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Volume 47(2);  February 1990
Epidemiology of spirometric test failure.
M R Becklake
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 73–74.
PMCID: PMC1035104
Long-term follow up of workers exposed to solvents.
C Edling, K Ekberg, G Ahlborg, Jr, R Alexandersson, L Barregård, L Ekenvall, L Nilsson, and B G Svensson
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 75–82.
PMCID: PMC1035105
Longitudinal respiratory survey of shipyard workers: effects of trade and atopic status.
D J Chinn, I C Stevenson, and J E Cotes
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 83–90.
PMCID: PMC1035106
Asbestos bodies in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of brake lining and asbestos cement workers.
P Dumortier, P De Vuyst, P Strauss, and J C Yernault
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 91–98.
PMCID: PMC1035107
Mortality and cancer incidence in chloralkali workers exposed to inorganic mercury.
L Barregård, G Sällsten, and B Järvholm
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 99–104.
PMCID: PMC1035108
Effects of low exposure to inorganic mercury on psychological performance.
L Soleo, M L Urbano, V Petrera, and L Ambrosi
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 105–109.
PMCID: PMC1035109
Sister chromatid exchanges in human lymphocytes treated with silica.
J C Pairon, M C Jaurand, L Kheuang, X Janson, P Brochard, and J Bignon
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 110–115.
PMCID: PMC1035111
Nasal mucosa in workers exposed to formaldehyde: a pilot study.
M Boysen, E Zadig, V Digernes, V Abeler, and A Reith
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 116–121.
PMCID: PMC1035112
Mortality from circulatory diseases, especially ischaemic heart disease in sea pilots and boatmen in Sweden 1951-84: a retrospective cohort study.
L Nyström, B Kolmodin-Hedman, E Jönsson, and L Thomasson
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 122–126.
PMCID: PMC1035113
Comparison of chest radiograph reading methods for assessing progress of pneumoconiosis over 10 years in Wittenoom crocidolite workers.
N H de Klerk, A W Musk, A James, J J Glancy, and W O Cookson
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 127–131.
PMCID: PMC1035114
Serum lipoproteins in day and shift workers: a prospective study.
A Knutson, H Andersson, and U Berglund
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 132–134.
PMCID: PMC1035115
Occupational health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
R S Schilling and J C McDonald
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 135–137.
PMCID: PMC1035116
Cardiac arrhythmias during occupational exposure to fluorinated hydrocarbons.
M Antti-Poika, J Heikkilä, and L Saarinen
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 138–140.
PMCID: PMC1035117
Smoking and mortality from coalworkers' pneumoconiosis.
R L Sadler and T J Roy
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 141–142.
PMCID: PMC1035118
Influence of rheumatoid factor in coalminers' pneumoconiosis in the Fujian Shaowu colliery, south China.
Y B Yeh and Y R Lai
Br J Ind Med. 1990 February; 47(2): 143–144.
PMCID: PMC1035119
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