mutagenicity NT1: nephrotoxicity NT1: neurotoxicity NT1: phototoxicity NT1: subacute toxicity NT1: subchronic toxicity NT1: sublethal effects NT1: teratogenicity toxicology BT1: Product Testing and Toxicology NT1: toxic substances NT2: endotoxins NT1: toxicity NT2: acute toxicity NT3: acute dermal toxicity NT3: acute inhalation toxicity NT3: acute oral toxicity NT3: dermal sensitization NT3: eye irritation NT3: skin irritation NT2: carcinogenicity NT2: chronic toxicity NT2: cytotoxicity NT2: drug toxicity NT2: ecotoxicity NT2: embryotoxicity NT2: genotoxicity NT2: hepatotoxicity NT2: mutagenicity NT2: nephrotoxicity NT2: neurotoxicity NT2: phototoxicity NT2: subacute toxicity NT2: subchronic toxicity NT2: sublethal effects NT2: teratogenicity NT1: toxigenesis toxigenesis BT1: toxicology BT2: Product Testing and Toxicology training (animals) UF: animal training * UF: training of animals * BT1: animal husbandry BT2: Animal Care and Welfare training of animal technicians BT1: Animal Care and Welfare RT: animal technicians training of animals * USE: training (animals) tranquilizers UF: anti-anxiety agents * UF: anxiolytics * UF: neuroleptics * BT1: neurotropic drugs BT2: drugs BT3: Product Testing and Toxicology transgenic animals BT1: animals BT2: Organisms transgenic plants BT1: plants BT2: Organisms (return to top)


up-and-down method BT1: animal tests BT2: laboratory tests BT3: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods RT: acute oral toxicity (return to top)


validation BT1: Non-whole Animal Systems RT: experimental design RT: Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods ventilation and air circulation BT1: animal environment BT2: Animal Care and Welfare vertebrates BT1: animals BT2: Organisms NT1: amphibians NT2: caecilians NT2: frogs NT3: tadpoles NT2: newts NT1: birds NT2: chickens NT2: pigeons NT1: fishes NT1: mammals NT2: cats NT2: dogs NT2: gerbils NT2: guinea pigs NT2: hamsters NT2: mice NT2: nonhuman primates NT3: chimpanzees NT3: monkeys NT2: rabbits NT2: rats NT1: reptiles veterinarians BT1: people BT2: Human and Social Issues veterinary education BT1: Science Education Vibrio fischeri BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: bacteria video technology BT1: audiovisual aids BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems virtual reality BT1: computer software BT2: Non-whole Animal Systems (return to top)


water deprivation BT1: animal feeding BT2: animal husbandry BT3: Animal Care and Welfare well-being, animal USE: animal well-being whistleblowing BT1: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (return to top)


Xenopus laevis BT1: (taxonomic nomenclature) BT2: Organisms RT: frog embryo teratogenesis assay--Xenopus RT: frogs (return to top)


yeast mutagenicity assay BT1: bioassays BT2: assays BT3: laboratory tests BT4: Biomedical and Laboratory Methods yeasts BT1: Organisms RT: Rhizopus nigricans (return to top)


zebrafish * USE: Brachydanio rerio zoonoses BT1: Human and Social Issues

Last Updated 8/8/05