Options Report details recommendations for the CC's future

A Report to the Secretary from the Department of Health and Human Services' REGO II Options Team on the National Institutes of Health Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center
Helen L. Smits, M.D., Chair
The Clinical Center will change the way it's governed, funded, and managed in order to provide a stable, efficient foundation for clinical research into the next century, according to recommendations contained in an extensive report to HHS Secretary Shalala released February 9.

The report, "Opportunity: Revitalizing the NIH Clincal Center for Tomorrow's Challenges," summarized findings of an Options Team with a mandate to evaluate how best to structure the Clinical Center and its operations. "The recommendations contained in this report will allow the Clinical Center to remain in the forefront of biomedical research into the new century," says Dr. John Gallin, CC director.

Go to the report.

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For the PDF version of the report click here.

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Last modified 7/26/97