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Volume 67(8);  August 1952
Manpower shortages in official health agencies
William P. Shepard
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 709–724.
PMCID: PMC2030918
The medical entomologist in public health
E. Harold Hinman
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 755–758.
PMCID: PMC2030923
The tuberculosis problem
Russell E. Teague
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 759–761.
PMCID: PMC2030917
Group chest X-ray examinations and the tuberculosis death rate
Philip Enterline
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 762–766.
PMCID: PMC2030903
Prevalence of tuberculosis in the United States
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 766.
PMCID: PMC2030909
Public health and medicine at the crossroads
Herman E. Hilleboe
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 767–771.
PMCID: PMC2030914
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 772.
PMCID: PMC2030908
Age aspects of environmental and occupational cancers
W. C. Hueper
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 773–779.
PMCID: PMC2030913
Voluntary reporting of venereal diseases in contacts previously reported not infected
Benson H. Sklar, Leonard M. Schuman, and Norman J. Rose
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 780–783.
PMCID: PMC2030905
Dietary standards in the United States
L. A. Maynard
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 784–787.
PMCID: PMC2030919
Family food consumption studies
C. M. Coons
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 788–796.
PMCID: PMC2030924
Drug experience in two programs for medical care
Herbert Notkin, Bettie Rogerson, Wilfrid Davis, and Matthew Taback
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 797–801.
PMCID: PMC2030901
Refuse-can holders
Ralph J. Van Derwerker and Charles C. Johnson, Jr.
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 802–806.
PMCID: PMC2030920
Two surveys of disabling illness
Theodore D. Woolsey
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 807–810.
PMCID: PMC2030915
Leptospiral etiology of Fort Bragg fever
William S. Gochenour, Jr., Joseph E. Smadel, Elizabeth B. Jackson, LaRue B. Evans, and Robert H. Yager
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 811–813.
PMCID: PMC2030907
Public health in the scientific assembly of the American Medical Association: PHR Conference Report
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 815–828.
PMCID: PMC2030912
Statistics in Public Health Programs and Administration
Vistas in public health statistics
Clarence J. Velz
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 725–728.
PMCID: PMC2030911
Application of statistical analysis in a health program
Ruth R. Puffer
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 729–736.
PMCID: PMC2030902
Current methods of collecting statistics of health and health problems
O. K. Sagen
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 737–740.
PMCID: PMC2030922
Statistics in the administration of a State health department
John D. Porterfield
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 741–746.
PMCID: PMC2030916
The administrative value of statistics to a local health officer
Berwyn F. Mattison
Public Health Rep. 1952 August; 67(8): 747–754.
PMCID: PMC2030904
Journal Matter
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