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Volume 44(1);  January 1987
Safety at sea: a forgotten frontier?
M S Reilly
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 1–4.
PMCID: PMC1007771
Have "formal investigations" into fishing vessel losses ceased?
M S Reilly
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 7–13.
PMCID: PMC1007772
A neurological evaluation of workers exposed to mixtures of organic solvents.
N A Maizlish, L J Fine, J W Albers, L Whitehead, and G D Langolf
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 14–25.
PMCID: PMC1007773
Alveolar sampling and fast kinetics of tetrachloroethene in man. II. Fast kinetics.
J J Opdam and J F Smolders
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 26–34.
PMCID: PMC1007774
Prevalence of overuse (injury) syndrome in Australian music schools.
H J Fry
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 35–40.
PMCID: PMC1007775
An experimental study of the physiological effects of chain saw operation.
T Miyakita, H Miura, and M Futatsuka
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 41–46.
PMCID: PMC1007776
Lysozyme activity in ultrastructurally defined fractions of alveolar macrophages after inhalation exposure to nickel.
A Johansson, M Lundborg, S Skog, C Jarstrand, and P Camner
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 47–52.
PMCID: PMC1007777
Respiratory diseases in wood workers.
A Carosso, C Ruffino, and M Bugiani
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 53–56.
PMCID: PMC1007778
Mortality and cancer incidence among workers in an abrasive manufacturing industry.
C Edling, B Järvholm, L Andersson, and O Axelson
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 57–59.
PMCID: PMC1007779
Mortality from non-malignant diseases among women in the meat industry.
E S Johnson
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 60–63.
PMCID: PMC1007780
Energy expenditure of agricultural workers in an area of endemic schistosomiasis in the Sudan.
M A el Karim, K J Collins, and C Dore
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 64–67.
PMCID: PMC1007781
History of occupational medicine: relevance of Imhotep and the Edwin Smith papyrus.
P W Brandt-Rauf and S I Brandt-Rauf
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 68–70.
PMCID: PMC1007782
Evaluation of the chelating action of methicillin in prolonged experimental metallic mercury poisoning.
W H Lyle
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 71.
PMCID: PMC1007783
Solvents and the brain: explanation of the discrepancy between the number of toxic encephalopathy reported (and compensated) in Denmark and other countries.
E O Errebo-Knudsen and F Olsen
Br J Ind Med. 1987 January; 44(1): 71–72.
PMCID: PMC1007784
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