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Office of Community Liaison
Meeting Minutes May 16, 2002

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Community Liaison Council Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2002, 4–6 p.m.
Natcher Conference Center, Building 45, Conference Room D


  • Agenda
  • April 18, 2002 Community Liaison Council (CLC) meeting minutes
  • NIH Community Liaison Council Members (roster as of May 15, 2002)
  • MLP [multilevel parking] - 6 Parking Facility Restoration Project
  • MLP - 8 Parking Structure Repair Project
  • The NIH Record, May 14, 2002, Vol. LIV, No. 10
  • MD Environment, May 2002, Vol. VI, No. 1
  • Map of NIH Campus


Ms. Hedetniemi, Director, Office of Community Liaison (OCL), National Institutes of Health (NIH) introduced herself and welcomed the Community Liaison Council (CLC) members, individuals substituting for other CLC members, invited guests, and visitors.

Ms. Hedetniemi asked for corrections to the April 2002 CLC meeting minutes. The Council approved the minutes with no corrections. In addition, she reviewed the handouts to be used as exhibits during the meeting.

In order to maintain an up-to-date record of official primary and alternate representatives from each association, Ms. Hedetniemi asked each member to review the current CLC member roster and update any information as necessary.

Ms. Hedetniemi noted the appointment of the 15th NIH Director, Elias Zerhouni, M.D., and The NIH Record article about him (May 14, 2002, pp. 1 & 6). The Council members agreed to invite Dr. Zerhouni to attend a future CLC meeting. Ms. Hedetniemi will relay the Council's wishes to Co-Chair, Ms. Ginny Miller, Wyngate Citizens Association, who had not yet arrived at the meeting.


The Family Lodge expansion is now fully funded by the Safra Foundation.

Dr. Robert McKinney, Director, Division of Safety, Office of Research Services (ORS), NIH, has retired, effective June 1, 2002.

Ms. Miller stated that she had presented the NIH perimeter fence and safety precautions information to the Wyngate Citizens Association, which she represents.

Pat Southerland, Huntington Parkway Citizens Association, requested an update on the status of the gas pipeline. Ms. Hedetniemi said that the offers are still under review.

Mr. George Oberlander, Huntington Parkway Citizens Association, noted that the Agenda Subcommittee would discuss the status of the gas line proposal at its June 10, 2002 meeting.

Ms. Ivette Hayes, alternate to Ms. Lorraine Driscoll, who represents the Huntington Terrace Citizens Association, requested an update on Metro access. She asked about pedestrian traffic traversing the NIH Campus and shuttle bus routing after a perimeter fence is in place. Ms. Hedetniemi noted that an assessment report will be presented at the June 20, 2002, CLC meeting, by Ms. Stella Serras-Fiotes, Director, Office of Facilities Planning (OFP), ORS, NIH.

Mr. Richard Sipe, Camelot Mews, noted issues of concern near Lot 41 on the NIH campus: white contractor buses that turn their lights on at 5 a.m., an abandoned truck in the southeast buffer zone, and the unkempt area near the site of the old tennis court. Ms. Hedetniemi said that she and Lynn Mueller will tour the area on Monday to address these concerns. Ms. Serras-Fiotes added that she look into the concern about the buses.

Mr. Stephen Sawicki of Edgewood Glenwood Citizens Association asked about NIH's response to the letter from Maryland Congresswoman Connie Morella addressing concerns about the perimeter fence. Ms. Serras-Fiotes stated that she is preparing a response for Dr. Zerhouni's signature to address all of the concerns outlined in Rep. Morella's letter.

Mr. Sawicki noted that an invitation to attend a citizens' meeting had been declined by Ms. Hedetniemi and wanted to understand the rationale for doing so. Ms. Hedetniemi informed the Council that the CLC's Agenda Subcommittee had discussed attending ad hoc meetings during their meeting on May 13, 2002. She asked Subcommittee member Dr. Morton Goldman of Luxmanor Citizens Association to report on their deliberations. Dr. Goldman stated that the Subcommittee affirmed that community concerns should be expressed during the meetings of the CLC. Further, the Subcommittee felt the entire CLC should address such invitations. Moreover, the Subcommittee advised discouraging what might appear to be cliques, and emphasized that the proper venue for community concerns already exists via representatives' liaison to their neighborhood associations.

