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Travel expenses and geographical distances are easily overcome with CIT's Web Collaboration Services. Web Collaboration is a tool that provides rich media communication for instant virtual informal and formal meetings with colleagues or collaborators across the globe. 

User Guides: Written Procedures for Common Functions

List of Available Help Topics

Guide to Attending a Meeting
Covers how to join a meeting, join a conference call, control your audio and video, use screen sharing, send a chat message, and view a recorded meeting. View PDF User's Guide ( PDF, 2.1MB)

Guide for Hosts and Presenters
Covers creating meetings, switching between layouts, starting and stoping a conference call, screen sharing, changing an attendee's role, using the Note pod, using the Chat pod, using the Q & A pod, and how to record your meeting. View PDF User's Guide ( PDF, 2.1MB)

Attendee Pod - Managing Attendees
From the Attendee List pod, attendees can quickly see who is logged in to a meeting and monitor everyone’s name, role, and status. A host can manage meeting attendance and participants’ rights, and if audio conference calling is enabled, you can view your conference call status, dial out to yourself to enter the phone conference, and mute your phone connection.

Camera & Voice Pod - Broadcasting Audio and Video
Using the Camera And Voice pod in Acrobat Connect Professional, hosts and presenters can broadcast and view live audio, video, or both. Includes how to setup audio and video, specify settings for all attendees, change video aspect ratio, allow or disallow participants to broadcast audio and video, and select which broadcasts you receive.

Camera & Voice Pod - Using the Audio Wizard
Presenter installs as a Microsoft® PowerPoint® add-in. It adds the ability to create quizzes and surveys, add audio, and publish to your desktop or directly to the Breeze server.

Captioning Pod - Add Live Captioning to Your Meeting
Real-time captioning of audio content may be easily integrated into meetings and events delivered via Acrobat Connect. Users have the ability to view and format captions in real time as well as view them as a transcript at the conclusion of a meeting, ensuring that participants who are deaf or hard of hearing may fully participate in online meetings and events.

Chat Pod - Instant Messaging
How to select the recipient(s) and send a chat message, disable private chat, clear the chat pod, and use chat notifications.

Chat Pod - Using Question & Answer functions
How to add a Q&A Pod and link it to a Chat Pod, submitting questions, answering questions, filtering and forwarding questions, managing questions.

File Sharing Pod - Share Content Uploaded to the NIH Connect Server
Preloading content to the Connect Server allows you to have documents available for attendees to download or for you to display. How to upload a file from your computer to the server, how to download a file from the file sharing pod.

Note Pod - Display a Text Memo
How to create, edit, rename, or delete a text note and how to email the contents of a note pad.

Polling Pod - Adding a Survey to Your Meeting
How to add a Q&A Pod and link it to a Chat Pod, submitting questions, answering questions, filtering and forwarding questions, managing questions.

Share Pod - Displaying Content Stored on Your Computer
How to display your computer screen or a document stored on your computer, control the display layout, use whiteboard tools, and allow others to share their content.

Web Links Pod - Open a Web Page on all Attendees Computers
During meetings, hosts or presenters may want participants to view websites. You can use the Web Links pod to force attendees’ browsers to open a designated URL. How to add, display, rename and remove a web link.

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