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Notice of Availability of Blood Samples for Validations of Lung Cancer Biomarkers

Despite recent advances in molecular diagnostics, no specific biomarker for the early detection of lung cancer has reached the clinic. To meet this need, the Lung Cancer Biomarkers Group (LCBG) developed a requisite sample resource to validate blood-based biomarkers for the early diagnosis of lung cancer. At present, four reference sets have been planned using serum and plasma samples. The first two reference sets (A and B) include retrospectively collected and clinically annotated blood samples from eight institutions around the United States. Prospective collections from six institutions are ongoing for two additional reference sets (C and D). Sets A and C (180 lung cancer cases of which more than 50% are Stage I, 180 matched controls, over 50 samples from patients with other types of cancer) will provide an opportunity to prevalidate biomarkers for the diagnosis of lung cancer from patients with an abnormal chest x-ray or at high risk for lung cancer. Sets B and D (170 lung cancer cases, 250 matched controls) will provide an opportunity to prevalidate biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer in the context of computed-tomography screening of high-risk individuals. All sets are subdivided into smaller subsets for rapid prevalidation of individual biomarkers, while the full sets are required for prevalidation of multi-biomarker panels or full validation. These reference sets will be assembled and stored at the NCI facility in Frederick, Maryland. Any investigator studying promising lung cancer biomarkers can request access to these sets of specimens.

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Any investigator studying promising lung cancer biomarkers can request access to the above-mentioned sets of specimens. Set A will become available this summer and Set B should be available later in the year. Your request(s) will be considered and approved or disapproved by an internal review committee established by the LCBG.

Karl Krueger, Ph.D.;
Peter Ujhazy, M.D., Ph.D. ;

This page last updated 2007-05-24 11:51:03