Mr. Sawicki related that during the April 2002 CLC meeting there were members of the community who did not have an opportunity to express their opinions. Ms. Hedetniemi responded it was unfortunate that erroneous information had been released announcing that the April meeting would be a public hearing. In addition, Mr. Sawicki requested that presentations from prior meetings be updated at subsequent Council meetings. Ms. Hedetniemi responded that the opportunity to do so is during the agenda time reserved Council for comments or announcements.

Lastly, Ms. Hedetniemi announced her June 30, 2002 retirement date. She thanked the CLC for their kind words in response to her announcement. She anticipates a smooth transition with an acting director until a new director is recruited. Moreover, Ms. Hedetniemi has talked with Dr. Ruth Kirschstein about making recommendations to Dr. Zerhouni. In addition, Ms. Hedetniemi will brief Dr. Zerhouni about the activities of the CLC prior to her own departure.


Update on Security Planning
by Stella Serras-Fiotes, Director, Office of Facilities Planning, ORS, NIH

Ms. Serras-Fiotes announced that an architectural engineering firm has been hired to design the perimeter fence and that an assessment of the conditions of perimeter and buffer zone had been completed. This firm conducted an assessment of existing conditions including topography, utilities, set backs, natural barriers-trees and vegetation, etc. Further, she noted that the assessment report was nearly complete and its submission was anticipated at the end of May 2002. After review by NIH, Ms. Serras-Fiotes will report findings at the June CLC meeting. Subsequently, the actual siting and design of the fence and vehicular gates at entry points will take place. She related that the concerns expressed by CLC members already had been relayed to the firm.

CLC members posed the following questions:

Ralph Schofer, Maplewood Citizens Association, noted that access to the NIH campus could be gained over any type of fence: Would there be constant surveillance? Is it planned for access via roadway inside the perimeter fence? What types of interdiction would there be for intruders? Ms. Serras-Fiotes replied that these concerns have been considered. Mr. Jack Costello, Bethesda Parkhill Citizens Association, questioned the cost to construct the fence. Ms. Hedetniemi replied that information about the construction costs could be obtained once the contract is awarded.

Locust Hill's representative, Ms. Eleanor Rice, asked about securing an easement to accommodate a roadway "jug handle" at the northeast corner of the Campus at Cedar Lane, where left turns are prohibited during rush hour. Ms. Serras-Fiotes replied that it was highly improbable that easement would be granted.

Mr. Sawicki noted concerns outlined by the NIH Alumni Association in a letter sent to the NIH Director. These concerns include the danger and risk to the community from agents being released from the existing or proposed laboratories, plans for response for future threats to security and costs associated with the security required.

Ms. Hedetniemi stated that the biodefense plan proposed for the FY 2003 budget is under the purview of the U.S. President and undergoes an appropriations process. NIH does not control the budget. She reminded the CLC of Dr. Thomas Kindt's April 2002 CLC presentation, in which he covered previous and current biodefense initiatives, described the NIH facilities, and explained the types of laboratories and contingent safety requirements for different lab levels.

Further, she noted that the laboratory construction and the perimeter fence construction are not connected. She advised that constituents write to Congress and the President about their concerns, because NIH is subject to their decisions. Further, she noted that everything that goes through the NIH Master Plan comes before the CLC for review and comment. Ms. Serras-Fiotes said that she would respond to the NIH Alumni Association letter.

Ms. Miller added that materials used and developed in these laboratories have existed on the NIH campus for several years and suggested that the CLC should feel confident in the level of security already in place for the biosafety level three labs (BSL-3).

Ms. Rice expressed concern about overall U.S. security. She described a letter she wrote to Congress before the September 11, 2001, terrorists' strikes addressing several issues concerning the NIH. She also expressed concern about the number of employees working on the Campus and stated that in 2005 NIH would be at capacity. Ms. Serras-Fiotes stated that the capacity on campus would be limited to 22,000 employees, regardless of which year that number is attained.

Ms. Rice further noted concerns about Building 41, a BSL-4 research lab, citing that work on a drug-resistant tuberculosis bacterium warranted a security fence around this lab to prevent intruder access. She suggested that the CLC discuss the possibilities of off-Campus facilities and labs. She recommended looking at a secure facility on largely undeveloped land in White Oak that soon will be decommissioned by its Naval authority.

Mr. Sawicki wondered about losing a couple of hundred parking spaces due to the construction of the new lab. Ms. Serras-Fiotes noted that a parking facility is included as part of the laboratory complex.

