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Planning and Space Management Supporting NIH priorities by providing safe, secure, sound, healthy, and attractive facilities

Multi-Level Parking 10

Multi-Level Parking


Multi-Level Parking lots on the Bethesda campus provide hundreds of spaces for employees and visitors in a much smaller surface area than the surface lots they have been replacing.  Currently, there are five multi-level lots:

  • MLP 6 on the northwest side of campus near Buildings 35, 36 and 37 is for employees.
  • MLP 7 near the National Library of Medicine is for employees.
  • MLP 8 at the intersection of Convent and Lincoln Drives near Buildings 29, 29A and 34 has space for both employees and visitors.
  • MLP 9, opened in 2005, is on Convent Drive near Building 10 and is for employees.
  • MLP 10, also new in 2005, is near the northeast corner of campus near Building 33 and is for employees.

For information about other on-campus parking areas, visit the NIH Campus Parking Map:


Building Other Names:

Bethesda Campus

Available Service(s):

Facility Manager Name (Phone):
Timothy Somin (301-594-1793)

Senior Building Engineer (Phone):

This page last updated on Oct 01, 2008