Molecular Targets Release Notes

September 2008 Release Notes

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Molecular Targets (excluding Microarray Targets)

10756 Targets Measured (Distinct Experiment IDs)

Estimated chromosomal band copy number extracted from spectral karyotyping.

788 Targets Measured

Microarray data from Chiron, measured on Affymetrix U133 arrays (New!)

44920 Targets Measured

Gene assignments are based on Unigene Build #U214 (June 2008)

Microarray data from GeneLogic, measured on Affymetrix U133 arrays

44928 Targets Measured
44928 Patterns

Gene assignments are based on Unigene Build #U214 (June 2008)

DNA copy number from Weinstein (NCI and Gray (UCSF) labs

359 Targets Measured
359 Patterns

Affymetrix 125k SNP array data from the Sellers lab

Copy number for 125937 features
Allele calls for 125937 features

Microarray data from GeneLogic, measured on Affymetrix U95 arrays

63175 Targets Measured
63175 Patterns

Gene assignments are based on Unigene Build #U214 (June 2008)

Microarray data - from Novartis, measured in triplicate on Affymetrix U95Av2 arrays

12626 Targets Measured
12626 Patterns

Gene assignments are based on Unigene Build #U214 (June 2008)

Microarray data - from the Weinstein (NCI) and Brown & Botstein (Stanford) groups measured on cDNA arrays

9703 Targets Measured
9703 Patterns

Gene assignments are based on Unigene Build #U214 (June 2008)

Microarray data - from Millennium Pharmaceuticals, measured on Affymetrix HUM6000 arrays

Available only as a downloadable file

7451 Targets Measured
7451 Patterns

Gene assignments are based on Unigene Build #U214 (June 2008)