A member of the Huntington Terrace Citizens Association asked who is responsible for considering a security checkpoint for pedestrians to gain access to cross the Campus and walk to Metro. Ms. Hedetniemi replied that responsibility resides with the Director of NIH, the General Services Administration and the Secretary of Homeland Security. She stated that she would convey issues about access points to the fence designers and invited CLC representatives to submit their opinions via e-mail to her before the end of May, so she may pass them along. Ms. Serras-Fiotes added that whether access would be denied or permitted is an operations issue; the design will allow for various alert levels and modes of operation. The current plan calls for the perimeter fence to be completed in 2003.

Another Council concern is the length of the pathway that is planned for pedestrians and bike traffic outside the fence. Ms. Hedetniemi suggested that members relay questions to Ms. Serras-Fiotes before she presents a report on the perimeter fence assessment at the June 20, 2002, CLC meeting.

Ms. Hedetniemi welcomed and introduced Martin (Marty) Klauber, from the Montgomery County Council's Office of Peoples Counsel. She expressed her appreciation for his attendance at this meeting, invited him to join the CLC, and asked him to continue to attend meetings.

Lastly, Ms. Hedetniemi called attention to the article published in the handout, MD Environment, which cites the efforts and success of the NIH Division of Safety, ORS, in cutting campus mixed wastes and highlights its pollution prevention efforts. In particular, the campaign to be mercury free, entitled Mad as a Hatter? Campaign for a Mercury Free NIH was cited. She remarked that NIH was selected as a stellar organization and complimented the efforts of the division in receiving this prestigious award.

MLP-6 Parking Facility Repairs and Restoration
by H.M. (Buz) Orrison, Maintenance Program Specialist, Resource Management Section, ORS, NIH

Ms. Hedetniemi introduced Mr. Orrison. His presentation covered the need for repairs and restoration to extend the life of Multi-Level Parking-6 (MLP-6) structure. The repairs are tentatively scheduled during weekdays and weekends from June 8 to September 14, 2002. Mr. Orrison assured CLC members that every attempt would be made to minimize noise annoyance to the adjacent communities—near Lincoln Drive, Old Georgetown Road, and Suburban Hospital.

The repairs consist of strengthening columns, expansion joints, and vertical load bearing beams; repairing hairline cracks in the concrete ceilings; and applying moisture protection to walking surfaces.

The schedule calls for noise-associated work to start and end on weekdays no earlier than 7 a.m. and no later than 4:30 p.m.; and on weekends to start and end no earlier than 9 a.m. and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays and holidays and 3 p.m. on Sundays.

Ms. Hedetniemi requested that McKinley Street residents also receive a flyer about the project.

Mr. Oberlander asked if work and noise would end at 4:30 p.m. Mr. Orrison replied that the noise would end at this time; after that time, workers will finish by putting away equipment.

MLP-8 Parking Facility Repairs and Restoration
by Ms. Artemis Papademetriou, Project Officer, DCAB Team 8, NIH

Ms. Papademetriou presented information about repairs to be performed on MLP-8 located at Lincoln Drive on the Campus. Hours for repairs are the same as cited above for MLP-6 and repairs (tentatively) are to begin June 3 and completed by July 31, 2002. She emphasized that every effort will be made to mitigate noise and dust disturbances that may be felt by the surrounding community. Work consists of moving conduit from the underside of the concrete slab, soft-cutting and filling cracks, and checking support under the garage.

The CLC voiced concerns about the dust generated during saw cutting and effects in particular on an asthmatic child residing in the community. Ms. Papademetriou explained that the dust should only affect the immediate work area inside the parking structure.

Stormwater Management Plan
by Ms. Stella Serra-Fiotes, Director, OFP, ORS, NIH

Ms. Serras-Fiotes stated that the Stormwater Management Plan will be discussed at the June CLC meeting by representatives of Montgomery County and NIH.


Mr. F. Anthony Clifford, Director, Division of Engineering Services, ORS, NIH, who led the Campus bus tour, welcomed the group and provided a map of the Campus, which displays the location of buildings, parking facilities and roadway access. The purpose of the tour was to show progress on construction since the 2001 tour and to provide a visual update on new construction and proposed sites of future projects.

