VideoLAN - VLC media player

About VideoLAN

VideoLAN is a software project, which produces free and open source software for video, released under the GNU General Public License.
Learn more about the VideoLAN project.

Our main product is the cross-platform VLC media player.

About VLC media player

VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network.
It doesn't need any external codec or program to work.

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VLMa 0.2.0 release


The VideoLAN team is pleased to announce the release of VLMa (VideoLAN Manager) 0.2.0.

Binary packages as well as source tarballs are available for download.
Changes from 0.1 to 0.2.0 include:
  • * support of HTTP streaming,
  • * ability to choose the encapsulation format
  • * notifications of servers' accessibility using mail or IM (MSN and IRC),
  • * enhanced configurability.

A more complete changelog since 0.1 is available at
For more information about VideoLAN Manager, we recommend you visit VLMa website.

VLC media player 0.9.3 and Call for Windows developers


On the heels of 0.9.2 the VideoLAN team presents version 0.9.3, the first bugfix release of the 0.9 series. We are also putting a call out for new Windows developers for our team.

Binary packages for Mac OS X and source code tarballs are available for download. Windows binaries might follow at a later time.
Help is available, as usual, in many places:
We'd like to thank all our contributors, testers and users around the world for their support and help making this release possible.

We are putting out a call for NEW Windows developers. At the moment, our Windows-port is sorely missing some much needed love from a true Windows developer. Our team has been without a Windows developer for several months now, which is blocking us from supporting our largest usergroup in the manner we want to. We are therefore looking for developers to help our team in the areas of debugging crashes, Direct X, A/V capturing, ActiveX and Windows integration, so we can hopefully resume supporting our largest group of users in the best possible way. If we are unable to find new developers, new versions of VLC media player for Windows might become less frequent and severely out of sync with the Linux and Mac OS X versions.

So, no donations for work on the Windows-port and no "opportunities"-emails, for Windows we only require: Developers, Developers, Developers !!!!!

VLC Skin Editor 0.7 release


The VideoLAN Team is pleased to announce the release of VLC Skin Editor 0.7.
After more than a year of development finally the first official stable release is there.

The Skin Editor enables designers to create skins for VLC without having them to learn about XML and the internal makeup of skins2. It provides an easy-to-use WYIWYG editing interface giving full control over all of the skin's features.

Binary packages for windows, including an installer can be found at the Skin Editor page. There can also be found a build for all other operating systems for which exist a Java Runtime Environment 6 SE.

We'd like to thank all contributors and testers for having made this release possible.

VLC media player at IBC 2008


IBC 2008 is the 2nd largest conference and exhibition on Broadcasting technology in the world. Though VLC media player does not have a stand (terribly expensive), it is used on many stands by the attending companies. As every year, several of the VLC media player developers were present on the floor and Derk-Jan Hartman made a photo report showing some of the uses, by companies like: HP, Cisco, Anystream, Fraunhofer, BBC and many smaller companies.

It is the industries 'dirty little secret' you could say. Much of the IPTV based work starts by testing the IPTV streams with VLC media player. New features are sometimes even implemented in VLC media player for internal development, and then once it works, the engineers write a new program based on their experiences, which they deliver to their customers. However sometimes VLC media player even makes it into the endproduct. Big name HP clearly uses VLC media player in this product of theirs.

VLC media player 0.9.2 Grishenko release


The VideoLAN Team is pleased to announce the release of VLC media player 0.9.2 - Grishenko.
Resulting of 2 years of development, it features many new functionalities, including a new interface for Windows and Linux.
A comprehensive list of new features can be found on our our wiki or by reading the release notes.

Binary packages for Windows and Mac OS X, as well as source code tarballs are available for download.
Help is available, as usual, in many places:
We'd like to thank all our contributors, testers and users around the world for their support and help making this release possible.

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