National / International

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The NTP is increasingly active in developing international partnerships to establish effective means for avoiding duplicative efforts in toxicology testing. The NTP is collaborating with the Ramazzini Foundation (Fondazione Europea B. Ramazzini) on standardization of the conduct and reporting of laboratory studies on the health effects associated with long-term exposure to environmental agents. They share common interest in identifying agents that cause cancer and in understanding the interaction and synergism between genetic susceptibility to cancer and exposure to cancer-causing agents. The NTP is working with the Korean government to help establish a national toxicology program similar to the NTP. The NTP is also participating in the World Health Organization's International Electric and Magnetic Fields Project to facilitate internationally coordinated research on potential health effects. Many NTP scientists participate with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in the evaluation of data and publication of IARC Monographs. The mission of IARC, also part of the World Health Organization, is to coordinate and conduct research on the causes of human cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and to develop scientific strategies for cancer control.