
Clinical Center

National Institutes of Health
FOR RELEASE: February 28, 1996
Contact: Jan Lipkin
NIH Clinical Center
(301) 594-5790

New online resource available for referring physicians

Service lists research studies taking place at NIH Clinical Center

Physicians who would like to refer a patient to one of the clinical research studies under way at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center now have an online resource.

"Making details on current clinical research studies available over the Internet will increase opportunities for physicians and patients to participate in NIH clinical investigations," says Dr. John I. Gallin, Clinical Center director and NIH associate director for clinical research.

The listing of current clinical research studies is a part of the NIH Clinical Center's home page on the World Wide Web. The Internet address is

After accessing the Clinical Center's home page on the World Wide Web, physicians can click on the category, "Current Clinical Research Studies."

Physicians can search the listing using key words such as "cancer" or "alternative therapies," or they can retrieve the information according to sponsoring institute, primary disease category, or recruitment type.

The listings include study title, summary, sponsoring institute, recruiting detail such as gender and age of participants who are being sought, and how to get more information on specific studies. At present, there are some 1,000 ongoing studies at the Clinical Center.

The online protocols project was developed by the Clinical Center's Medical Record Department and the National Library of Medicine. The listings are updated daily.

The Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center is the research hospital of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Patients who meet clinical research study requirements may be referred by their personal physician to specific studies.

There are about 7,000 inpatient admissions and 68,000 outpatient visits each year. There is no charge for care received as a Clinical Center patient.

For more information, call the Clinical Center's patient referral service at 1-800-411-1222. In metropolitan Washington, D.C., or outside the United States, call 301-496-4891.

Last Modified on 5/3/96

Last Modified March 17, 1998