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CRN NewsLetter
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 Volume V, Issue 4 August 2004  

In This Issue

News from NCI
Recent NCI reports that may be of interest:

The Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer was published in the July 1, 2004, (Vol. 101, Issue 1) issue of the journal, Cancer. The authors of this year's report are Ahmedin Jemal, Ph.D. (ACS), Limin X. Clegg, Ph.D. (NCI), Elizabeth Ward, Ph.D. (ACS), Lynn A.G. Ries, M.S. (NCI), Xiaocheng Wu, M.D. (NAACCR), Patricia M. Jamison (CDC), Phyllis A. Wingo, Ph.D. (CDC), Holly L. Howe, Ph.D. (NAACCR), Robert N. Anderson, Ph.D. (CDC), and Brenda K. Edwards, Ph.D.(NCI). The report includes a special feature on cancer survival data.

A 75 page report, Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium: Evaluating Screening Performance in Practice, was recently published by NCI (NIH Publication No. 04- 5490). The report, describing the organization, activities and research results of BCSC, is available online at: Hardcopies of the publication can be requested from Robin Yabroff: From the report's preface: "The BCSC has proved to be an invaluable resource for all American radiologists, in its collection and dissemination of robust data on the current practice of mammography in a representative cross-section of the U.S." - Edward A. Sickles, M.D., Professor in Residence, Department of Radiology, UCSF

- Martin Brown, NCI

Ed's Corner of the World
News from the CRN PI Ed

The CRN strategic planning process is underway. I am very grateful to our hardworking committee (Suzanne Fletcher, Ann Geiger, Sarah Greene, Dave Nerenz, andTom Vogt) who are meeting over the summer to provide the Steering Committee with a report at our October meeting. Their purview is broad, but with special emphasis on increasing publications.

In this vein, we are pursuing the idea of a Journal supplement or monograph to highlight the CRN, and to display the range of our research. In response to a request for possible contributions to such an issue, we were delighted to receive 22 manuscript abstracts. We will be communicating with journal editors shortly.

This issue of the CRN Connection features our Academic Liaison Committee. As you can see, they are a diverse and highly distinguished group. What is less obvious is how much they have already contributed (e.g., reviewing pilot project proposals), and how important their involvement is to the Steering Committee, the NCI and to reviewers of our grants. They are highly valuable resources to us all.

Ed Signature

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Cancer Research Network - The Cancer Research Network (CRN) is a collaboration of 11 non-profit HMOs committed to the conduct of high-quality, public domain research in cancer control. The CRN is a project of NCI and AHRQ.
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