While enroute to the Children's Inn at NIH, Mr. Clifford pointed out several buildings and areas, including the construction near the Stone House, the now-completed Plaza adjacent to Building 50, Building 1 housing the NIH Director's and administrative offices, Building 31 housing Institute Directors and their staffs, and Building 10's addition, the new Clinical Research Center (CRC).

The Inn addition, the new Family Lodge, a utility substation, and an overview of the progress on the CRC were presented. Also, Mr. Clifford pointed out the groundbreaking for the new NIH Firehouse (completion in 2003), near Old Georgetown Road and Center Drive. In addition, he commented on Buildings 65, 37, 35, 36, 49, and 13. In particular, he pointed out a fence that currently protects Building 41 and NIH's substation.

In addition, Ms. Serras-Fiotes commented about plans for a future animal holding facility and the new Research Quad. Lastly, the Vehicle Inspection Area and the Day Care facility that opened in September were noted.


  • Ms. Hedetniemi will relay the wishes of the Council to Co-Chair Ginny Miller, to invite the newly-appointed NIH Director, Dr. Elias Zerhouni, to attend a Council meeting.
  • Ms. Serras-Fiotes is preparing a response to the NIH Alumni Association letter sent to NIH.
  • Ms. Serras-Fiotes is preparing a response to Rep. Morella's letter.
  • Ms. Hedetniemi said that she and Lynn Mueller will tour the southeast buffer area on Monday to address eye sore concerns.
  • Ms. Serras-Fiotes will address the issue regarding the contractor buses.
  • Ms. Hedetniemi will convey issues about access points, in particular pedestrian traffic, to the fence designers.
  • CLC representatives will submit their concerns about the perimeter fence to Ms. Hedetniemi via e-mail before the end of May, so she may pass this information to the fence designers.
  • The OCL will distribute flyers to McKinley Street residents about the MLP-6 and MLP-8 projects.


The next CLC meeting will take place on June 20, 2002. She also announced that there would be no Council meeting in August.


CLC Members:
Lorraine Bell, Palladian Partners, Inc.
Jeanne Billings, Ph.D., Wisconsin Condominium Association
Stefanie Brown, National Capital Planning Commission
F. Anthony Clifford, DES, ORS, NIH
Jack Costello, Bethesda Parkhill Citizens Association
Daniel M. Fox, East Bethesda Citizens Association
Morton Goldman, Sc.D., Luxmanor Citizens Association
Jeanne Goldstein, Montgomery County Civic Federation
Janyce Hedetniemi, OCL, OD, NIH
Jennie Kirby, OCL, OD, NIH
Terry LaMotte, Palladian Partners, Inc.
Marilyn Mazuzan, Town of Oakmont
Deborah Michaels, Glenbrook Village Home Owners Association
Ginny Miller, Wyngate Citizens Association
George Oberlander, Huntington Parkway Citizens Association
Lucy Ozarin, M.D., Whitehall Condominium Citizens Association
Karen Pierce, Suburban Hospital Foundation
Eleanor Rice, Locust Hill Civic Association
Sharon Robinson, OCL, OD, NIH
Stephen Sawicki, Edgewood Glenwood Citizens Association
Ralph Schofer, Maplewood Citizens Association
Stella Serras-Fiotes, AIA, Office of Facilities Planning, ORS, NIH
Richard D. Sipe, Camelot Mews Citizens Association
Deborah Snead, Bethesda-Chevy Chase Services Center
Pat Southerland, Huntington Parkway Citizens Association
J. Paul Van Nevel, NIH Alumni Association

Alternates to CLC Representatives:
Larry Haslet (for Eric Larsen), Sonoma Citizens Association
Ivette Hayes (for Lorraine Driscoll), Huntington Terrace Citizens Association
Margaret Kall Ziegler (for Kristin O'Connor), M-NCPPC

Additional Invited Participants:
Buz Orrison, DES/PWB/RMS
Artemis Papademetriou, DCAB, NIH

R. Amelang, Elsmere Avenue, Bethesda, MD
Linda Cornelius, community resident
Clarence Dukes, OFP, NIH
Jim Gill, TREMCO Inc., Crofton, MD
Scott Herbstman, Bethesda Gazette
Leslie Hildebrand, Huntington Terrace Citizens Association
Bill Jirles, NIEHS, NIH
Martin Klauber, Office of Peoples Counsel, Montgomery (Maryland) County Council
Peter McGrath, Jacobs Facilities, NIH
Tapas Pradhan, NIDDK, NIH
Lois Raimondo, Washington Post


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