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The Lows of Getting High: Alby's Thoughts

On his mother:


“My mother was into drugs. After a point, my mother, she couldn’t take care of us—me, my sister, and my brother—no more... She died of AIDS... I wish she was here. I used to blame her for the problems she put me through... I don’t blame her now because I know when you use drugs you’re not the same person... I just miss her now.”

On why he started smoking marijuana with friends:

“How it seemed was, if you weren’t down with it, they’ll look at you funny. At that point, I was like, ‘I want to be down.’ Truthfully, I did any means necessary to be down with the program... I needed more guidance. How to turn the whole peer pressure thing off—I didn’t know how to deal with that... I was more vulnerable to the negative influence. I didn’t know what that was doing to me. I just fell into the negativity...”

On how he felt when he was smoking marijuana:

“I was lazy a lot. I didn’t want to do things... I was depressed. I felt like I was always in a rut. I was always feeling bad about myself, where I was standing in life.”

On being in treatment:

“I love it … because it’s giving me the tools I need for my foundation in life. School is going great. I’m taking courses for my GED.”

On getting off drugs:

“I was smoking for a long time, and it was like an everyday thing to me. It was a part of me, and now that part of me isn’t there. How can I cope with that? I need something there. It was hard, but I take it one day at a time. If I get tempted to relapse, I tend to go somewhere positive or find someone positive, so that thought doesn’t come back... I feel a lot better about myself. I feel a lot sharper. I don’t feel lazy anymore.”

From Scholastic, Inc and the Scientists of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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