NCI/DTP Repositories
The NIH supports a number of Repositories for the acquisision, storage and distribution of chemical and biological samples, and standards to researchers worldwide. In many cases there is no, or only a nominal fee for samples. The repositories listed below are sponsored by NCI/DTP. Please visit the individual Repository's homepage for inventory details, distribution policies and procedures. |
Biological Resources Branch Preclinical Repository:
A repository of bulk cytokines, monoclonal antibodies, cytokine standards, and other research reagents. -
Biological Testing Branch Tumor Repository:
A repository of in vitro cell lines, transplantable animal and human tumors and microarrays. -
Open Chemical Repository:
A repository of >140,000 small molecules and pure natural products. -
Natural Products Repository:
A repository of natural product extracts from marine and plant sources collected worldwide. -
Radiolabeled Materials Repository:
A repository of more than 100 radiolabeled samples for research and distribution to qualified, licensed research laboratories.
Other NIH Repositories
- NCI- Chemical Carcinogen Reference Standards
- NCI- Clinical Repository
- NCI- Cooperative Human Tissue Network
- NCI- Human HIV Specimens
- NCCR- Mouse Mutant Gene Resource
- NCCR- National Repository for Transgenic Mice and Rats
- NHLBI- Biologic Specimen Repository
- NIA- Cell Repository
- NIAID- AIDS Research & Reference Reagent Repository
- NIAID- Gene Knockout/Transgenic Mice- NIAID Exchange Program
- NIAID- Malaria Research and Reference Reagent Resource Center
- NIAID- Reference Reagent Repository
- NIAID- TB Research Materials & Vaccine Testing Contract
updated 11-20-2007