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Link to NIH Staff Interaction with the Executive Secretariat
Controlled Correspondence SERCH Communications with Congress Signature of the NIH Director on Certificates NIH Director's Official Files
System for Enterprise Records and Correspondence Handling (SERCH)
* What is SERCH?

The System for Enterprise Records and Correspondence Handling (SERCH) is a web-based system developed for ES to electronically route controlled correspondence to all ICs and OD offices, and for the managers in those offices to digitally sign response documents and return them electronically to ES.   SERCH was implemented on August 15, 2005.   Some advantages are:

  • SERCH works on either a PC or a Mac

  • SERCH allows secure web access through standard web browsers, including Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari

  • Each NIH office can maintain an electronic reading file on a secure system rather than storing sensitive documents on an insecure shared drive

  • NIH Executives can digitally sign documents when they are on travel or working from another location

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* How do I log in?
  • Using your web browser, go to https://serch.nih.gov/

  • At the login screen (shown below), enter “nih” as the domain.

  • Enter your network ID and password — the one that you use to log into the network each day.

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* I forgot my password—how do I get it reset?

  • Verify that you are using the correct NIH Login username and password — it is the same password that you use to login to e-mail.

  • Check to ensure that your CAPS LOCK key is not on.

  • If you need to have your NIH Login password reset, call the NIH Help Desk at 301-496-4357.

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* I forgot the password I use when I digitally sign documents — how do I get it reset?

  • The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) password is the only password used at NIH that cannot be reset. If you cannot recall the password, you will need to register for a new PKI certificate.

  • Since SERCH will not lock you out for trying several PKI passwords, you may want to try that first.

  • To register for a new PKI certificate, call the NIH Help Desk at 301-496-4357.

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* Who do I contact to add a new user to SERCH?

  • Contact the NIH Executive Secretariat (ES).

  • If the new user is a Correspondence Contact, complete the Correspondence Contact Change Form.

  • If the new user will have authority to digitally sign documents on behalf of the IC or OD Office Director, complete the SERCH Signature form and return the signed form to ES.

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* What software do I need to install to use SERCH?

  • Since SERCH is a web site, there is no special software for you to install.

  • SERCH requires the free Adobe Reader (version 7.0.8 or later) to view documents. If you have Adobe Professional installed, you may want to set the preferences so that it points to Reader to view documents.

  • SERCH uses pop-up windows to display some information, so your web browser should be set up to trust the SERCH web site.

  • If you are a digital signature user, install your PKI certificate and graphical signature files on your computer and test to ensure that they work.

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* How do I make SERCH a trusted web site?

  • If you use Internet Explorer, click on “Tools” in the menu bar and then click on “Internet Options”.

  • Click on the “Security” tab, select the “Trusted sites” icon, and click the “Sites...” button.

  • Type “https://serch.nih.gov/” into the textbox and click the “Add” button. Then click the “OK” button.

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* Where can I get a copy of the SERCH User Manual?

  • In the Tasks window in the lower left section of the SERCH screen, click on “Additional Links” to see a link to the SERCH User Manual.

  • To print the manual, save a copy of that PDF file to your computer. Then you can print a copy.

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* I have more questions about how to use SERCH — where can I get additional help?

There is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) available in SERCH. In the Tasks window in the lower left section of the SERCH screen, click on “Additional Links” to see a link to the FAQs.

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Last updated: May 8, 2007