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Thursday, January 15, 2009

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News & Advice
Today's most e-mailed
Prior day's news:  By date | By column

First Person

Two Ph.D. candidates experience a brief and unexpected respite from the usual coldness and bad manners of the hiring process.

Career News

Financial analysts predict that small, tuition-dependent colleges with modest endowments could close during this recession, but the president of one such college is counting on its strengths to help it survive.

The Adjunct Track

When will we realize it's time to take advantage of the economic turmoil and restructure the faculty labor system?

Ms. Mentor

She thought her tormenters were gone forever, but now they may be coming back to town.

Academic Assets

Financial intelligence starts with taking advantage of your university's retirement match.

The Fund Raiser

It may sound counterintuitive, but now is the time to travel to your best donors and talk about their philanthropic goals.

First Person

For a new Ph.D. searching for her first job in her field, the line between the two can be blurry.

On Course

In a new book, an assistant professor of English finds radical new sources of inspiration for his discipline in K-12 classrooms.

Page Proof

How to avoid hurt feelings and battered relationships when friends turn to you for a close read.

First Person

An Illinois liberal-arts college bucks the trend and goes on a hiring binge.

Academic Assets

It is particularly urgent now for academics to attend to their savings and spending.

First Person

A veteran academic offers advice on what to expect at conference interviews and how to conduct yourself.

Balancing Act

Female undergraduate and graduate students voted for Obama in great numbers. So what do they want from him now?

The Two-Year Track

Sometimes our own actions and attitudes unwittingly reinforce the negative stereotypes about community colleges.

Heads Up

E-mail has been around long enough that you'd think we would have learned how to handle it by now.

An Academic in America

The business culture that dominates today's museums has no room for the eccentricities of introverted curators.

The Adjunct Track

The predictable reaction to recent studies about part-time instructors is as insightful as the data.

First Person

A case of sexual harassment and mistaken identity in the digital age.

Moving Up

How the science of economics is instrumental in helping a president run his university.

Career Talk

Preparing to attend your first big academic convention? Here's what you need to consider.

First Person

The process of revising a grant proposal can help you turn piecemeal work into a coherent whole.

First Person

The choice between a job in industry or academic science would be easy if it really were a binary decision.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CV's of three faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career News

College workers in midcareer are most likely to express negative feelings about their jobs, The Chronicle's first extensive survey of college workplaces has found.
On Hiring

The Psychology of Prestige
Will the weak academic job market also weaken the "myth of meritocracy" that dominates faculty hiring?

Thinking Twice About Jobs at Research Universities
Graduate students are turning away from top academic jobs for more family-friendly work environments, a University of California survey found.

Read a special report on how colleges are working to diversify their faculties and staffs.


New Topics

You're Hired ... Just Kidding.

I was notified by the search committee that I got the job, only to have the dean give it to someone else, a job seeker writes.

Recommendation Letter for Student?

Should I write a recommendation letter for a student about whom I have misgivings?, a professor asks.

Lesbian and On the Job Market

A job seeker wonders whether to allude to her sexual orientation during an an interview so she can gauge the campus climate toward gays.

Excuse My Absence?

The semester hasn't even started, but students are already making excuses for missing the first week of class, a professor writes.

When I Get a Job ...

What will you do when you land a job?

Ambivalence About Dissertation and Academe

A graduate student is having doubts about pursuing an academic career.

Cell-Phone Policy

How do you deter students from using their cell phones in class?

Community-College Stigma?

A job seeker wonders whether a stint at a community college will hurt his chances of landing a tenure-track job at a four-year institution.

Is the Job Market That Bad?

Academics compare this year's job market with that of previous years.

Extra Credit

Do you offer extra-credit assignments in your courses?

Hiring Freeze

Job seekers compare notes on which institutions have declared a hiring freeze.

Conversations with Students

Professors share their "favorite" conversations with students.

Job-Market Check-In Thread

Share information about how your search is progressing.

2008 Tenure-Track Newbies

Starting assistant professors recount their joys and frustrations on the job.

Available Forums

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