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Volume 104(2);  Mar–Apr 1989
The revitalization of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.
C E Koop and H M Ginzburg
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 105–110.
PMCID: PMC1580037
Firearms injuries and deaths: a critical public health issue. American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs.
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 111–120.
PMCID: PMC1580033
Orthopedic surgeons' attitudes and practices concerning treatment of patients with HIV infection.
P M Arnow, L A Pottenger, C B Stocking, M Siegler, and H W DeLeeuw
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 121–129.
PMCID: PMC1580039
Public acceptance of the Surgeon General's brochure on AIDS.
B Gerbert and B Maguire
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 130–133.
PMCID: PMC1580040
Report of the New England Task Force on Reducing Heart Disease and Stroke Risk.
S Havas, S Wozenski, R Deprez, L Miller, R Charman, M Hamrell, L Green, and S Benn
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 134–142.
PMCID: PMC1580020
High fertility among Indochinese refugees.
J R Weeks, R G Rumbaut, C Brindis, C C Korenbrot, and D Minkler
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 143–150.
PMCID: PMC1580022
Isoniazid hepatitis among pregnant and postpartum Hispanic patients.
A L Franks, N J Binkin, D E Snider, Jr, W M Rokaw, and S Becker
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 151–155.
PMCID: PMC1580026
Surveillance for injuries: cluster of finger amputations from snowblowers.
G R Istre, C Tinnell, D Ouimette, R A Gunn, P Shillam, G S Smith, and R Hopkins
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 155–157.
PMCID: PMC1580034
Family caregiver costs of chronically ill and handicapped children: method and literature review.
P Jacobs and S McDermott
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 158–163.
PMCID: PMC1580019
An outbreak of acute infectious nonbacterial gastroenteritis in a high school in Maryland.
T P Gross, J G Conde, G W Gary, D Harting, D Goeller, and E Israel
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 164–169.
PMCID: PMC1580035
State epidemiology programs and state epidemiologists: results of a national survey.
R A Gunn, M C White, G B Miller, Jr, J L Conrad, and C W Tyler, Jr
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 170–177.
PMCID: PMC1580032
Awareness of hospice services: results of a national survey.
V Mor, G Hendershot, and C Cryan
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 178–183.
PMCID: PMC1580029
Design of the 1986 National Mortality Followback Survey: considerations on collecting data on decedents.
I Seeman, G S Poe, and J K McLaughlin
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 183–188.
PMCID: PMC1580043
Factors influencing intentions of pregnant women to exercise after giving birth.
G Godin, L Vezina, and O Leclerc
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 188–195.
PMCID: PMC1580036
Food counseling for persons infected with HIV: strategy for defensive living.
D L Archer
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 196–198.
PMCID: PMC1580030
Dr. Brandt did not list the number one cause of preventable death.
J H Lutschg
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 198–199.
PMCID: PMC1580041
Dr. Brandt's response: AIDS is not the only priority
Edward N. Brandt, Jr.
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 199.
PMCID: PMC1580044
The "guidelines" on reporting reproductive health statistics tend to confuse rather than clarify.
F Ahmed
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 199–200.
PMCID: PMC1580021
The distinction between rate and ratio is important.
J A Fortney
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 200.
PMCID: PMC1580023
The internal inconsistency was a conscious choice: Dr. Cefalo and Mr. Gay reply
Robert C. Cefalo and George Gay
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 200.
PMCID: PMC1580025
C section rates and increased malpractice premiums--an alternate explanation.
W P Johnson
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 200–201.
PMCID: PMC1580028
Reply to Dr. Johnson: other control variables need to be explored
Steven Rock
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 201.
PMCID: PMC1580024
Sandra Smith and Farrell Wolfson
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 202–203.
PMCID: PMC1580027
Public Health Rep. 1989 Mar–Apr; 104(2): 204–208.
PMCID: PMC1580038
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