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Agent Name 1,8,9-Anthracenetriol
Alternative Name Anthralin
CAS Number 480-22-8
Formula C14-H10-O3
Major Category Other Classes
Synonyms 1,8,9-Anthratriol; 1,8,9-Trihydroxyanthracene; Dermaline; Derobin; Dioxyanthranol; DrithoCreme; Drithoscalp; Lasan; [ChemIDplus]
Category Other Organic Compounds
Description Odorless yellow solid; [Hawley]
Sources/Uses Used topically to treat psoriasis; [Hawley]
Comments Very irritating to skin and eyes; [Hawley] A skin, eye, mucous membrane, and respiratory tract irritant; May stain skin reddish-brown; [CAMEO]
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Last updated: January, 2009